Engine longevity


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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That's an impressive amount of hours considering how much harder a boat engine has to work.
I sold my last car with 273,000 miles. Take an average speed of 45mph and that would be 6066 hrs only. By the same debatable average speed for the car 8000hrs would be around 360,000 miles ??
Boat engines rot and corrode away and some are run under light losds that harm diesel


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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Sorry the 8k hrs was a trpo.it should have been 6k hrs. That is still impressivefor plant mor or less wot all day long but it is driving a hydraulic pump.so well loaded
What ever the exact hrs remember a engine purring away ( @ 80:% load ) @ 1700 rpm is over those said hrs scraping its metal surfaces at a rate approximately 1/2 than than that of one screaming ( supercharger assisted to plane :D ) away at double say 3400 rpm ,always over 80:% load .

It stands to reason all other things being equal ( no left to rot away + maintenance on schedule etc ) the lower rpm engines will wear out in a longer time frame , or do more hrs .

Quick quiz , which ones gonna blow up first ?:unsure:
Generously I ,ll give you a clue ones over a 100 yr old;)

This one ? It produces 430 Hp @ 375 rpm Three hundred and seventy five in a WW1 ( ONE not two ) U boat

Or this nutter ! How long will this last .Well iam pretty sure not 100 yrs with that usage pattern .
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