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    • I
      Ingwe replied to the thread Broken spinnaker crane.
      By all means try and get some level of refund from the rigger as it wasn't fit for purpose. It doesn't surprise me that your crane...
    • I
      Ingwe replied to the thread Broken spinnaker crane.
      Assuming that you told the rigger that the sail was designed to have some windward ability I think a more experienced rigger would...
    • I
      Ingwe replied to the thread Another lost keel..
      As far as I am aware the "keel inspections" are effectively only checking for damage, which on an older boat with a keel with a very...
    • I
      Ingwe replied to the thread Americas Cup.
      I think the main inhibitor to at least partial foiling mono's (big mini transat boats rated for offshore) will be IRC as I suspect JPK...
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