IN in EU or OUT from EU

IN the EU or OUT

  • IN

    Votes: 275 50.8%
  • OUT

    Votes: 266 49.2%

  • Total voters
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Daydream believer

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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

You can say what you wish - and i will fight for your right to that. Doesnt stop what you saying or thinking being racist and my right to say so. EU is irrelevant on this

But it is not just racism that one cannot speak against. Various links on this thread have also suggested that anti eu comment is also being suppressed and employees are being threatened with loss of things such as pension rights- for example. Clearly this has to be substantiated but smoke & fires!!!!


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14 Sep 2009
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

the Brexit referendum turns out to be just that, an expression of public opinion.
It appears that the results are not binding.
This means that the government can ignore the results and act as they see fit.
Is this correct or not ?


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17 Dec 2003
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

the Brexit referendum turns out to be just that, an expression of public opinion.
It appears that the results are not binding.
This means that the government can ignore the results and act as they see fit.
Is this correct or not ?

Yes, from a legal perspective that is correct. The key trigger in law is when and whether Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is invoked and this is something which can only be effected by the elected government. The referendum result is therefore advisory and non-binding.

It is however almost, and I say almost, inconceivable that UK Parliament would defy the will of the people so clearly expressed.

Edit: what is however conceivable is that the EU offers a new deal, in response to which the UK Government decides to offer a 'Final Final' choice and the EU certainly has some form in this area.
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25 Jun 2003
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

Of course they couldn't defy it ...Over wise we wouldn't be a democracy and what would be the point of doing it ?
As far as the Lisbon Treaty goes this is EU law isn't it? of the reasons to get out so they cannot dictate these kind of things on us.
We are a powerful great country we can manage our own affairs thanks very much.


Well-known member
24 Sep 2003
Le Roussillon (South of France)
Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

It is however almost, and I say almost, inconceivable that UK Parliament would defy the will of the people so clearly expressed.

How would you define 'so clearly expressed'?
51%-49% for Brexit out of a 75% turnout?
Or 60%-40% for Brexit out of a 40% turnout?

One of the aruguments FOR Brexit has been the desire for the supremacy of Westminster.
It would be good to remember that 450 out of the 600-odd Westminster MPs favour a Remain vote.


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17 Dec 2003
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

How would you define 'so clearly expressed'?
51%-49% for Brexit out of a 75% turnout?
Or 60%-40% for Brexit out of a 40% turnout?

One of the aruguments FOR Brexit has been the desire for the supremacy of Westminster.
It would be good to remember that 450 out of the 600-odd Westminster MPs favour a Remain vote.

As no predetermined threshold has been set I would say that 50.01% beats 49.99%. It is true that Parliament overwhelmingly backs remain, that a vote for Brexit is not binding and that it would not amount to a an Article 50 (2) notification of intention to withdraw. This follows solely from the UK's own constitutional procedures and has nothing to do with the EU.

The concern for some is that the UK Government has not been at all forthcoming as to the precise Parliamentary steps required to invoke Article 50 in the event of a Brexit win -- statute change, a resolution, who knows? I would say that these concerns are wholly unwarranted in light of the context of the vote and the numerous statements made by the Prime Minister along the lines that he would abide by it.

Others disagree and conspiracy theorists always thrive in this kind of information vacuum ;)
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25 Jun 2003
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

It would be good to remember that 450 out of the 600-odd Westminster MPs favour a Remain vote.

Indeed they would be all sitting pretty being millionaires and not in touch with the common people except perhaps a few.


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15 Jul 2009
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

The value of the £pound has dropped by 10% plus; Money is leaving the country on the daily basis; imports are getting expensive; exports will be cheaper until we run out of raw materials and then even exports will be expensive. A huge damage has been done during the last few months. I look forward to next week to get back to normality together with our fellow European countrymen .


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15 Jul 2009
Bristol Channel
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

OMG Britain is running out of raw materials!
Just like in the War.
Dream on!...:)

The war has finished 3/4 of a century ago; we are in a Europe that is and will be driven by the present and immediate generation. As we all know, the last generation in Europe screwed things up big time.


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17 Dec 2003
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

The war has finished 3/4 of a century ago; we are in a Europe that is and will be driven by the present and immediate generation. As we all know, the last generation in Europe screwed things up big time.

I think you Brits can claim credit for giving the next generation the freedom to be.

And that generation went on to dream up the euro ;)

Capt Popeye

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30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

The war has finished 3/4 of a century ago; we are in a Europe that is and will be driven by the present and immediate generation. As we all know, the last generation in Europe screwed things up big time.

Humm well you just might be right Capt Fantastico, but will challenge your statement that the 'last generation in Europe screwed things up big time', tell me who sorted out the war in Europe then ?

Was due it mainly to with 'little ole UK' with the Commonwealth and later on America ?

So you suggest that a 'unified Europe' with its own army is going to be better then ?

Suggest that you catch up on todays news that a Senior Military former officer has stated the opposite views and now firmly supports the OUT view as being much better for our Military strength as within the EU we are limited.

If another war broke out inside the Europe Countries, quite likely to do so, we in the UK would be far better position to counter it rather than inside the EU.

Think on it, please ?


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30 Nov 2008
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Re: Carrot & stick - but where's the carrot?

yes he did, but the reson was he thinks a European Army is a bad idea. He's right, that's why it won't happen if Britain Vetos it. Which we could do if we were in, not out.
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