Sorry Nicho, but with dateslip, it's never gonna die. Just think, all someone has to do is make a note in diary now, for say 29th March, to do search for thread, and add a new post, putting it straight back into the spotlight! <g> Not that anyone here would do anything like that!
What a lovely question!
Well, its almost all been said really but I think that the answer probably lies somewhere within the fact that sailing is technically more difficult than motor cruising so - really it takes two 'chaps' determined, steely eyed, firm of jaw and sound of wind and limb to 'man' a sailing boat. No nonsense types who in previous generations were tha very backbone of this glorious land and the stuff of which legends were born.
You can sit on a motorboat, turn the key, put the thing in gear and go. That doesn't take two people so anyone who takes a 'friend' must be gay.
Ach weel ah'm temptid agin ma better judgement tae agree with ye. Ah reckin all these poofters in Sunseekers are trying tae dae acshully that, they seem tae think ra sun shines oot each ithers arses. On ra ithen hand us people with praiper yats wi' ropes an' sails an' things, are sae sair knackered pulling an puffin an rinnin aroon that there's nae time for a' that buggerin' aboot. H hear that yer gang a wee bittie saft, wi; this heaterfor yer wee boatie, jist as lang as it iss not fur yer big bottie.
I have watched this thread develop with apprehension and disbelief, apprehension because, as one kicking with the left foot, so to speak, I am reminded as to how much bigotry and intolerance there is in our modern enlightened society. Disbelief because I thought most sailors kicked as I kick. Certainly that has been my personal experience. Motorboaters on the other hand are all family men and wo'nt let me near them. Come out the closet please.
Perhaps it's not only down to the engine/raggie thing then! Perhaps it's down to the actual boat. Sunseekers only seek sun when it shines out my arse and Hallberg Assey owners....well speaks for itself really!
Jimmie check your Private Messages you might be surprised!
Steve, I hear what you say but I do believe that there are limits to what ought to be expressed in a public forum. Threads such as this just encourage the latent homophobic tendencies that so many ill informed people have.
Steve, this is typical of the responce I'd expect from you. I'd imagine you've got a goitre like swelling just above your left knee where you're brain is. How can we and also the women on this forum expect to be treated seriously when there are responces like this.