My boat, and heater is 13 years old now. When the wind blows against the outlet I get a bit of smoke coming out from the insulation tube covering the corrugated, stainless exhaust hose. The leak must be somewhere up in the upwards bend, as I can see or feel none along the end connections. I thought these hoses were supposed to be quality stuff that one did not have to worry about, but I seem to have been wrong? Do you guys know if there is biig quality differences among producers and what stores that peddle the good products? Now that I am about to change I would like to invest in something that will never fail me 

The corrosion colouring on the hose is from the old hose clamp that was rusty. The hose itself does not appear to have any corrosion going on.

The corrosion colouring on the hose is from the old hose clamp that was rusty. The hose itself does not appear to have any corrosion going on.