Marina fees


Well-known member
7 Feb 2008
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I so far am disappointed that other forum members have not shared there marina notifications, I was hopeful that this would give us all an insight into the possibility of what is achievable to assist us in carrying on our hobby in the months and years to come.
We can already see there is a North South divide as marinas in the South are mainly closed to berth holders.

The marina where I keep my boat not in a chain. Located East Midlands
The marina is closed .
No boat movements .

I don't expect any price reductions from the marina. In fact I expect the mooring fees will rise at the next renewal which for me is July.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
South coast
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I so far am disappointed that other forum members have not shared there marina notifications, I was hopeful that this would give us all an insight into the possibility of what is achievable to assist us in carrying on our hobby in the months and years to come.
We can already see there is a North South divide as marinas in the South are mainly closed to berth holders.

My marina has not offered anything beyond extending monthly payments. I paid mine in full prior to the April renewal so have not got (nor would I expect) any reduction or refund.

They're fulfilling their part of the deal, which is to provide a secure place to keep my boat. It's not their fault I can't use it any more than it would be if I'd broken my legs and couldn't use it.

On the horizon

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10 Dec 2019
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My marina has not offered anything beyond extending monthly payments. I paid mine in full prior to the April renewal so have not got (nor would I expect) any reduction or refund.

They're fulfilling their part of the deal, which is to provide a secure place to keep my boat. It's not their fault I can't use it any more than it would be if I'd broken my legs and couldn't use it.
Putting the current Coronavirus situation to one side, if I found myself with limited income i would have to seriously consider what was important in my life and may indeed have to move my boat to a more cost effective location or heaven forbid sell her.

A bit of perspective is required, there is a bigger picture, many are dieing, many will remain unemployed for months after this is over, many cannot now put food on the table, many have had their whole lives turned upside down .
if all we have to worry about is whether or not we can pay our fees , I consider myself lucky.


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16 Nov 2013
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As we all know. CV has put the year on hold for 99% of us.
we have all got or heard tails of loss or hardship.

Personally I would lower rent a little if possible, weather it would be on a high street, industrial estate or marina.
I would not kill the golden goose,
Yes I agree the boats are ours, but a little can go along way,
We are all in this togther and we all need to come out of this together.
If someone is selfish towards you, just remember it.


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
Having been away from the water for a few years we decided this year we would dip our toe again & buy another boat , this we did over the winter having found just what we had been looking for, in need of very little by way of Tlc and ready to go the thought of getting back out on the water again this year was exciting to say the least.
Having paid for a berth in advance on the itchen ( Mdl) somewhere we have always kept our previous boats,. The plan was to move her from her current marina on the Hamble (non Mdl) Before her contract expired at the end of March ....Cue Coronavirus and the lockdown, we now find ourselves locked in on the Hamble as her contract has now finished but we cannot move, the Marina in question is now charging us the standard visitor monthly rate With no option or offer to reduce the fee.!!!! I have tried. I am not asking for it to be free as obviously my boat is on a berth in their marina and being looked after but Some consideration would have been appreciated.
In contrast I contacted Mdl explained my situation and they have agreed to defer my contract start date until I arrive which is a refreshing and sensible approach from a big player....needless to say I cannot wait to get her out of where she currently is.
I’d like to hear which marina your boat is currently berthed . Sounds like a case of get as much as you can .
I heard a case where berth holder was on winter rate for it to double from1 April with no compassion whatsoever, especially the company had a contract in place up to end of March , big player too that won’t allow the boat to leave the marina


Well-known member
29 Jul 2009
Winter in Falmouth, summer on board Rampage.
I’m in the Falmouth area. My marina is closed but has retained near normal manning so as to manage those boats in the water either in the marina or on moorings. My boat is ashore and will remain so until further notice as all boat movements have been put on hold. No offers of refunds or credits and frankly, I don’t expect any. The marina‘s fixed costs haven’t somehow evaporated and they’ve lost much of the income they would have received from relaunches, visiting boats, fuel sales and so on and so forth.
Equally, my boat in Greece is in a yard and locked down for the duration and I don’t expect any change in their charging policies.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
South coast
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Putting the current Coronavirus situation to one side, if I found myself with limited income i would have to seriously consider what was important in my life and may indeed have to move my boat to a more cost effective location or heaven forbid sell her.

A bit of perspective is required, there is a bigger picture, many are dieing, many will remain unemployed for months after this is over, many cannot now put food on the table, many have had their whole lives turned upside down .
if all we have to worry about is whether or not we can pay our fees , I consider myself lucky.

Precisely my thoughts. Can't help feeling a little perspective is needed.


Well-known member
19 Aug 2001
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Whilst a refund would be nice, all I want is access to my bloody boats, I have one afloat and one ashore, both needing work and the weather has been the best fitting out April for years. That said the two marinas where my boats are based state they are in lock down. Getting fed up mowing the lawn, power hosing monoblock and repairing the most irrelevant items around our house and garden. Location Clyde


Well-known member
21 Mar 2009
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If you can't put food on the table but can afford a pleasure boat your priorities are a trifle bizarre. The current situation is bringing out a few drama queens.

Even if you can't afford your boat right now, and it is locked away from you in a marina, is it right that marina operators such as Premier are still making their profits? is the email address of their Business Development Director - probably worth emailing him your thoughts. Currently he is standing behind the corporate PR line of "our profits fund c19 research so you have to keep paying".


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Boys and their playthings. Eh !
Its a hobby that 99.99 % of the population would love to be able to afford.
A pampered toy that stands idle for 99% of the year.

