The Forum Burgee.


16 May 2001
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Not sure there is any antagonism going on. I simply asked if the mouse was still available and was anyone still buying it.

Why Henry suddenly said that he could design something better, I have no idea. Even more puzzling is. He does not yet know what it is. Henry seems to have little or no support, so why his he still prevaricating.

It would seem to get very complicated if each forum member designed a better flag, we would all end up with one of our own.

I did not choose the flag, I just picked the only one that was possible to produce from the ones submitted.

I do not have a boat anymore, nor am I likely to get one. I am not sure it is possible from a wheel chair.

So the flag is fairly insignificant to me now. Except, that in the future the internet will be part of our history.

We could have rebuilt Stone Henge into a modern row of council houses, but luckily we didn't.

Just imagine in a thousand years, some university will be studying the net.

How the hell did a mouse get famous on a boat forum. Was it a god?, did it have some mystical powers?

Well yes, it must have had, or it would not be still here.


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28 Nov 2008
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Haydn, to be candid, the new flag idea was spawned from folk like me becoming sick of folk like you whining on about how good the forum used to be. You then have an issue with those newer members you are effectively bad mouthing when they look to make changes? Can you not see the irony?


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6 May 2005
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I rather like the (possibly untrue) legend that the delicately shaped champagne glass was originally modelled on the shape of Marie Antoinette's breast. Thus the present burgee links to idea that boating has a lot to with both drink and sex. And mice ?

For me, the burgee is a symbol of the forum. Half boaty, half social, and half mysteriously but amiably crackers. And the symbol, while contained in a recognisable boaty triangle, is, importantly, different from the usual anchor, mermaid, or compass. We are a very different sort of 'club' to yer average bunch in a former pub overlooking a river.

We have a local embroidery business who do lots of work for teams, blue light services, corporate livery etc. I will be taking one of my burgees into them today to see if they can do a run of , say, 50 or a 100, the same as the original HLB/Boatone one at a reasonable cost. I am happy to underwrite the production cost of this, but would be even happier if e.g. Henryf , with demonstrably excellent marketing experience and resources, or someone similar, would like to manage the sale and distribution.

I would really hate to see the forum burgee change. It is so different from any other burgee you see afloat. And that is what the forum represents.
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20 Feb 2004
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Does any body have a photo of the Ensign Flags offering?

Ah I think I've found one,


Looks pretty good to me.
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Well-known member
31 May 2007
I'm trying to remain level headed here but it is difficult.

Haydn, you have compared the burgee design to our British national flag and Stonehenge. Suggesting it is a famous national treasure, even a religious icon.

You say the burgee is nothing to do with the YBW forum, you were a wandering group of internet based enthusiasts presumably with a burgee who graced the YBW platform with your presence. You existed as a group before the forum did?

I came along because of the YBW platform, not because I knew of or was introduced by any of the founding fathers. So possibly that's where our differences lie. I want a design that reflects the fact I post on the YBW forums you want something that reflects the founding fathers.

You have been antagonistic in your posts suggesting the current forum is a pale imitation of its former self.

Just for the record we managed a similar number to the Wig & Pen rave when we met at The Old ship Swanwick where we celebrated Steve's birthday. The East Cowes gathering was a cracker with both motor and sail boats attending over the weekend. An interesting concept that's evolved with improvements in technology is the virtual cruise in company where we have all just enjoyed a trip round Finland. We also get loads of images from shorter trips out around the world. As I have previously mentioned the forum dive aboard Blue Angel seemed to go down very well and most made it back. So the list goes on. And lots of people are out there using their boats, in fact that's been the biggest problem in organising the latest beer and natter.

The reason for the delay in presenting a suggestion for a burgee is that I'm waiting for some help with the graphics.

My burgee arrived from emblem today and they aren't £24. Delivered inc Vat they are £31.20, they just quote £24 on the phone when you ask.

Henry :)
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Well-known member
31 May 2007
I rather like the (possibly untrue) legend that the delicately shaped champagne glass was originally modelled on the shape of Marie Antoinette's breast. Thus the present burgee links to idea that boating has a lot to with both drink and sex. And mice ?

