Can anyone recommend good chandlers - online or mail order. I'm fitting out a new boat and have a truck load of things to buy so am keen to shop around.
Cosidering the state of the UK chandlery market at present I'd be wary of ordering anything mail order or online. There's been a few threads over the past couple of weeks to do with it. Might be worthwhile trying some European outlets or even Stateside. I've had some good service from Westmarine at the following URL:
For your own protection use a credit card, if the company goes tit's up you should be covered for a refund.
I know alot of people have reservations about using a credit card for internet purchases, but with secure sites and connections you are more likely to have your details stolen when using your card for an 'in person' purchase than have a secure server hacked by a spotty 14 year old
I've used a number of times for electrical & electronic stuff. They always seem keen to quote for stuff not on the site. And one bonus is the website is just part of their business not all of it, they are actually electrical electronic engineers not just a
Boss's name is Kev and he usually replies in person to enquiries. They run a mailshot with special offers and one of them is Lifeboat crewman. They seem alright. I have no complaint's. Try them.
A lot may depend on what you need to buy. I am posting from the USA and can tell you that I have been buying quite a lot in the UK! Most recently, from and some electronics from - Also, bear in mind the old saying "you get what you pay for" so if it is low prices, you must take the risk of dealing with somebody, most likely a dot com, that may end up having difficulties in a market with extremely low margins. I am willing to take the risk because I am paying with a credit card and am thus protected. I have been purchasing online for a couple of years now and do not think anybody is running any particular risk to give out credit card information on a secure web site. BTW, West Marine is offering a 10% off sale through early December. Too bad for you, that it is applies to in-store sales only. Cheers, Ronald S/V Bremer Speck
For run of the mill stuff like warps, chain, fenders, anti-fouling, etc they're quite useful, and if you don't mind the slight risk in exchange for a good price, you'll find remaindered stuff like blocks, winches, electronics, etc.
One thing to be aware of is that you might be buying stolen goods, so perhaps you should avoid one-off stuff that looks used but not discarded, and is without packaging, literature, etc.
There is a website listing upcoming jumbles - a search engine should find it for you.
As it was my first year owning a boat I have had to buy quite a few things this year. It is very much a case of horses for courses, but you shouldn't dismiss your local chandler as they will be just as hungry for business as well. Mail order can sometimes be cheaper but as has been mentioned, alot are going bust these days, entering winter with poor cashflow and weak balance sheets as a dotcommer must be a worry. I often feel as though they use loss leaders to get your attention, in reality unless they are massive they are probably buying on the same terms as most others.
Personally I am not a great mail order fan as I prefer to touch/see/feel what I am buying if I can. At my local (to the boat) chandlers in North Wales they have a 10%discount card for regular purchasers which meant that much of what I bought was cheaper than mail order and with good service & advice as well. However when the were marked differences in price between the shop and mail order I pointed it out to them and they went out of their way to match or better it.
Having said all that I know the chaps at Mailspeed Marine and can vouch for them (they have a shopin addition to m/o), also have you looked at
For fenders & lines + odd bits of safety gear Jimmy Green are very price competitive plus extremely helpful. I bought from them in the summer and was very pleased. They also do some nice offers around boat show times.
Had good service from www. mesltd. asap-supplies,
on line marine.the least said about mailspeed the better.I do 75%of my buying for two boats I"m refurbishing on line,as even with the shipping cost and time its cheaper and quicker than localy in Greece.
I am refitting a Roberts 34 and likewise spending a small fortune. Consequently it is very important that I buy cheap but without sacrificing reliability and quality.
For marine specific equipment goto alias Large stock held and excellent service and price. NB personal callers at Shepperton do not get the online price.
For tools goto
For stainless steel nuts/bolts/screws etc goto
For fibreglass/resin products phone 01489589838 (Scott Bader) and ask for a catalogue. You can't order online but when you order by phone or go in person make sure you ask for the trade price.
Service at is worth a mention but not competitive prices.
I will only buy with credit card.
You can find some obvious mistakes online. I bought a fridge for £320 where everywhere else it was £420.
Nice to see one of our customers giving us a plug!
Couple of points to add to Mr Dawsons comments, and to other peoples comments. is a part of KM Electronics.
Because we work within the commercial marine sector and industrial sectors as well, the winter sailing season doesn't affect us significantly.
We also have moorings and a slip available for installing the stuff we supply.
It's me, Kev the Boss, that is the RNLI lifeboat crewman, not one of my staff, (South Broads Inland Pilot Scheme) so supporting my business helps keep me available to carry a pager!
Easily the best prices if you can bring the bits back in person - but by the time you've paid shipping, Customs duty and VAT, you're better off buying in Europe.
The only time this might not apply is to US manufactured items, where indigenous chandlers will have an advantage over the EC chandlers who have to carry an imprters margins and overheads.
Their ex-neighbours across the harbour actually Charles, Firmhelm! Was trying to be discreet by not mentioning them. Have a lot of time for Willy P's though, but location is a bit awkward for the new marina.