Officious jobsworthy from the MCA - our ensign


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11 Feb 2003
North Brittany.
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I am sure that flag protocol/etiquette is purely voluntary, and traditional. There are no statutory instruments which the MCA could invoke. I would be surprised if your 'jobsworth' ever said anything about a fine...

However, it is the little things which count, and flying the flag upside down, for example, could easily get up someone's nose - assuming he noticed it - and to your JW, perhaps he thought you were doing something equally offensive.

It is such a pity that your posting is, by its nature, one-sided. I for one would like to hear the other guy's version.

But if it makes you feel better about yourself, having a go at some anonymous guy, then this is clearly the place to do it --- keep on, McDuff. :rolleyes:


EdWingfield - one thing I definitely wasn't expecting was to be accused of making this whole episode up! How absurd.
I'm afraid there are a number of people on this forum who are so utterly convinced that it is physically impossible for any civil servant to ever do anything wrong that even if you had video, audio, and documentary evidence, backed up by sworn affidavits from the Archbishop of Canturbury and three High Court judges, they would still insist that either you were a liar or that it was somehow all your own fault.


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13 Jan 2009
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I think the correct response in such cases is:

"Thank you, I understand your request"

and then ostentatiously do nothing, just wait and watch and say nothing.

When the penny drops that you really are going to do nothing the jobsworth may well lose it. This gives you the moral and tactical high ground and something like this should finish the job nicely:

"Thank you. I understand your position completely so there is no need to repeat it. This conversation is now at an end. Good Afternoon."

Retire below.

The important thing is not to argue. Don't give reasons. Play for a situation where the next person to speak loses.

Sorry, but the correct response is "you are an idiot, go away!" Under no circumstances should yo have acted as if this ****** had any right to demand action. As for a fine, the man is off his trolly!


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23 May 2005
West Cornwall
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Sorry, but the correct response is "you are an idiot, go away!" Under no circumstances should yo have acted as if this ****** had any right to demand action. As for a fine, the man is off his trolly!

I think you are missing the point. The passive/aggressive tactic is to encourage the jobsworth to lose it completely and do something really silly. You know he is an idiot, and I know he is an idiot and with a little encouragement he can very likely be talked in to behaving like a real out and out, jumping up and down loony.

Of course there is no intention of paying, or even cooperating. Its just more entertaining to conduct the whole thing from the morally superior position of complete calm.

I have done this will officials of all sorts and it really does work.


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2 Jun 2007
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Must be a former NAVY man! :)

Maybe an orficer but not a true Navy man.


Next time this jobsworth enters the marina send him down to see me. I'll teach him a few things about flying flags and tell him where he can stick his instant fine.


Well-known member
21 Mar 2009
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I'm afraid there are a number of people on this forum who are so utterly convinced that it is physically impossible for any civil servant to ever do anything wrong that even if you had video, audio, and documentary evidence, backed up by sworn affidavits from the Archbishop of Canturbury and three High Court judges, they would still insist that either you were a liar or that it was somehow all your own fault.

I tend to find such people are also in the "finish a hard weeks work at the taxpayers expense at 4pm on a Friday" club themselves. Or traffic wardens. Or Health and Safety inspectors. Or Planning officers. or...etc...etc... Or any of the other officious occupations that the so called civilised world has inflicted on us.


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20 Feb 2010
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i was an extra in the film The greek tycoon--the opening scenes were shot in the solent---i was an oerlikon gunner on a "Norwegian" gunboat---as we exited portsmouth harbour one morning we saw a large destroyer coming in, crew at attention on the foredeck, bridge full of very smart officers. as we came abreast every officer was staring at us down huge binoculars. you could practically feel the disdain at our motley crew and puzzlement , not knowing the Norwegian navy was in port. the Norwegian flag was on a mast attached to the bridge so we dipped it. this caused consternation. some poor rating came flying off the bridge running full pelt along the deck, down a set of steps,another length of deck,another set of steps,along to the stern and dipped the ensign whilst the"Norwegian navy" could hardly stand up for laughing
26 Dec 2009
Tottington Hall, near Bury, in the Duchy of Lancas
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I'm not the sort of person to let this kind of thing go - God knows what else this person has done/will do whilst he is meant to be overseeing serious safety issues, if he can be this distracted by an ensign.

So if we all fight a little battle, the war will start to swing our way. And we have no right to bitch about stuff if we then don't do anything to try and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Come on, I'm 19, you're supposed to be doing this stuff to ensure my generation doesn't have to go through it all!

I agree with that point of view.

So, may I recommend that you write to the MCA Media Manager ( see below ), detailing the behaviour of the MCA Jobsworth that offended, and ask for an explanation AND justification that can be published.

Use the Jobsworth's name in your letter and, if asked - or even if not - you can quite properly intimate that you have been requested to pass on his eventual attributable response to the editor of a major sailing magazine.

"Mark Clark
MCA Media Manager

Bay 3/27 Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
SO15 1EG

023 8032 9401 (Tel)
(02380) 329404 (fax)
(07711) 002678 (mobile)
(07699) 701997 (pager)"

Then do exactly that.....


Major Catastrophe

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31 May 2005
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Major C, I tried to send you a PM but it says your quota is full.

Yes Ellie, I don't use PM's. Bad experience! Somehow I ended up with double the allowed quota of PM's and I haven't found any time to go through them to find the ones I want to keep.

You can send it to Tom - Little Ship and he will forward it to me.

He is my social secretary as well as keeper of my wine cellar.


Well-known member
26 Jul 2004
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However, it is the little things which count, and flying the flag upside down, for example, could easily get up someone's nose - assuming he noticed it - and to your JW, perhaps he thought you were doing something equally offensive.
The first ensign I bought had the Union Flag printed upside down on it. I took it straight back to the chandlers and part-exchanged it for a proper sewn one!