Some will be worrying about losing a roof over their heads, some will worrying about feeding the kids tomorrow, some will have relatives on a ventilator.
Some are worrying about affording to keep a plastic toy in a floating playground.
Get a life ? :)


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
Boys and their playthings. Eh !
Its a hobby that 99.99 % of the population would love to be able to afford.
A pampered toy that stands idle for 99% of the year.

Some will be worrying about losing a roof over their heads, some will worrying about feeding the kids tomorrow, some will have relatives on a ventilator.
Some are worrying about affording to keep a plastic toy in a floating playground.
Get a life ? :)
I was only having the same type of conversation yesterday with a fellow friend in the trade , we are both lucky to be able to carry on working at this time .

looking across the Hamble at HP Marina it was eerily quiet for such a busy part of the river .

Lets look forward to the time when it’s gets back to normal.


Well-known member
6 Sep 2014
Location MMSI 235116115
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As others have noted, the tone on the forum has changed.
Some on here are in financial difficulties and their boats are beginning to look like a liability, not an asset.
I won't say any more about our circumstances except that in the last week one family member has been made redundant and another is struggling to meet their liabilities on the furlough cap of £2,500 per month.
But there are those who think we are all pampered and should simply "get a life". For us, the boat has been a big part of our life and a reward for a lifetime of hard work and taking risks in business.
I said previously I am not looking for sympathy. But a bit of empathy wouldn't go amiss.

As for the marinas, it's obvious that they aren't at all empathetic towards their berthholders. They truly do see us as cattle to be milked. Dean and Reddyhoff/Quay marinas seem to be the exception. Now that I know all the sweet platitudes the marinas dish out are cover for a hard mercenary attitude I shall find it difficult to feel pleasure as I walk on to the pontoon. I am simply astonished that none of the rates holiday is being passed on to bertholders.

Blue Sunray

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20 Jul 2015
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Even if you can't afford your boat right now, and it is locked away from you in a marina, is it right that marina operators such as Premier are still making their profits? is the email address of their Business Development Director - probably worth emailing him your thoughts. Currently he is standing behind the fact that "our profits fund c19 and other health research".

Corrected for you.
11 Dec 2006
Poole....there's a surprise :-)
I fully appreciate that boat storage has to be paid for and I don't have an issue paying for that. What I do have an issue with is the corporate spiel handed out by marinas (I'm with MDL) trying to justify their actions and charges. Do they not realise that most boat owners are not stupid with a large proportion of their customers being business owners or professional people. I hate being treated as an idiot, if they do not intend to help us afford to keep our boats that's fine but tell us honestly and keep the crap to themselves, rant over

Blue Sunray

Well-known member
20 Jul 2015
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I fully appreciate that boat storage has to be paid for and I don't have an issue paying for that. What I do have an issue with is the corporate spiel handed out by marinas (I'm with MDL) trying to justify their actions and charges. Do they not realise that most boat owners are not stupid with a large proportion of their customers being business owners or professional people. I hate being treated as an idiot, if they do not intend to help us afford to keep our boats that's fine but tell us honestly and keep the crap to themselves, rant over

I was quite onside with MDL until their latest email ('family owned company' FFS) and the threatening pictures of police vehicles in their car parks that they sent round. I suspect (hope?) D&R pick up a fair bit of business at the end of this.


Well-known member
6 Sep 2014
Location MMSI 235116115
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If its any comfort ............................
My local airfield is being a bit mean regards the hanger charges for light aircraft.

Ah yes, airfields.

When we retired in 2014 my wife and I discussed whether we should celebrate by buying an aircraft or a boat.
The only plane I ever owned personally was a single seat open cockpit job powered by a VW Beetle engine with a ridiculously short range (nevertheless, I flew it to north Africa one long-ago summer). But we had owned shares in nicer planes over the years and one of our best holidays was touring France with the seats taken out of the back of a C172 so we could carry folding bikes. We both like flying and my wife was the best VFR navigator you could ever hope to have in the pre GPS days.
Our conclusion was that planes are fun but airfields are, generally speaking, carp. They are usually miles from anywhere, the cafes are almost all greasy spoons, you can't sleep or cook in a plane, and with every year that passes there are fewer destinations in the UK.
We decided a boat would be a lot more fun, and we were right. Many marinas (not all) are nicer than airfields. The little harbours, like Padstow and Bembridge and Polperro (see my avatar), are much nicer. The out-of-the-way places like Snape and Skomer are just wonderful.

I'm not surprised the airfields are being as difficult as the marinas about not passing on the rates savings to the owners. Not surprised at all.



Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
So far then just D and R that have been sympathetic.
wait until next renewal at the other main 2 , I bet D and R marinas will be bursting to the brim . People will vote with there feet they always do .
so far I have only had one regular client cancel his service booking with me , in exchange strangely enough I have had many enquires for pre purchase inspections and sea trials which at the moment cannot happen due to the coast being out of bounds .
I do feel for everyone that cannot meet there mooring fees , as you cannot use your boats that’s even more frustrating.
As they say there will be casualties, however the big 2 can more than swallow up a few unpaid fees and I am sure eventually they will have some kind of plan in place rather than chain your boat to the pontoon .
Cordless and angle grinders available from most screwfix outlets !


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3 Sep 2007
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I have just had notification from Admiral that they will be rebating £25 per car next month due to non usage. Didn’t ask for it but it sure as hell buys a lot of goodwill. I would hate to go to our marina asking them to rebate some of the fee but at the same time they could offer a small rebate as a gesture of goodwill. The government has always used the strap line—‘we’re in this together’. After this is all finished renewal notices from the marinas will still be ongoing and skippers will vote with their feet.
the marina operators have to make their own judgement call, but the wrong one could determine their revenue streams on a smaller cake next year.