The Forum Burgee.


Well-known member
31 May 2007
You may call it a "secondary burgee", but it's not really is it? It's an 'unofficial' burgee, that is produced with the only the support of a small subset of the people who have commented and/or voted, and you have openly said you have taken the unilateral decision to produce.

The original was produced with consensus, there is no consensus for your 'unofficial' burgee.

Your offer to also produce the original burgee, does not in any way add to the legitimacy of your burgee.

You haven't seen a design yet so let's wait until that happens and take it from there. Ultimately if a consensus can't be reached on a ybw based logo and I still go ahead & offer it people will either buy them & fly them or they won't. If they don't then no one is out of pocket but me. If someone else feels strongly enough that they wish to produce an alternative then so be it. When you see my proposed design there is nothing cryptic about it you will instantly know the person goes goes on an internet forum called

I'm not doing this to take over a club, just to try and bring it together in the real world.

I am not seeking to gain "official" status through the original burgee. I'm offering to help in what ever way I can because I'm a nice chap and I have the ability to get them distributed and handle the payment side of things.

If I produce a design which someone betters a year down the line and everyone switches to flying I won't be jumping up and down. Don't forget I've just shelled out £31 of my daughter's inheritance on a poor quality burgee which I'm not a massive of because I want to let people know I'm part of the forum when out and about. My intentions are entirely honourable.

Henry :)


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16 Dec 2005
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ya de ya de ya de blah, change happens, get used to it :)

Gary, that's a very sound point you make, it's the type of comment that a spoilt child makes when they're loosing, and according to your own motorboat forum poll "DO WE NEED A SECOND BURGEE?...............your loosing. get used to it................ 68.75% says shove it,........... 22.92% says yes please,

change happens only when the members agree to change, although this thread may be still marching past the 200 reply barrier there is no majority for change, get used to that;)


Well-known member
12 Sep 2011
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Feck me....i thought the "Mobo forum" was normal. The whole forum is bonkers mad lol.;)


Well-known member
31 May 2007
So long as the original burgee remains and is reinstated to it's former magnificence in terms of construction what does it matter if some people choose to display a sign that tells everyone they post on the ybw forum ?

The poll is not an accurate reflection of the entire forum it is a tiny tiny fraction of 1 percent of the total membership. If I really thought it mattered I would vote for myself and rally others to do the same.


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6 Mar 2008
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Never heard of a representative sample.? Theres lies, damn lies and statistics.

You can produce any flag you want, but it will never be and can never be described, intuited, recognised or sold as an official YBW forum burgee, unless you of course get the approval of the majority of the stakeholders via a serious poll, not the lightweight version currently in play.

If you do get the majority, then as far as I am concerned, do it with my blessings. Beware though, there is more at stake behind the scenes than a flag design IMO.
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Well-known member
21 Jun 2004
Anglesey Wales
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epervie making people write bollox all the time said:
I talk bollix all the time, innit
Just seen this thread, well not true just read most of this Thread
Flip Guys
H volunteered years ago to do this Burgee thing and spent a whole load of time sorting it out
H is pretty knackered at the Mo and lets hope He will get better
His flagging strength was enormous and the embryo of these Forai
However his flagging strength right now needs to be supported and we need to draw on his words and experience ref the Burgee
I know times have changed since the Forai was 'invented'
We boat differently now since the inception of this Great Group of peeps
Economy, diesel price de blah de blah but we still have the same Camerararderie - camorarideie camaorarydeary, a feck it you know what I mean!!
If yer out on yer boat an someone is in trouble what do yer do, yer goes an helps of course
So Now
The 'Flag' needs helping
Don't bicker about it peeps
Life is too short
When I got my first flag, although I had seen a piccie of it on t forai
I thought 'What the effin ell is this all about like innit?
A Mouse
A Cocktail glass?
Then it clicked a Computer Mouse (sumatt I was learnin about in 2003!) and a champagne type glass? not seen on Anglesey in my bit!
Had me confused fer a bit
I went to the Isle of Whithorn in 2006 in me boat and didn't know where to park or raft up and a Scots geezer shouted at Me in a Rab C kinda Glasgow dialect
'Yew raft be me der ken yer sassanauch Forum ****** yew yer dozy Son of a -itch yer makin too many waves so yer rr and it's yurr wround der ken yer bloody tozzer can yew swow down and I'll catch ye rope yer 8anker'
So that is the resprect of the Forum and it's Burgee
Der Ken?:D


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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I've deliberately stayed away from this thread since my last post, but I've just come back and read it all.

Have to say I feel a bit hard-done-by by all the people saying the newly-made burgees are ****, without ever having actually seen one. It's not easy to judge quality from a photo. Yes, the new one is different in manufacture to the old one - it's built like a flag rather than a sofa - but it's well-made with the mouse and glass cut out of fabric (using the same original design file) and sewn on.

And I'd like to repeat the point that none of the moaners (except Haydn of course) have done anything to help continue the tradition. Haydn wanted to stop, nobody else was willing to take it on. I could be wrong as I can't find the original thread, but I think he said he was just going to stop and that would be that, no more burgees for anyone. The flood of requests for the initial batch I arranged showed how popular they still are, so a lot more people can now proudly display their forum membership who otherwise would not be able to. I think that counts for something.

A couple of posts have come close to hinting that I somehow did this for my own financial benefit. Nothing could be further from the truth - I actually swallowed a loss of £120 on the initial batch, because I originally ordered and priced up 12" burgees, then when the sample arrived I realised it was too small, and unilaterally upgraded to 18". Probably foolishly, I was shy of asking people for the extra £4 each, so I covered the difference myself. Obviously I have no financial involvement at all in the subsequent one-offs.

As I said before, if someone else can arrange for a decent quality burgee to be made for less than the current one-off commercial rate, then I'd be delighted. PM me or FullCircle for the artwork and have at it. An easy online ordering system would be nice (something the current suppliers don't have, you need to phone them with a card number). I'm afraid I don't subscribe to the SAE cloak-and-dagger idea - as I see it, if someone is involved enough in the forum to want to display that fact to all and sundry, then they're involved enough to be allowed the means of doing so.

One thing I am absolutely 100% in agreement with the old guard on though - however and wherever the flags are made, the design needs to stay the same. It may be an odd symbol, but it's our odd symbol, sanctified by long use and proudly flown all over the globe.

Another pic of the Liverpool version - still no substitute for handling one in the flesh:



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30 Nov 2005
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I suppose the RR Spirit OF Ecstasy badge!

ME TOO! :cool:

How the hell did a 'rat' get famous on a boat forum. Was it a god?, did it have some mystical powers?

Rat Faced.gif

Henry, I can't wait to see your new design, if it represents a bit of quality and value. A bit like a 'printed V sewn' ensign. The exampl in 'Vara's' post is not really up to it imho. The graphic is wishy washy. I like the white luff tape and the colour looks like it may stayfast longer, however, I really like the subtle touch in the original mouse on a typsy glass. I like the idea of a toggle and a sewn boundary.

The original design works for me though but it did fade in the sun too quickly, before breaking up at about 200 hours. I tend to furl my burgees' now so as not to wreck them. A window sticker visible from a pontoon when moored might make the boat touch more identifiable. A burgee does suggest owner on board where as a window sticker not so.

My vote would be for forum support essential or I would not fly one. :encouragement:
