The Forum Burgee.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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This will go past 100.

Well it wont if Henry just supplies what is wanted. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel and make a name for himself.

I did not have these problems, I just supplied what the forum wanted. The Mouse That Roared.

I did not invent it Tony did that, I was just lucky enough to know the right guy to make it. AFAIK he can still make it.

Things like tee shirts and personalised flags have already been tried. But it became very difficult to supply, for the few that were wanted.

My bloke Alistair can provide tee shirts or what ever is wanted, so that bit is easy.

Getting enough folk to want one, is far more difficult.


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19 Jan 2009
Stratford on Avon
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Well it wont if Henry just supplies what is wanted. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel and make a name for himself.
H, that is somewhat harsh, I really don't see where Henry is trying to make a name for himself. He has proposed a new supply route which most on here appreciate. He proposed an alternative design that few on here like. I don't see the need to get personal. You did a great job on the original burgee, Henry is trying to keep that going.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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H, that is somewhat harsh, I really don't see where Henry is trying to make a name for himself. He has proposed a new supply route which most on here appreciate. He proposed an alternative design that few on here like. I don't see the need to get personal. You did a great job on the original burgee, Henry is trying to keep that going.

So all Henry needs to do, is to supply the original one, I'll give him the phone number, it is simple.

As you said, nobody wants a different one. So My mate Mal, a computer expert and member of the forum, will be here Saturday.

We will explore the possibility of providing the burgee on line.

Henry is welcome to the job. But he seems to want to change it with some silly world thingy.

Henry has changed his mind, realising that no one wants his new design.

He now says that he will make the mouse. But why give it competition.

So Henry get your skates on, you provide the mouse. Else I will do it.
Why do we need to end up in such a mess. Bag flag, it's done.

My only reason for prevaricating. Is to get some reaction.
Henry wants to do it, except he wants his own flag, which no one else wants.
Henry the job of supplying the forum flag is fairly boring.

But you wanted to do it. Speak to ali, I'll give you his number
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Well-known member
31 May 2007

I'm not going to "get my skates on" because I want to make sure we do this properly in a sustainable manner. The last thing we need is a batch of burgees, a big scramble and when they're gone the whole thing goes quiet again. Just so you are aware a supplier has been approached, a sample is being made and we have devised an interesting method of testing for quality assurance !

To say you know what people want isn't actually true if you read this thread properly. In between all the vitriol and your criticism of the Ensign supplied burgee which it transpired was received rather well by those who bought it you will see that some people want an alternative.

Before you start spouting off about how the mouse is part of our heritage I'm talking a cheaper alternative of the mouse rather than a new design. Forget a new design, if it happens it won't affect your mouse or your high quality embroidered burgee. But some people have said they would like a cheaper version of the mouse to run alongside the "ceremonial" embroidered version. They have also said they would like stickers and possibly even hats of some description.

All the way through this thread I have listened to people. I've asked questions and tried to spark debate, but I've listened. You have bullied and there is a danger that your bullying will be the demise of the mouse. I now know why no-one has taken up the mantel and why there isn't a sticky offering burgees on line as should be the case.

I don't know how many more times I can say it Haydn but we are saving the embroidered mouse and making it widely available to all who want it along, possibly, with a cheaper screen printed version of the same. In addition we want to offer stickers of the design and possibly as has been suggested recently baseball caps with it.

I've had to fight you on behalf of everyone on here to get internet ordering and ease of availability but still you say it is me who should listen to the members. Yes, I am asking opinion on another design to run alongside the mouse and that will be on-going. But I'm asking, not telling.

Thankfully I am made of stronger stuff than most so I can take the abuse but I think we have reached a point where the right thing is being done and further antagonism isn't helping the cause. You did say on page 26 that you'd said your last words on the subject.

You will always have a pretty dim view of me and that's a shame because ultimately all I want to do is promote the forum and link members when out on the water. Isn't that what drove you 12 or 14 years ago ?

