10K Per annum for use of your boat.


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15 Jan 2003
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Hi guys, im wondering is there anyone out there with a 40ft- 45ft motor boat who doesent really use it a great deal who would like up to 10k per annum ( depending on boat) in his pocket for use of his boat. probably 2 weeks holiday a year and a couple of weekends a month 8 months of the year ish. My thoughts behind this are sell my Princess 360 put the money elsewhere and spend my annual running costs on renting one sort of thing, if i charter i wont get much time on the water for me 10k and weekend charter is not really practical.

Just an idea at the moment but seeing if it might be plausible for someone who`s boat just sits there without a lot of use.


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
Hi Ian see where your coming from but 2 weekends a months is half the time you can get to use your own boat realistically after doing the house chores, gardening, going to weddings you dont really want to go to cos you would rather be in Allum Bay or sat outside the Folley while people are saying goodbye to half they own.

Think you might get someone to give you 1 in 4 weekends for 10k, I would as the only thing that stops me buying over 40ft is the mooring charges, everything else I do myself so I can go boating relatively cheap compared to some.
I do see where your at with say 110k for boat sold back in the bank earing 6% plus saving 1k on servicing and a few niggling repairs, 7k mooring charges that go up with MDL own statutory inflation rate! so in theory your 14k up but without the feeling of pride with boat ownership and 4k left over for a nice winter break skiing trip.

Incidentally im still looking for a new boat, looked at the 360 in Brighton, not a pretty sight I can tell you.


Well-known member
4 Nov 2005
Hampshire, UK
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That works out at £217 per day for the use of the boat, with all the risks that entails, and a very substantial the loss of availability.

Consider doing it the other way round - would you charter out your boat under those terms?

Having said that, bearing in mind the rake-off that charter companies get, there must be scope for mutually attractive "chartering" between suitably vetted forumites.


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27 Jan 2003
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When others mention the word "charter" i.e. that you would be chartering someone elses boat then the owner would need to have the boat MCA coded as it would be deemed for commercial use.

I know a company who specialise in this kind of thing. They own the boats and sell "silver" or gold" membership, I believe the silver for instance entitles you to 32 days per year in two day increments. They do all the maintainence etc you just put fuel in it when you use it.

I have know commercial interest in the company I just know the owner. If inerested PM me and I will giev you the website details etc. Clive

PS last count they had a Targa 40 and Phantom 40


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14 Mar 2002
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I think this sort of thing might work if the users had different habits. Say, one lives along way away and uses w/ends, while the other is very local and could use the boat weedays (retired?).
But for £10k, isnt is possible to just take a couple of glorious weeks in Croatia or somewhere-anywhere away from this damn weather.

Deleted User YDKXO

Nice try, Ian, but I agree with thefatlady. Chartering a 40-50ft boat would cost you maybe £5k per week or £1k per day so your 2 weeks hols + 8 months x 2 weekends = 32 days could cost £40k+ in charter fees although I'm sure you'd get a quantity discount. So I think your £10k is a bit light for the usage you are proposing


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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This is great /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As you are looking for a P360, you go and have a look at Ians 360 that maybe for sale.

If it is kept like a shed and covered with battle scars you can report back so we know not to loan him our boats /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You can then have a look at my P360 as I need to think about selling it soon /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif

If Ians is well cared for and you do buy it then Ian you are welcome to come and see me about sharing boat costs if you have any interest in /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Twin cummins-mercruiser 300 HP (2004 model)
Air con
Zodiac 310 with Tohatsu 9.8
Photos of boat in link.


Active member
18 Jun 2003
w.london - boat on solent- RIB on Tidal Thames
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Been thinking about this.

For £450 or so a month ,Sailtime do a deal on either a 38 ft sailer or 29ft sportsboat. It costs me more than that in marina fees.

You book your days on the web and even get free time if you late book when it would otherwise be free. Turn up and go.

Not sure about overnighting and of course you have to take everything with you at the start and when leaving. I would not like that bit