New tax for foreign yachts based in Greece from 1st January 2014????


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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My emails to the office of the Shipping Ministry go unanswered, 3 chasers now - perhaps I am designated SPAM.

anyone want to place a bet on a reply? Odds at moment 100 to 1

Just had a reply - blank, but what it showed was the people to whom the email was forwarded. This is progress!

Sent to:

CC to:

Lots of people reading lots of email!

I will lower the odds to 90:1


New member
18 Apr 2006
Greece in Summer, Southampton in Winter
The discouraging thing is that if you look at the web site, you'll see the enormous range of their responsibilities. Not only for a very long coastline, but also for the largest registered deadweight tonnage of shipping in the world. Leisure boating is a very small grain of sand in that lorry load . . .


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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The discouraging thing is that if you look at the web site, you'll see the enormous range of their responsibilities. Not only for a very long coastline, but also for the largest registered deadweight tonnage of shipping in the world. Leisure boating is a very small grain of sand in that lorry load . . .

Odds have just gone back up to 100:1:nonchalance:


5 May 2004
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The Coast Guard /PP is staffed by conscripts. Is this right?

No, it's not right. Well, many years ago there was a very small number of Navy's conscripts but I think that today they are all professionals. Lower staff comes from it's school and officers have a university degree relevant to their position. A very good friend of mine (and my partner in the 6th Bridge Olympiad) is a naval engineer and an officer (Admiral or one rank below) in the PP.
And I know that small ships are just a burden to them.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Chill, just pay it and get on with your life young man......
or do as so many others are doing and just leave Greece , or don't go there in the first place , anyone who thinks Greece is the only cruising ground in the Med are very much mistaken and just haven't been around .
the real down side to all this is, all the lovely quiet clean places away from Greece are now going to be seek out and destroyed .
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Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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I am not, and possibly never will be a liveaboard in Greek waters.

But after reading this thread I am reminded of the following trueism:- " It is easy to know the price of everything but the value of nothing. "

Perhaps this gem is apt in this case-if, in fact, charges are made. This still appears to be a definite maybe.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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In the last two years nearly 100 new arrivals have signed contracts at Leros marina. Well over half came from Turkey, many from France and Italy. 'Many others' may be leaving Greece but I suggest they are outnumbered by those arriving and staying.

Only time will tell , but I can tell you out of the 12 boats in our marina on the way to Greece only one is going all the other have decided to go else where .

100 new arrivals ??? What since the new law have come in , or are we talking arrivals before this tax came to light .

I like to bet that these 100 new arrivals haven't turn up since the tax had been announce .


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Only time will tell , but I can tell you out of the 12 boats in our marina on the way to Greece only one is going all the other have decided to go else where .

100 new arrivals ??? What since the new law have come in , or are we talking arrivals before this tax came to light .

I like to bet that these 100 new arrivals haven't turn up since the tax had been announce .

If you would care to read the post, it says 'In the last two years'. At this time of year I am guessing that very few new arrivals turn up.
See Rotrax' post above mine, #948. Even with the tax there are few better cruising areas than Greece.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Only time will tell , but I can tell you out of the 12 boats in our marina on the way to Greece only one is going all the other have decided to go else where .

100 new arrivals ??? What since the new law have come in , or are we talking arrivals before this tax came to light .

I like to bet that these 100 new arrivals haven't turn up since the tax had been announce .

Hardly any boats move in the winter. I think more boats will decide not to go to Greece than people in Greece decide to leave. This is because of peoples fear of the unknown. Those in Greece will make a balanced judgement on the value to them.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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If you would care to read the post, it says 'In the last two years'. At this time of year I am guessing that very few new arrivals turn up.
See Rotrax' post above mine, #948. Even with the tax there are few better cruising areas than Greece.

Hey sorry did miss the bit about last two year , but then you could say the same about Turkey , Croatia and Balearics just to mention a few , the bottom line this isn't about the best cruising ground I sailed Greece on and off for 14 year so I think I know it petty well what a great place it is to sail , but for one EU country to tax others ( yes this is a tax not a cruising permit ) to sail thought their water is just down out wrong , let alone the way their brough this tax in not give any one a chance to leave if they wanted to . And if you just look at this forum there about 30 or so people only and out of them only a small number are saying, it fine we pay and stay , one or two are not even in the med but sailing home water , the realty is if your on the ground and around people who are here the feeling is , their rather go else way then pay this tax , and that's the facts .NOW before some one come in with comment about the cost of sailing in Croatia or Turkey which in my view have a better crusing ground then Greece , it would be a lot cheaper to pay their fees it you only sailing for a few months or weeks then it would be to pay the 100 euros a mts in Greece .
Just one other bit of info , I know off 6 yacht that's have sailed out of Greece since this year started so I guess a few more may be on the way out . And yes a other will be going to Greece but I bet not in the numbers as before .


