The Forum Burgee.


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6 Mar 2008
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Jeez Haydn, your late night / early morning posts are coming across as alcohol fueled with little grasp on reality. There is no way you're trying to support Henry, everyone can see that you're in your own little battle with the man with you constantly on the attack and Henry needing to defend his every action. Have a read through this thread when you're sober and post something late morning when the noggin may be thinking more clearly eh. It's time for you to let go and simply trust Henry will make a great job of whatever his endeavours turn up for the forum.

all the best Gary

Henry is aware of the issues and understands them.


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6 May 2005
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The suggestion is for having a 1st quality burgee for special 'come aboard and have a glass' occasions, and a normal more robust, and cheaper, burgee which can be hauled up for all other times. Plus little stickers for the car or cabin windows.

Nothing to stop folks using the special burgee on a daily basis if they wish, though.

The original burgees from you and your flag man are a work of art, and very special. One of my two is pinned to the wall as a motif of what the forum means to me.

It seems to me that Henry is keeping your tradition and long service to the forum alive and flying by proposing a proper quality burgee the same as yours (well may be an inch bigger ?). Just saying that lashing out on a special burgee for everyday or long term use might be a bit out of price range for some people.

We are all in this together (and I mean it !)


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30 May 2001
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Sometimes things change. The best thing is to let Henry get on with it and see whether his efforts are taken to heart by the forum. If they are, great. If not, then the forum has decided.

Personally I like the mouse and have an Hlb original, but it could so easily have been a parrot :D

SO I'll suggest a parot in the middle. Cos we talk allot. And some words round it like Boat Chat Show.


Well-known member
5 Jun 2001
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Perhaps the mouse should drink from a beer glass to be less elitist or even a mug, after all don't want to be promoting booze boating, or is it sloshed steering?

Ducks behind parapet !!!!!!

From a personal perspective was never inclined to fly a cocktail glass due to its boozy hooray Henry image.

My suggestion is keep the Mouse as an animal, + some sign to represent friendship, without getting all religious on one end or the Hand from Northern Ireland.

The world and ybw isnt there yet as looks too corporate, and from the mag as others have commented, but a good effort, please don't give up as times do move forward.


New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
No probs buddy but please don't intimate that my opinion doesn't count. You post suggested just that

Oh, brilliant post, Gary! I actually laughed aloud when I read that! Your opinion "Counts" does it? Why would that be? In what way does it count? Are you implying that other people's shouldn't? Don't answer, they are hypothetical Qs, just trying to show why it came over as so funny.

Sure your opinion counts, and it counts exactly as much as Haydn's, or mine for that matter - which is pretty low I suspect - so it goes. Please remember this is an Internet forum, it is not a roomful of your employees or acolytes! ;)

Haydn's manner may be brusque & abrasive, but his comments are not entirely without merit & Henry has the sense to see that. I have no need for a replacement burgee yet, but welcome the chance to get more people flying one, but I doubt I will remember or recognise a changed design a season or two later. You may do as you wish, of course, as shall everyone.


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7 Sep 2001
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Still fly mine Haydn, in Corfu and the Ionian, thought I saw another the other day, but he was passing and I didnt get a good look!" But will get another when I can.

#OK, what was decided, where can I get a larger forum burgee? Or whats happening about it.
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7 Sep 2001
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I still have the "tipsy mouse" design and still have a cap and wear it still, siomre still around, I had about 25 made and cant remember who I sent them to in UK, made them in Mallorca.

Phoenix of Hamble

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28 Aug 2003
East Coast
I'm very keen that we get a new supply sorted... power to your elbow on that one Henry...

But I don't support a change to the logo... its unnecessary, and disconnects all the history of the old one. I can't see why we need a new logo... if you want a cheaper version to leave flying, why not get a printed version of the current one?... there isn't a reason to change it, other than for the sake of it.

Also, could we get this thread moved to a more inclusive location?... it was only the post on 'post count' in the lounge that alerted a number of us to the discussion to start with.


14 Dec 2013
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It is also The Mouse That Roared, it is impossible to defeat, after all you can not start a war on a mouse.
There is a film about it some where.

Which ever way, the mouse will continue as it always has, If you feel flash, just buy the new one from Henry,

Or with a heart buy the mouse.

Wow, you really don't want anyone to change your flag do you? Seriously mate, I thought you had retired, thrown in the towel, given your flag to the forum, it is 'your' flag after all, just along as it is always really 'my' flag eh?


Well-known member
31 May 2007
I'm very keen that we get a new supply sorted... power to your elbow on that one Henry...

But I don't support a change to the logo... its unnecessary, and disconnects all the history of the old one. I can't see why we need a new logo... if you want a cheaper version to leave flying, why not get a printed version of the current one?... there isn't a reason to change it, other than for the sake of it.

That is exactly what's happening.

There are a lot of very strange posts which seem to be going off on a tangent of their own imagination.

Henry :)


17 Jan 2012
West country
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I want a new one. Just like the 'old one'.

My high-quality original was given its first airing for quite some time a couple of weeks ago and, on passage homewards, took it upon itself to disentangle from the rigging and head off back to Wales where the party was still in full flow....

I mourn its loss.

And I want another..... ;)


Well-known member
6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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Perhaps the mouse should drink from a beer glass to be less elitist or even a mug

The cocktail glass is the international symbol for socialising. Your concerns wouldn't even be understood outside the class-obsessed UK. Contrary to what Islington-dwelling BBC scriptwriters would have us believe a lack of affluence does not automatically mean an obsession with alcopops, brown ale and blue nun. Undoubtedly falling into the bottom 10% of forumites by wealth I think I can say that authoritatively. Moreover, is the shape of a glass on a burgee going to make people think you're elitist if they've overlooked the thing the burgee is attached to?

I understand the point but respectfully disagree. Personally I'd be embarrassed by anything overtly computery.