New tax for foreign yachts based in Greece from 1st January 2014????


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9 Aug 2010
Cruising Med
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Just some impressions from someone wintering in Greece:

No Greek I have spoken to has heard of the new tax. They all have boats, small fishing boats, taxi´s.

A Dutch friend who had some spare winter holiday to take and usually visits the place I have my boat wanted to visit two weeks in January. I had to tell him I have no desire to be the guinea pig, I don’t want to be the only foreign live yacht on the town quay. All other yachts are empty during winter.

So the hotel looses a client, as do the local taverna´s. This friend of mine is a chef, travels to explore the local cuisine, loves a drop to.

A planed visit from old friends is put on hold also. The town and island are beautiful, especially in spring but again, I don’t want to be the easy target of whoever wants to cash my dough. Our boat has no berths for visitors, local hotel and restaurants loose good clients. ( No “all in one” tourists )

We sail a small boat, I will pay the tax, want to see some more of Greece, however I don’t like to be the first one to be taxed. I still remember been one of only three liveaboard wintering non marina yachts in the Fethiye- Göcek area. Boy did we have the attention of those two coastguard vessels, and the helicopter who came looking for us every day. Guess it was a game for them. More than a hundred uniformed guys having nothing to do for several months.

For one sailing friend who keeps his yacht in Greece this tax was the last drop, he is selling, even in this bad time. It is a big beautiful yacht, but it looks more and more as if yachting will be a rich man´s hobby again.

French sailing friends who sail there classic yacht each year from France to Greece ( via North Africa ) and back, have told me that this year Greece is not in the market.
He said it is a matter of principle, not money.

Looks as if next summer the only neighbours will be charterers and big fat mega yachts. One of the reasons I left turkey.

Greece will have my 300 €, it lost a lot more already. Pity.
23 Jul 2012
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Let's not split hairs. If I drive from here to Venice via either Switzerland or Austria I have to ( or rather I am supposed to ) buy a vignette. If I keep my car in a garage in Zurich all year ... no vignette.

If I sail from Turkey to Italy via Greek waters then ..........

NO< NO< NO! You have already been told man that it is in lieu of MOTORWAY TOLLS! Other roads are free in Switzerland and in Austria, for all I know. Why don't you listen?
23 Jul 2012
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I only listen to people who's opinion I value, to people with some authority or knowledge, or people who make interesting or measured arguments!

Well, since it was the advice in a post by "Peio64" which was only his THIRD post EVER that you are criticising, I must say that I find your conclusion a bit hasty! I wonder how you can come to the above view in so brief an acquaintance with the gentleman?


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1 Jan 2005
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Can't get it to load

Could you check it?

This is the text if it won't load for you.

The Greek Marinas Association (GMA) has reported a number of departures of foreign-owned yachts due to the new charges imposed since the start of the year on recreational vessels. International organizations, associations and unions active in the maritime tourism domain have informed their members about the new increased taxation Greece has imposed on yachts. The GMA has also been informed about certain strong foreign associations, which have many members on their registers, that may resort to the competent authorities of the European Union to protest the tax hike.
International reports also cite the possibility that Greek tax and customs authorities could bar yachts from leaving local marinas if their owners are unable to pay the additional charges. In that context they note that unless the charges are paid this year, the obligation for their payment will be carried over to next year.
According to GMA data, yacht owners mostly from the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany and Austria have taken their boats from Greece to marinas at rival maritime tourism destinations such as Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey.
Source: Kathimerini
Related posts:

  1. Draft Law On Yacht Tax Criticized
  2. Professional Yacht Sector Watches Bookings Sink
  3. Minister Promises Review Of Yacht Tax
  4. Poros Yacht Show Coming Up
  5. Alemar Launches Greece’s Largest Catamaran Yacht


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18 Apr 2006
Greece in Summer, Southampton in Winter
Ignore all the reference links. They refer to to the two previous (ill thought out) attempts in 2009 and 2010 to "soak the rich", aimed at motor vessels over 10m LOA and sail boats over 15m LOA. Both were suspended, and are now replaced by the current law.

The last bold text above is a very naughty mis-quote of emails sent by private owners to their marinas. Very few, if any, have left yet. Sure, they're considering leaving for other destinations. Most haven't had time to depart since hearing about the tax . . .

That obvious porky pie will kill trust of further data put forward from the Marina Associations.
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28 Jan 2005
Winter in Kent, rest of the year on board
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Following a request for information on the new tax, I received this e-mail (below) from Med Marinas - we have an annual contract at Lefkas Marina. I also talked to "Sail Ionian" at the LIBS yesterday, who confirmed it,but had no more info on; "withdrawal of other taxes" or "procedural issues." Sail Ionian have set up an agent in Nidri to deal with on-line payment of the tax.

Dear Sir,
You are kindly informed that according to a recent Law, voted by the Greek Parliament, a circulation tax is levied to all pleasure crafts over 7 m LOA.
The tax is in force on 1 January 2014, applies to all vessels of all nationalities (commercial or pleasure) which sail, moor or anchor in Greek waters. The tax allows circulation for one calendar year and the annual charge is 7m -8m: 200€, 8m-10m: 300€, 10m-12m: 400€, over 12m: 100€/meter.
Vessels over 12m have the option to pay 10€ per meter/month. They also obtain a 30% discount from the annual fee if permanently based in Greece. Commercial vessels obtain a 50% discount.
The aim of the Law is to correspond to the charges imposed by neighboring or other EU countries. In this respect other taxes which used to be imposed to vessels until today are to be withdrawn. Some procedural issues will also be clarified in the very near future.
Our company in an effort to compensate and eliminate the impact of this tax to boat owners, keeps unchanged the mooring and dry docking rates for the year 2014 and provides special discounts to permanent customers. Moreover as part of the D-Marin World we offer particular privileges and berthing packages to our annual customers.
The procedure of application as well as other relative matters will be included in another ministerial decision which has not been issued yet.

Remaining at your disposal for any further clarification.
Kind regards

Vassia Karavasili
Reservation Department

Tel: +30 210 9855327-8
Fax: +30 210 9855329

Mad Pad

13 Jun 2011
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Do you know some people actually paid the 2009/10 tax Jim refers to(wonder what their chances of getting a refund are?).Our depka was marked in red ink by the Port Police in Gouvia saying we had been told and should go to the tax office and pay.Needless to say we didn't,(would have been about euros 9,000 for us) and now have moved on to Montenegro.
That one off tax I did have an objection to,this new proposed tax I don't.
Still see Greece as good value.
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28 Jan 2005
Winter in Kent, rest of the year on board
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Are they not Turkish owned?

Not sure Carmel; they are Greek registered, main shareholder is Kiriacoulis. However they recently got together with D-Marin, which is Turkish (Dogus Group), in what is described in the D-Marin company literature as "a strategic partnership" - but no indication of what that means in terms of shareholding.

Under the aegis of D-Marin Marinas Group there are now annual berthing offers in Croatia (at Borik,Dalmacija, and Mandalina), in Greece (at Gouvia,Lefkas, Zea and Flisvos), and in Turkey (at Didim, Turgetreis and Gocek). A range of annual berthing options is offered - from 30 days 'free' berthing at any of the rest of the group, to tailor made berthing at any of the marinas.
23 Jul 2012
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I wish they'd stop spouting this complete fallacy.

Quite! My initial reaction to reading that was "The Lou...., stinki....., corru..., bas...... NOt Medmarinas, you understand but the Greek Government.

Now if that upsets JB - TOUGH for he believes that they can do no wrong!