The Forum Burgee.


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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#OK, what was decided, where can I get a larger forum burgee? Or whats happening about it.

No firm outcome on this thread yet.

The Tipsy Mouse has been available for about a year from Ensign Flags - / 0151 298 1007 (they have a website, but no actual online ordering).

The standard size is 18", which is approximately the same as the original Haydn version, but they will make any size you want up to and including "trade union marching banner" :)

The flag itself is £24, but VAT and delivery take it to £31.28 I believe (I didn't have to pay that for the initial batch).

You may wish to wait until Henry's offering goes live, as it is promised to be cheaper.



Well-known member
31 May 2007
So just to be clear, are you still looking at " alternative design to run alongside it." and do you still want to: "...investigate an alternative unconnected design." And if so what will they be, YBW burgees or not?

Yes, I am still investigating an alternative design but not to replace the mouse, to run alongside it. At this stage I don't know whether it will be a ybw forum, motor boat section or something else. It depends on feedback and how things pan out organically. I am merely the catalyst to drive it along. But the primary aim at this stage is to get the mouse up and running. We will investigate alternatives over time.

Henry :)


Well-known member
31 May 2007
Yep Henry don't want the original design, or the original supplier, I've offered to give him the phone number, but Henry don't want it.

It's like to try to organise a piss up in a brothel.

We already have manufacturers lined up who are producing samples. We then want to test these and confirm exact materials before offering them for sale. It isn't a two minute process to do everything properly. A bit of a wait now will pay dividends in the future.

Many brothels aren't licenced for alcohol, hence the rip off charges for non alcoholic drinks & cocktails in clip joints. So actually organising a piss up there would be surprisingly difficult.

I would choose to organise mine in a brewery. Much easier :)

We are in the middle of sorting things out so why not be a good sport and allow us the time to get up and running. Burgees haven't been permanently available on the forum for quite some time. The odd week here or there isn't going to make any difference.

Henry :)


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12 May 2004
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This is my last post on the subject. Henry has operated like the fat bloke on the "Where There Is Blame There Is A Claim" advert. His arguments are like a revolving door. First he wanted to make his own flag in competition. When that did not work he wanted to make both. Yet we still have no evidence of his contribution. The flag belongs to a club, not any one person. It is not nor can it be an MBY flag. That would require MBY's permeation, MBY is aware and agrees that it is our flag but are happy to show it on their stands.

The decision of a flag, which flag or how it is sold, is for the forum to decide. It defiantly is not Henrys. A lot of smoke and mirrors have been used. Saying that owners of the flag were regulated. Well yes, to the point that you had to be a forum member, or you would not be able to buy one. Cos you would not have known anything about it. Nothing against on line purchase, It was not available at the time, though it does throw doubts on, who is a member??

The big problem is, Henry has just muscled him self in, with no regard to the forum or it's views. Is that not what Hitler did.

Anyway, like I said, I am out of it.



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25 Nov 2007
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We already have manufacturers lined up who are producing samples. We then want to test these and confirm exact materials before offering them for sale. It isn't a two minute process to do everything properly. A bit of a wait now will pay dividends in the future.

Many brothels aren't licenced for alcohol, hence the rip off charges for non alcoholic drinks & cocktails in clip joints. So actually organising a piss up there would be surprisingly difficult.

I would choose to organise mine in a brewery. Much easier :)

We are in the middle of sorting things out so why not be a good sport and allow us the time to get up and running. Burgees haven't been permanently available on the forum for quite some time. The odd week here or there isn't going to make any difference.

Henry :)


I can confirm that not only can I read your posts, I also understand them. :)

Just thought I would let you know as it appears some posters are either unable to see what you have written or have decided to make up their own version. :ambivalence:



Well-known member
22 Jan 2004
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We already have manufacturers lined up who are producing samples. We then want to test these and confirm exact materials before offering them for sale. It isn't a two minute process to do everything properly. A bit of a wait now will pay dividends in the future.

Many brothels aren't licenced for alcohol, hence the rip off charges for non alcoholic drinks & cocktails in clip joints. So actually organising a piss up there would be surprisingly difficult.

