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    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread Boom roller reefing.
      The safety issue can be inexperienced crew unlocking the handle at front of mast with tension on the sail as the handle hen takes out...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread Bow thrusters and mooring buoys.
      On yachts with stern scoops often easier with small crew to back up to the buoy for a simple way of catching it -often seen in med but...
    • ashtead
      Next you will find all the old grp hills being snapped up on eBay.
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread Identifying my dinghy.
      What’s amazing is the number built - my first one from around 1976 so say 4 years approx post the one in picture was a 54k number . I...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread TV’s onboard.
      We have a standard Samsung as your would use at home connected to a glomex which gives good pictures but we have a mast circa 20m which...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread FloGas propane availability.
      For what it’s worth our localgarden centre happily sold us a new plastic bottle and gas . We use camping gazv907 on board as that’s what...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread Bavaria Engine won’t start.
      Indeed , could be plugs I just thought fuel as it was what caused our Bavaria Volvo to misfire and by sounds of it the OPs one has been...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread Bavaria Engine won’t start.
      Seastart might be a wise investment. I would suspect fuel issues?
    • ashtead
      Border Force seizes yacht as migrants cross the Channel The Telegraph article said it was "single masted" at least twice.. Clearly a...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread Visiting France - an update.
      It’s quite easy to stamp in as a ferry passenger at st Malo but if you are sailing away it seems exit stamping might take a while...
    • ashtead
      ashtead reacted to wonkywinch's post in the thread Visiting France - an update with Like Like.
      I entered via non PAF form kindly stamped by St Brieuc for entry into Treguier but when I visited the duane at St Malo car ferry...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread A fun bluewater boat around 40'?.
      Now you mention it be careful to check those twin furlers if you find another with like spec as those aren’t cheap if you can still get...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread A fun bluewater boat around 40'?.
      On basis bowman is front runner and they are certainly solid boats I just wonder if they might be rather sluggish and somewhat of a...
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread Visiting France - an update.
      There is at St cast if that’s what you had in mind DQ13 ?
    • ashtead
      ashtead replied to the thread Fully comp insurance.
      I am not certain why an insurer would accept a part survey - why take risk on their part which is for a relatively low premium. If you...
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