Henry :)


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7 Sep 2009
Northern Ireland
I think the old dog doesn't like being replaced by the new dog and wants to chew his bone. :)

I will buy whatever Henry gets up and running as long as it is a simple online process.


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22 Jan 2004
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Stay with it Henry, some folks are far too intent on protecting some halcyon, rose-tinted past. Things change whether we like it or not...


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8 Dec 2005
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I have been in Engineering all my Life and most of it at sea and one thing I have learnt is:-

If it's not broken don't fix it.

I have an original from Hayden and that's the one I will be hoisting.
Not some new fangled, it's not even a look-alike that will sell 2 or 3 to some of newbie's on YBW that don't know better if it's lucky.
If you want to make them then do a proper job and get the original pattern off hlb and produce the same as.
Yes maybe make the embroidery a little heaver and possibly a larger one but the original one does match the size of all the other burgees, pennants and signal flags you will see on small boats.

What's more it is now well known seen and recognised all over the world where a new one would not be.
There that's my first rant over in all the time I've been on here.



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28 Nov 2008
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I have been in Engineering all my Life and most of it at sea and one thing I have learnt is:-

If it's not broken don't fix it.

I have an original from Hayden and that's the one I will be hoisting.
Not some new fangled, it's not even a look-alike that will sell 2 or 3 to some of newbie's on YBW that don't know better if it's lucky.
If you want to make them then do a proper job and get the original pattern off hlb and produce the same as.
Yes maybe make the embroidery a little heaver and possibly a larger one but the original one does match the size of all the other burgees, pennants and signal flags you will see on small boats.

What's more it is now well known seen and recognised all over the world where a new one would not be.
There that's my first rant over in all the time I've been on here.

I'm an engineer too and that statement doesn't apply to everything.. it should read,

If it's not broken, you've a great opportunity to enhance it

i.e. something good can be made great


Well-known member
31 May 2007

If you want to make them then do a proper job and get the original pattern off hlb and produce the same as.
Yes maybe make the embroidery a little heaver and possibly a larger one but the original one does match the size of all the other burgees, pennants and signal flags you will see on small boats

Err... which is what we are doing.

We have de-constructed an original burgee and are trying to re-create it. There are a couple of minor issues, on the original the piping was yellow but the mouse goldish colour, we will attempt to match the colours. The original size was 315mm on the hoist, 420mm perpendicular from the hoist to the point. The version I bought is 350mm and 480mm. I think that's where we will end up. If you think about it boats have steadily grown in size over the past 14 years so it probably makes sense.

Shoot us down if we're doing something wrong, but we aren't.

Your apology is duly noted and accepted.

Henry :)


Well-known member
31 May 2007
Uxbridge / 0151 298 1007

It was broke, but I fixed it last year :)


Can I just say Pete I tried to buy one off you when you ordered up 30 but unfortunately missed the boat. Not your fault, I was a bit too slow. Having just bought one of the ensign burgees I do now finally have something flying !!

Our efforts are in no way intended to undermine your work. You helped ensure the survival of the mouse design. I'm hoping to set something up which doesn't require a subsidy from you or whoever is in the chair at the time and which makes use of technology available on line.

Henry :)


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17 Jun 2012
New Forest
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Originally Posted by pmagowan
I think the old dog doesn't like being replaced by the new dog and wants to chew his bone.

I will buy whatever Henry gets up and running as long as it is a simple online process.


Actually reading what Henry is proposing may well be a very good use of time. Why not give him a chance, see what the final version looks like. If you like it buy one, if you don't, then buy one of the original design via a simple internet payment system. Nothing to get upset about as far as I can see ?
Thanks for your efforts Henry, your patience is to be commended.


Well-known member
7 Sep 2009
Northern Ireland / 0151 298 1007

It was broke, but I fixed it last year :)


Thanks pete, don't want to take away from your, or anyone's, efforts. It looks like this has been an evolution and the next stage is an easy online ordering of the traditional flag and other products. Burgees do not weigh heavily on my mind so I will wait until the online version is up and running and then stock up with anything that takes my fancy. :)