With all the hullabaloo it looks as if Steve's forgotten all about this thread, mind you after his spell in the caboose he's maybe one of them now.....
There may be something in it. Sailing back to Poole from the Solent one evening last summer we spotted a powerboat bobbing around in Poole Bay not under power and apparently not an anchor. My wife checked the boat out with the bins and saw a couple of blokes, how can I put it, "making out" in the cockpit. The bins she was using are a pair of large magnification electronically stabilised types and she was under the impression that a "foreign object" may have been involved. Now can you imagine that happening on a sailing boat?
Someone I know takes punters out to the Needles on a trip boat. A couple of years ago he was chartered by a bunch of fellows (the happy types if you get my drift).. He got really worried when as they approached the Bridge, they all stripped off and took photos with the Needles between their legs, and their bits dangling!!
Some time some where recently,
I'm sure somebody mentioned Swarfega,
Am I at the right place for more information on the uses of this product?
Nay is there more than one use.
I'm sure somebody could enlighten me,
When I spent some time on PandO boats we got worried when there were handles fitted on either side of a porthole - so its not the type of boat but the interior fittings that should worry you
Well, if anyone knows about 200-hitters it's you Steve201! Even debate about your absence hit 50+, eclipsing that existential stunner of yesteryear "Does Violetta Exist"?