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    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread Sailing poems.
      There's this: Harp Song of the Dane Women By Rudyard Kipling What is a woman that you forsake her, And the hearth-fire and the...
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread Sailing poems.
      It is poetry, but my cut and paste has removed the formatting. Psalm 107 verses 23-32 Some went out on the sea in ships; they were...
    • AntarcticPilot
      We need more information; but on the face of it, road delivery would be very expensive; you're into the "abnormal load" category...
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread Winch Grease.
      I take no credit - it was my brother who tried the degreasing setup!
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread Winch Grease.
      It might have - but it might have dissolved the rollers, too as the cage is some sort of plastic. The most effective was a degreasing...
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread Winch Grease.
      Just to back up all the advice above, I inherited winches that had been "lubricated" with some sort of grease (looked like ordinary...
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread First London trip.
      I could counter it, though, with Low tides except in a few straits that make life interesting. Generally a more equable climate than...
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread 1000w vs. 3000w kettle.
      Of course, perfectly correct - as I indicated, I was making simplifying assumptions! But the real bottom line is that heating water...
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread First London trip.
      If I could figure out the logistics, I'd move Capricious back to Scotland like a shot (well, a 6 knot shot!) I even have one crew member...
    • AntarcticPilot
      VW's EVS have modular batteries with each component being individually replaceable. Also a very long warranty period!
    • AntarcticPilot
      But the other side of the MOT is that it has encouraged manufacturers to build cars that (for example) don't rust. In the last century...
    • AntarcticPilot
      A thought. Are we looking at this the wrong way on? GRP hulls etc. effectively last indefinitely. Most components such as mast and spars...
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread 1000w vs. 3000w kettle.
      The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of the water from ambient to boiling is the same no matter what the wattage of...
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread Webb Chiles.
      But Bligh's voyage was in an overloaded ship's boat through almost uncharted waters!
    • AntarcticPilot
      AntarcticPilot replied to the thread First London trip.
      I must admit I can't see any reason to sail up to London. If I want to sightsee (which I only do for the benefit of guests), I can do it...
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