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      kashurst replied to the thread Hot water system.
      The spring loaded valve you operated is the over pressure release valve. It opens automatically if the tank pressure should go too high...
    • K
      kashurst reacted to Mr Googler's post in the thread Bought another boat. with Haha Haha.
      Lots of nifty ideas there! I like the tap through the door opening…..that’s very clever I do however refute the weather issue…as with...
    • K
      kashurst replied to the thread Bought another boat..
      As per MrGs request. I have been doing some more - but I am now at a point when the weather is an issue. It is pretty cold and damp so...
    • K
      kashurst replied to the thread “SETAG’ing” on the cheap.
      Sounds like a fun thing to do. But again be careful, the bulk of the value in a £15K boat is the engine and drive. So look very...
    • K
      kashurst replied to the thread “SETAG’ing” on the cheap.
      It is possible to acheive the sorts of finishes that SETAG get as a DIYer. If you access to 3D cad, CNC milling machines, prepared to...
    • K
      kashurst replied to the thread “SETAG’ing” on the cheap.
      have a look at this stuff DC-fix. Mr G put me onto it. It's very good, very easy to use and a great price. 90cm Wide Rolls and these...
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