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    • Pye_End
      Pye_End reacted to tillergirl's post in the thread Notices to Mariners - Week 51 with Like Like.
      UKHO Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary Notices: 1. ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy. - The unnamed isolated danger light buoy in the Well in...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End replied to the thread The start of a Christmas Quiz?.
      Crouch has a harbour authority, but does it have an official port? Can't see where the clue would fit in though.
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End reacted to Tranona's post in the thread Battery to battery charging with Like Like.
      8 hours is unusual, never mind 24 (although I once did over7 days under motor in delivery mode across the Med). Even 8 hours motoring...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End reacted to doug748's post in the thread Become a Waste of Space with Like Like.
      Sorry to see you go Captain. There is a long running thread on Sailing Anarchy covering the issue. Though some of the inmates are...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End reacted to johnalison's post in the thread The start of a Christmas Quiz? with Like Like.
      I’m afraid I can only add to the deafening silence on this matter but I enjoyed gazing at the questions uselessly and look forward to...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End reacted to Egret's post in the thread The start of a Christmas Quiz? with Like Like.
      Are we to suggest answers on the forum now, or save them until we have all the questions and send them secretly at Christmas?
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End reacted to Neeves's post in the thread Anchor problem with Like Like.
      Silly boy, Its common practice. Everyone and their dog knows an anchor works because it is heavy. That's why so many have overlarge...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End reacted to Tranona's post in the thread Removing varnish with Like Like.
      Hot air gun and a Bahco scraper...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End replied to the thread Battery to battery charging.
      Yes I can appreciate that. Thinking to my own situation, I can regularly motor for 8 hours or even 24 hours during the year. I...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End replied to the thread Battery to battery charging.
      Sorry you feel that way. All absolutely genuine questions and nothing derogatory or facetious meant. Just an over enquiring mind...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End replied to the thread Battery to battery charging.
      Of course an undersized B2B could throttle the charging. An excellent reason for getting the correct size, if that is a route the OP...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End replied to the thread Battery to battery charging.
      It is key in the OP. I am trying to understand the nature of the detail of the arguments put forward against having one, but detail...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End replied to the thread Dunkirk Formalities.
      When I went in the summer it looked as though they were on the list, but nobody had set it up with the marinas. Reports were similar...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End replied to the thread Battery to battery charging.
      Sterling make B2B charges, and they describe them as multistage chargers - eg increasing the voltage if appropriate. They also describe...
    • Pye_End
      Pye_End reacted to Mark-1's post in the thread Grand daughter, (6) life jacket advice with Like Like.
      I wouldn't rule out a bouyancy aid for a young child. Depends what they're wearing and how much sea swimming they do. We tried ours with...
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