Yes, YES, YEESSSSS!!...RESULT!! - (sounds like Pauline B's found the answer to her question! over 'tother side!!). I would just like to thank Jimi publicly for bringing my suffering to an end - by the way, who was the prat that did it??
Forbsie and I will be happy to discuss this question with anyone at the Hamble event /forums/images/icons/smile.gif and if Aztec comes too then we can look into certain other aspects of this post raised by tcm et al /forums/images/icons/cool.gif /forums/images/icons/cool.gif /forums/images/icons/cool.gif
I'm going to keep you, and everyone mentioned in this post at arms length from now on
Is this the right moment to mention that burgundeyben has invited us all back to his place, and that fatipa will be sleeping with me? /forums/images/icons/cool.gif
Could it be the availability of closets to come out of on big stinkies, us raggies have to put up with wet lockers. Can't imagine "Coming out of the wet locker" having the same ring to it somehow. Mick, (This thread posted in a GRUFF voice)
<hr width=100% size=1>"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me."