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    • Cantata
      Cantata replied to the thread Anchoring in Kirby Creek.
      But the words say ".....the Horsey Island Fishery Order had been in force since 1963, and was due to expire on 31 May 2023. During...
    • Cantata
      Cantata replied to the thread Whitaker No 2.
      Yeah but......these Crouch buoy changes were implemented in 2021. And yet apparently not reflected in Reeds printed in 2023.
    • Cantata
      Cantata replied to the thread Whitaker No 2.
      In the days when I bought Reeds (many years ago now) I often found out of date stuff in it. I use the CA Almanac these days.
    • Cantata
      Cantata replied to the thread Whitaker No 2.
      Reeds is wrong. Current charts are correct. The positions were changed when the number of buoys along that stretch was reduced.
    • Cantata
      Thanks for the offer. Diesel now down to £1.02 for club members. :)
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