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      nicho reacted to volvopaul's post in the thread Volvo Penta ECU’s with Like Like.
      The ecu was made by NIRA automotive , it was believed the supply problem was due to the fact they had not made a single unit for many...
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      nicho reacted to petem's post in the thread Volvo Penta ECU’s with Like Like.
      Norsk of this parish is able to remove the encapsulation material to enable him to repair broken ECU's.
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      nicho reacted to Scubadoo's post in the thread Volvo Penta ECU’s with Like Like.
      I didn't know it was a problem for the KAD32, it does make you wonder if this should be considered when looking for a used boat. You see...
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      nicho replied to the thread Volvo Penta ECU’s.
      No doubt the market may be pretty small, but I can imagine the anguish. If you are one of the few that cannot run their boat due to no...
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      nicho reacted to Grubble's post in the thread Volvo Penta ECU’s with Like Like.
      The issue you will have is that if you can't physically get at the microcontroller because it's fully encased in potting compound as you...
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      nicho replied to the thread Volvo Penta ECU’s.
      I remember our failed ECU could not be repaired cause the entire unit was encased in a solid material, that could not be removed without...
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      nicho replied to the thread Volvo Penta ECU’s.
      As I remember it, some years ago I had a problem with an ECU - none were available from VP, and a second hand one was secured. I also...
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      nicho replied to the thread Volvo Penta ECU’s.
      TBH rather not name, but someone who should know.
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      Is have been told that VP have now stopped (again) the manufacture of the ECU’s for such as KAD 32’s, KAD44’s and KAD300’s etc. This...
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      nicho replied to the thread Volvo Penta servicing costs.
      VolvoPaul - I’m intrigued, did you survive the “moment” in the forest??
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      nicho reacted to volvopaul's post in the thread Volvo Penta servicing costs with Like Like.
      It depends who is doing the work , if it’s a main dealer that would be a totally different price compared to one of the many independent...
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      nicho replied to the thread Sealine uk now..
      We have owned a Sealine 255, 290, new F33, S37 x 2 (1 new), S41, S48 and now S34. I guess we are addicted!!
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