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Hardly any boats move in the winter. I think more boats will decide not to go to Greece than people in Greece decide to leave. This is because of peoples fear of the unknown. Those in Greece will make a balanced judgement on the value to them.
Chris your right , what is the point leaving if your in Greece you got to pay the tax any way ? so off course they will stay but the question is will they winter out there again next year and pay the tax again .

I just hope that if enough fuss is made that this tax will be looked into again and if not removered , then at less made fairer for everyone including for people who just want to sail thought Greek waters as well as boat over 12 mts and a chance for boat under 12 mts to pay a monthly fee .


Well-known member
20 Mar 2002
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Hey sorry did miss the bit about last two year , but then you could say the same about Turkey , Croatia and Balearics just to mention a few , the bottom line this isn't about the best cruising ground I sailed Greece on and off for 14 year so I think I know it petty well what a great place it is to sail , but for one EU country to tax others ( yes this is a tax not a cruising permit ) to sail thought their water is just down out wrong , let alone the way their brough this tax in not give any one a chance to leave if they wanted to . And if you just look at this forum there about 30 or so people only and out of them only a small number are saying, it fine we pay and stay , one or two are not even in the med but sailing home water , the realty is if your on the ground and around people who are here the feeling is , their rather go else way then pay this tax , and that's the facts .NOW before some one come in with comment about the cost of sailing in Croatia or Turkey which in my view have a better crusing ground then Greece , it would be a lot cheaper to pay their fees it you only sailing for a few months or weeks then it would be to pay the 100 euros a mts in Greece .
Just one other bit of info , I know off 6 yacht that's have sailed out of Greece since this year started so I guess a few more may be on the way out . And yes a other will be going to Greece but I bet not in the numbers as before .

Well, we are one of the numbers going the other way - from Croatia to Greece (Gouvia). We'd already made our plans for this Easter when we heard about the tax which is very annoying, but it simply made our change roughly cost neutral instead of saving €1000 Euros on annual marina berth. I'm not going to be trapped even in the lovely sailing areas of Croatia and miss out on ever sailing in Greek waters.


Well-known member
20 Mar 2002
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Hey sorry did miss the bit about last two year , but then you could say the same about Turkey , Croatia and Balearics just to mention a few , the bottom line this isn't about the best cruising ground I sailed Greece on and off for 14 year so I think I know it petty well what a great place it is to sail , but for one EU country to tax others ( yes this is a tax not a cruising permit ) to sail thought their water is just down out wrong , let alone the way their brough this tax in not give any one a chance to leave if they wanted to . And if you just look at this forum there about 30 or so people only and out of them only a small number are saying, it fine we pay and stay , one or two are not even in the med but sailing home water , the realty is if your on the ground and around people who are here the feeling is , their rather go else way then pay this tax , and that's the facts .NOW before some one come in with comment about the cost of sailing in Croatia or Turkey which in my view have a better crusing ground then Greece , it would be a lot cheaper to pay their fees it you only sailing for a few months or weeks then it would be to pay the 100 euros a mts in Greece .
Just one other bit of info , I know off 6 yacht that's have sailed out of Greece since this year started so I guess a few more may be on the way out . And yes a other will be going to Greece but I bet not in the numbers as before .

Well, we are one of the numbers going the other way - from Croatia to Greece (Gouvia). We'd already made our plans for this Easter when we heard about the tax which is very annoying, but it simply made our change roughly cost neutral instead of saving €1000 Euros on annual marina berth. I'm not going to be trapped even in the lovely sailing areas of Croatia and miss out on ever sailing in Greek waters.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Well, we are one of the numbers going the other way - from Croatia to Greece (Gouvia). We'd already made our plans for this Easter when we heard about the tax which is very annoying, but it simply made our change roughly cost neutral instead of saving €1000 Euros on annual marina berth. I'm not going to be trapped even in the lovely sailing areas of Croatia and miss out on ever sailing in Greek waters.
I think you mean (better motoring in Greek waters ) unless you plain to go East (smile )


Active member
22 Oct 2005
A long way from my boat! :(
This is such a myth. If you are prepared to go slow and do not have tight timetable, it is perfectly possible to sail in Greece.

Very true. I decided to cut down on motoring use last season and averaged less than an hour a day except on the day we did the levkas channel, mostly for battery charging. I sailed onto and off the anchor and generally practiced some proper skills. 'Twas a good season!