I would choose to organise mine in a brewery. Much easier :)

We are in the middle of sorting things out so why not be a good sport and allow us the time to get up and running. Burgees haven't been permanently available on the forum for quite some time. The odd week here or there isn't going to make any difference.

Henry :)

Such patience...You are Mother Teresa and I claim my £5 :)


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
I still have the "tipsy mouse" design and still have a cap and wear it still, siomre still around, I had about 25 made and cant remember who I sent them to in UK, made them in Mallorca.
Hmmmm ........ well you didn't send me one ! (lower lip tremble .....)

If anyone is interested in earlier history re the burgee there are some really nostalgic threads - do an advanced search in this forum for "forum burgee" any date and older in ascending order.

PS - Over £30 for the latest offering from a certain supplier ??? You're 'aving a larf ain't yer?

My original "special" from 2002 - still in use today!

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Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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Hmmmm ........ well you didn't send me one ! (lower lip tremble .....)

If anyone is interested in earlier history re the burgee there are some really nostalgic threads - do an advanced search in this forum for "forum burgee" any date and older in ascending order.

PS - Over £30 for the latest offering from a certain supplier ??? You're 'aving a larf ain't yer?

My original "special" from 2002 - still in use today!


That level of customisation is enough to send some on here over the edge...


Well-known member
7 Sep 2009
Northern Ireland
Paying to have one made commercially certainly would... :)
I don't understand why it would cost much. I though these things were done by a computer cnc style thing. You see it all the time in these advertzines that come with PBO etc, get your name on a hat or towel or jumper. Surely they simply press a button one way or the other.

i do agree that it could blow our puny little minds having that level of customisation though! :)


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16 May 2001
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I don't understand why it would cost much. I though these things were done by a computer cnc style thing. You see it all the time in these advertzines that come with PBO etc, get your name on a hat or towel or jumper. Surely they simply press a button one way or the other.

i do agree that it could blow our puny little minds having that level of customisation though! :)
The standard computer produced one comes in at over £30. Whether you understand it or not customisation would incur an extra charge without doubt - you obviously haven't bought any flags/burgees lately...


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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The standard computer produced one comes in at over £30.

I'm not sure how "computer produced" it is. Unlike the original, the pattern is not just embroidery (which can be entirely automated) but consists of numerous separate pieces of yellow fabric individually sewn to the blue background. I imagine they use a computer-controlled cutter to cut these pieces out, but is there a machine that can pick up fiddly bits of cloth and place them in the right positions, and is affordable by a small family business? And the sewing of the pieces into position? That seems like it should be automated, but I'm not sure...

Also don't forget that the actual price of the flag itself is £24, not "over £30". The difference is VAT, which I'm guessing wasn't paid with the old one, and delivery which was handled by the system of SAEs and Haydn's personal effort.



New member
16 May 2001
Isle of Wight / Jersey
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I'm not sure how "computer produced" it is. Unlike the original, the pattern is not just embroidery (which can be entirely automated) but consists of numerous separate pieces of yellow fabric individually sewn to the blue background. I imagine they use a computer-controlled cutter to cut these pieces out, but is there a machine that can pick up fiddly bits of cloth and place them in the right positions, and is affordable by a small family business? And the sewing of the pieces into position? That seems like it should be automated, but I'm not sure...

Also don't forget that the actual price of the flag itself is £24, not "over £30". The difference is VAT, which I'm guessing wasn't paid with the old one, and delivery which was handled by the system of SAEs and Haydn's personal effort.

If they are hand sewn then then it is even more likely that there would be an additional cost for customisation. How ever the cost is broken down, you have to hand over more than £30 to receive your flag. It's not an untypical price, I replaced two burgees, a house flag and a large flag last year - flags of any decent quality don't come cheap .
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Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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Slightly off topic but I once sat in a bar in Revelstoke talking to a guy (young) who went into flag production in 2000...things got very busy in 2001 and he retired in 2010 and now spends his time cycling round the world.


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12 May 2004
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Slightly off topic but I once sat in a bar in Revelstoke talking to a guy (young) who went into flag production in 2000...things got very busy in 2001 and he retired in 2010 and now spends his time cycling round the world.

And the moral of that story is:

Don't go into flag production or you won't be able to afford a car! :rolleyes: