Read my lips .....
That is part of my point ..... BUT there are NO hard rules on the road as that - they are Highway Code recc'd.
But there are twats who think that they have god-given right to sit in the outside lane at 69 - 70mph.
In yourt reply Twister ..... you make the same mistake we all make ..... quoting Fast Lane and Slow lane ..... there is no such thing. In fact if you read on - you will find somewhere about using all available lanes in event of traffic.
<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.qqbaltic.com/index.html>http://www.qqbaltic.com/index.html</A> For all those disbelievers ! /forums/images/icons/cool.gif
That is part of my point ..... BUT there are NO hard rules on the road as that - they are Highway Code recc'd.
But there are twats who think that they have god-given right to sit in the outside lane at 69 - 70mph.
In yourt reply Twister ..... you make the same mistake we all make ..... quoting Fast Lane and Slow lane ..... there is no such thing. In fact if you read on - you will find somewhere about using all available lanes in event of traffic.
<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.qqbaltic.com/index.html>http://www.qqbaltic.com/index.html</A> For all those disbelievers ! /forums/images/icons/cool.gif