Used to do them in dinghies when I was member of Langstone SC. Launch in Langstone Hbr and start on the ebb. Out and along Hayling seafront. Finish off HISC. Picnic on beach, waiting for tide to make enough to sail back to Langstone, Chi-side.
Believe there used to be a dinghy race from Emsworth out through Chi entrance, round the Nab, back thru Langstone entrance, under the Langstone bridge, back to Emsworth.
Dinghy sailors were men in those days. No dry/wet suits for them, just a pair of army surplus shorts. That was just the girls, mind.
(Now don't start him off....)
Hasten to add that all I know of this is half-remembered from a history of Emsworth Slipper SC. Others are doubtless better informed.
There were several windsurfing races / speed trials round the island a few years back & I have heard it mentioned since - dont know if anyone still does. The timing and methods for getting under the bridge were/are pretty impressive ! Heres to having Fun -
Many moons ago our dinghy club ( Solartron ) based at the entrance to Langstone had a Round the Island Race. Had to drop the mast to get under the road bridge. I don't know what the club is called now but it is still there.
The popularity of the round Hayling windsurfing race peaked in the late 1980s with over 700 starters in one year. Started and finished at Northney, and went anticlockwise, I recall. The record time was set by (I think) Guy Cribb in the early 90s - and was under 50 minutes, a phenomenal performance. Interest later flagged and I think the race was discontinued some years ago.
Did the round Hayling race many years back. Rather hoped that careful work would allow me to drop the spar, leave the mast and get under the bridge on jib alone but no usch luck, not by a few inches:-(
I wonder whether it might not be better simply to start at Northney Marina and finish at Langstone SC and thus avoiud the bridge.
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But years ago when it was a regular event - it was designed as more an obstacle job and of course small boats etc. With serious party at end.
If you remove the bridge aspect - you may as well set some buoys up and race cans ...
There also used to be another round Portsea Island race with small dinghys etc.
There also used to be another round Portsea Island race with small dinghys etc
That was always a blast too. Bridges to negotiate and the "joys" of Tipner Lake's muddy channels. No idea if its is still done.
Hayling Island sailing club used to organise this annually. Used to do it every year - required capsizing under the road bridge - great fun it was too.
Organised as a persuit race - slowest off first. Did it originally in the International Tornado - designed by Uffa fox for the 1953(?) olympics - pre dutchman then for years in a fireball.