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      TrondS replied to the thread Norway -- ICC Required?.
      The rules specify 15,00 meter, not 50 feet. Norwegian license regulations is based on "LOH - Length of hull", not the load line length.
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      TrondS replied to the thread Norway -- ICC Required?.
      The Norwegian Maritime Authority does not mention anything about this for foreigners, so you should not count on it.
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      TrondS replied to the thread Norway -- ICC Required?.
      The RYA Day Skipper is more worth than the equivalent Norwegian boating license, so the RYA license should be accepted in Norway.
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      TrondS replied to the thread Norway -- ICC Required?.
      Useful info for boating in Norway: We have a special / local colreg rule #44: Pleasure crafts, including sailing vessels, shall "as far...
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      TrondS replied to the thread Norway -- ICC Required?.
      Copied from the webpage of Norwegian Maritime Authority (sdir.no) "Boating licenses or other qualification documents issued in another...
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