I had an Alacrity 18 which was the almost identical but smaller sister to the Vivacity,also sailed on a friends Vivacity.
They sail remarkably well for a boat with stubby bilgekeels.Not much room below but comfortable enough for a few days at a time or longer if your keen enough..Also proved to be capable of getting home in bad weather.
One point is if you intend to dry out check your rudder is not able to lift off the pintles.I dried out in mud one day and didnt notice that the complete rudder and tiller assembly had lifted off and floated away when the tide returned.
We steered with the outboard and got it back but suffered much leg pulling as a result! (Then fitted a safety lanyard)
Thanks for that! I have now learned that smaller boats =more sailing. I came to sailing from motor boats and started with a seawych 19, fun easy sailing and lots of it...Got clever....bought 32, result, very little sailing....no crew....much more cost.................sold 32.............bought house and Vivacity 20......anticipated result much more sailing and big smile.