Canopy Locked
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    • Canopy Locked
      Canopy Locked replied to the thread Evinrude Parts UK.
      I have bought parts from a US dealer in the past - While there's probably not a huge problem now, I doubt it will be come easier to keep...
    • Canopy Locked
      General haulage rates have always been a race to the bottom, it's no wonder so many haualge companies go to the wall. Has been that way...
    • Canopy Locked
      Canopy Locked replied to the thread Petrol vs Diesel.
      For me personally, the safety implications of an inboard petrol engine would be enough for me to completely dismiss an inboard petrol...
    • Canopy Locked
      Canopy Locked replied to the thread So many dolphins!.
      The important thing is to maintain a constant heading and speed rather than trying to "chase" or follow dolphins - if they want to come...
    • Canopy Locked
      I can only echo what others have said - what an utterly magnificent vessel. Congratulations! I do have a slightly geeky question...
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