Why? Don't most repairers accept items by post? Which location do you enter - where you live, or where the boat is kept. Can be hundreds of miles apart (hlb aka Haydn is a good example.. lives oop norf, boat in Plymouth).I don't have time to take things for repair, just post them.
Most people are going to enter their boat location, but would be totally useless giving them 'local' info to their boat if they usually turn up there late on Friday night and leave Sunday pm.
Really don't understand this thing about profiles and information. Most of it is irrelevant.
<hr width=100% size=1>Err, let me know if Depsol enters the forum, I'll go and hide
Posting about Hunter Horizon's, Llandudno Junction, and use of English idiom, suggests someone who is not from Oz /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
I take your point, sort of, but anyone who's put more than a few posts here, has probably realised this is a UK centric site, and would probably flag 'furriner' status before they ask for suppliers or other similar advice.
I have a real bee in my bonnet about this profile thing. As I've stated previously, I despair after having seen posts suggesting people without boats should not be allowed to join in here. I've also given good reasons why some people might not want to provide any details about their personal lives which might cause them to reveal a lot more about themselves than many people would believe can be derived from very few details. It's voluntary to provide profile info, and it really hits buttons with me, when people 'demand' that profile info is filled in.
<hr width=100% size=1>Err, let me know if Depsol enters the forum, I'll go and hide
In my expereince, trying to get old sets fixed ends up costing more than buying new! Advances in technology have made sets smaller and better also think about DSC.
ah, but modern cheapie sets have those god awful membraine buttons, up down channel vol squelch on and on,
I have a I guess at the time cheapie radio, a navstar 5600. Good solid clunky buttons, easy to read display, volume on a pot so I can adjust it exactly where I want it as with squelch.
I will hang off as long as I can before replacing it. As with my 12ch Icom h/h, so I completely understand why you would want to fix it yourself.
The guy in Liverpool is always good, he knows his stuff. >>>
Thanks chaps- good response as usual. I was anticipating having to post, as with most things these days, but as I live in Chester, and one of the recommended repairers is in Liverpool, I'll take a trip over the water to the capital of culture(?) and get me an estimate.