Chandlers latest update - bit sad


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20 Feb 2004
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This thread has now degenerated to something exceeding the Lounge at its worst.
Talk about 'thread drift'!

PS Not including the Major's post.
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27 May 2002
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Don't want to rain on your parade Jonjo, but wasn't the whole point of the Chandlers inability to pay the ransom down to the fact their main asset was the Lynne Rival and they were cruising on a shoe string.
Actually I have not commented directly the financial side of the hostage situation, just their route planning.

Later Jonic invoked the collective opinion of the world cruising community to condemn my views, at which point I gave him my political perspective on that whole community.


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30 May 2001
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I am appaleed and ashamed to be part of a forum which hosts threads like this

Agree but unfortunately it's becoming an all too regular occurrence. I always thought boaters tended to be a friendly supportive bunch. Sadly it seems that's no longer the case on these forums.

Thank goodness most peolpe you meet on the water are still pleasant and helpful.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Blimey. I thought the chandler's were hundreds of miles out at sea when captured. Yes, they were. So not flaunting anything. So jonjo's silly commments worthless. I personally hope his wife drops dead in the hospital. hah! Well, no I don't - but perhaps it *might* make him consider his own comments. See?


Well-known member
23 Aug 2004
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I have previous form here.
Oh! Interesting.
Why not continue under the previous name, or were you banned?
Care to share what you previous 'form' was on this forum?
Or are you too embarassed? :rolleyes:

. . . It is this polarisation of wealth that funds many early retirement ocean wonderers.
Rum_Pirate said:
So in order to avoid doing this, you mainly sail in the little channel between England and France; seldom or hardly often out of sight of land ( a coastal sailor?) to avoid flaunting your amassed wealth among the poor in the rest of the world?

Not quite. My sailing is my leisure time funded by money I earn and then spend within my country.
So there are apparently many early retirement ocean wonderers funded by polarisation of wealth, what is the difference between them and you? :rolleyes:

Bearing in mind, that many of these retirement ocean wonderers may have - maybe, like you have - worked and earned money and have now decided (and like your good self) to use it for their leisure and spend it as they like.

From your stated sailing record, it appears that you go to 'foreign lands' and do not ( although you state it) spend it ALL within your own country. Your statement is hypocritical and has holes and no bilge pump! ? :rolleyes:

This is quite different to the carpetbagger generation I referred to above, who amassed unearned wealth through callous misdirection of UK Government policy.

Then after 20 years they sense the party is over and that the economic horse is dying and won't respond to any more flogging, so they cash in and bugger off.
The post is on the Chandlers, whom you accuse of being guilty of amassed unearned wealth.
FYI The gentleman, that you condemn, Mr Chandler is a retired Quantity Surveyor.
I hardly believe that he was responsible for the callous misdirection of UK Government policy in 'accumulating' his wealth. :cool:

I would suggest that he earned his money and only got a couple weeks a year holiday like most working people.

How do you earn your money, to enable you to take significant periods of time off to go 'sailing'?:rolleyes:

His yacht 'Lynn Rival' is 38ft long.
A reasonable size (but not over large or ostentatious ) for such a voyage of a lifetime.

Is in your opinion nobody allowed to sail around the world?

I wonder how big your yacht (for pottering around) is?

They went for a round-the-world trip.

They didn't bugger off permanently!

I know who shot the UK economy in the foot, they are all now swinging at anchor on their Moodys and Hallberg Rassys in the Virgin Islands.
Excellent, you know them all.
That is great information.
Please 'name and shame', after all there are not that many Moodys and Hallberg Rassys in the Virgin Islands.:cool:
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14 Sep 2009
Gibraltar, RGYC.
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Hasn't this thread wandered off topic and developed into the most appaling bunfight ?

This is a huge disrespect to the sport of gentlemen.

It is also a monstrous disregard for the undeserved ordeal that the Chandlers are suffering at the hands of criminals. One can only shudder at the idea that the world has become a hideously unsafe place. They are particularly unlucky.

Instead of all this nastiness being tossed around would it not be more constructive to discuss this in a civil manner and for all of us to see if some solution could be found to eradicate the menace ?

Instead it has become a platform for the disgruntled, it is disgraceful really.
27 May 2002
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Oh! Interesting.
Why not continue under the previous name, or were you banned?
Care to share what you previous 'form' was on this forum?
Or are you too embarassed? :rolleyes:
I suspect we both struggle with crossword puzzles!

jonjo's one two and three have never been banned, but their custodian cast them adrift in the virtual ether during failed attempts to kick the YBW habit. This is easy to do, just type rubbish in the email and password fields and hit send.

Jonjo has been guilty in the past of winding up members of the Boomer consensus here on YBW, but that is no bad thing since group think does not help ideas evolve.

So there are apparently many early retirement ocean wonderers funded by polarisation of wealth, what is the difference between them and you?
Well according to pension experts, unless unexpected financial fortune comes my way, I and the rest of my generation will have to work until 67 to keep ocean wonderers in the retirement style they are now accustomed to.

Bearing in mind, that many of these retirement ocean wonderers may have - maybe like like you have - worked and earned money and have now decided and your good self to use it for their leisure and spend it as they like.
That sounds very earnest but it is a romanticised interpretation of the economic state of Britain and population demographics. Never in the history of erm 1066 and all that have so many people been able to retire so young and in such good health and with so much disposable retirement asset wealth & income.

The question that must be asked is has that generation really created sufficient wealth to justify its collective retirement actions. Much of the wealth creation has been founded on accountancy tricks that magic up paper wealth e.g. building society demutualisation or through debt driven asset inflation.

The Boomer economic chickens are now crash landing dead on the coup roof but the lucky retirees cannot hear the thuds because they are swigging rum anchored off a palm fringed beach.

The post is on the Chandlers, whom you accuse of being guilty of amassed unearned wealth.
No. Later in the thread I issued a broad political condemnation of the lifestyle of the whole ocean cruising fraternity. To some they are called customers, which further upped the ante.

My criticism of the Chandlers was focussed on their route planning, nothing else. I am guilty of nothing more than stating I do not feel personal empathy for them and then saying I want them released for other more ruthless real-politic reasons.

In a curious way I am their only friend here. If their captors ever bumped into a YBW thread, the emotional outpourings would only stiffen their resolve to hold out for a higher price.

I hardly believe that he was responsible for the callous misdirection of UK Government policy in 'accumulating' his wealth.
I am summing up the cumulative actions and net executive effect of a whole generation. Many had the wisdom and insight to know just what a rotten financial pyramid was being created but they just played along, hence the collective guilt.


Well-known member
23 Aug 2004
A tiny Island, Caribbean
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Still waiting for the list! :D

Originally Posted by jonjo4
I know who shot the UK economy in the foot, they are all now swinging at anchor on their Moodys and Hallberg Rassys in the Virgin Islands.

Excellent, you know them all.
That is great information.
Please 'name and shame', after all there are not that many Moodys and Hallberg Rassys in the Virgin Islands.


Well-known member
1 Oct 2009
South Coast UK
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...My criticism of the Chandlers was focussed on their route planning, nothing else. I am guilty of nothing more than stating I do not feel personal empathy for them and then saying I want them released for other more ruthless real-politic reasons...

You did a lot more than state your lack of empathy, you insulted them and then used their plight in order to vent your spleen. And continue to do so. The fact that no decent person would have made the comments you made in the first place aside, if anyone else had, my guess is that they surely would have apologised for any offence caused by now...
27 May 2002
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You did a lot more than state your lack of empathy, you insulted them and then used their plight in order to vent your spleen. And continue to do so.
For most of the past 3 months I have been in the rehab clinic and unable to post here. The astonishing momentum of all the hostage threads has been maintained with very little input from me, there must have been 1000's of posts and 10,000+ reads.

The whole community is guilty of jumping on the hostage situation debating platform. I can only conclude that your little vindictive dagger is out today because my broader comments have hit close to home and upset your cosy moral reference points.


Well-known member
12 Mar 2002
For most of the past 3 months I have been in the rehab clinic and unable to post here. The astonishing momentum of all the hostage threads has been maintained with very little input from me, there must have been 1000's of posts and 10,000+ reads.

The whole community is guilty of jumping on the hostage situation debating platform. I can only conclude that your little vindictive dagger is out today because my broader comments have hit close to home and upset your cosy moral reference points.

Well go back to your rehab clinic. The insensitivity you have demonstrated to the subjects of this thread is disgraceful and has nullified any political argument you were trying to make by hijacking said thread.
27 May 2002
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Well go back to your rehab clinic. The insensitivity you have demonstrated to the subjects of this thread is disgraceful and has nullified any political argument you were trying to make by hijacking said thread.
Your post caused me to stop for a moment and reflect. So I used the search facility for the word "hostage". There are 14 threads with about 950 posts discussing the Chandlers. In addition there are around 25,000 views.

One thread is even titled "were they irresponsible".

Now I am angry, you lot are using this thread to engage in some ritualistic shedding of collective guilt I played virtually no part in. It must be the same physiological process that takes place in prisons where the mass murderers snarl with moral superiority at the convicted pedophiles.

You lot disgust me. Goodbye.


Well-known member
12 Mar 2002
Your post caused me to stop for a moment and reflect. So I used the search facility for the word "hostage". There are 14 threads with about 950 posts discussing the Chandlers. In addition there are around 25,000 views.

One thread is even titled "were they irresponsible".

Now I am angry, you lot are using this thread to engage in some ritualistic shedding of collective guilt I played virtually no part in. It must be the same physiological process that takes place in prisons where the mass murderers snarl with moral superiority at the convicted pedophiles.

You lot disgust me. Goodbye.