Very amusing

I will be taking one of my burgees into them today to see if they can do a run of , say, 50 or a 100, the same as the original HLB/Boatone one at a reasonable cost. I am happy to underwrite the production cost of this, but would be even happier if e.g. Henryf , with demonstrably excellent marketing experience and resources, or someone similar, would like to manage the sale and distribution.

I would really hate to see the forum burgee change. It is so different from any other burgee you see afloat. And that is what the forum represents.

I have no problem helping out there but it would be via an automated on-line payment method so there would be no buyer qualification other than the ability to make payment.

As I've already said I have no wish to deprive people of something they cherish. I would like to see an alternative option though. I might even fly both. To me it's all about saying I post on the forum so feel free to come along and say hello / put a (gorgeous) face to the name.

PM me and we can have a chat.

Henry :)


Well-known member
6 May 2005
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Does any body have a photo of the Ensign Flags offering?

Ah I think I've found one,


Looks pretty good to me.

Umm, that looks like a whole level below the old one in terms of the colour of the graphic, the fineness of the embroidery, and the trim round the two long sides. The toggle and hoist, though technically proficient, are white rather than self coloured (i.e. same as the body of the burgee.

And I can see through the material. And the graphic is larger relative to the whole burgee. It is an unsophisticated copy product.

2 out 5 for effort; 1 out of 5 for execution, for Ensign


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9 Jan 2011
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Imho ... the only thing that doesn't sit well with the original was somebody decided if you were good enough to have one which could exclude those who are shy about writing on the forum but are sociable in real life, or perhaps someone who's written word doesn't do themselves justice etc etc.
Again Imho if you know what to look for you will spot the ensign irrespective of the design.


Well-known member
31 May 2007
I think the larger emblem is a good thing as it makes it easier to spot. I may have been looking at an old design with a single line of embroidery when commenting previously that is was difficult to see.

The Ensign burgee is actually fabric trapped between lines of stitching.

Henry :)


Well-known member
31 May 2007
Imho ... the only thing that doesn't sit well with the original was somebody decided if you were good enough to have one which could exclude those who are shy about writing on the forum but are sociable in real life, or perhaps someone who's written word doesn't do themselves justice etc etc.
Again Imho if you know what to look for you will spot the ensign irrespective of the design.

Very eloquently put.

Henry :)

Wandering Star

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8 Feb 2009
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What we need is a flag which identifies the boat as belonging to a forumite but which sends out a "feck off" message rather than a message to "come aboard for drink".


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18 Mar 2009
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Umm, that looks like a whole level below the old one in terms of the colour of the graphic, the fineness of the embroidery, and the trim round the two long sides. The toggle and hoist, though technically proficient, are white rather than self coloured (i.e. same as the body of the burgee.

And I can see through the material. And the graphic is larger relative to the whole burgee. It is an unsophisticated copy product.

2 out 5 for effort; 1 out of 5 for execution, for Ensign

I had not seen a "new " burgee before... that looks awful on close inspection compared to the quality old one... glad I still have an old one to fly!


Well-known member
31 May 2007
Right then...

Nothing is cast in concrete yet and it will take a while to work out the details but someone has suggested a really great solution to this.

Give us some time to work things out but if the cunning stunt can be pulled off as I hope the existing burgee won't be lost, quality will be tightened and availability will be improved.

Henry :)


Well-known member
6 May 2005
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some suggestions arising from offline swapping of ideas..

Since there appears to be a polarisation of opinion on this matter (hardly a novelty for the forum ) may we fly the following idea...

1 Retain the original burgee, in its high quality design, format and structure for which it is rightly loved for multiple and historical reasons, and use it to indicate that, while moored up or alongside, it is a specific invitation that visits from other forum sailors will be welcome. The original burgee is a work of seamstress art, and much valued as such.

Analogous to the infamous "Gin Pennant" worn by the grey funnel line, when open house. The forum pennant shares some design features already :)

The burgee may also continue to be worn at sea, of course.

2 Have a new burgee, to reflect the changing membership profile, aspirations, and culture. This could be like a 'membership' burgee, and be slightly easier to recognise, perhaps larger, and if possible cheaper than the handsewn original.

There are lots of issues with this - design, possible link to IPC (Richard, are you there?) , alienation of traditional forum 'values', marketing, acceptance, divisiveness, break with tradition and history, etc, etc.

3 We would also like to see a forum windscreen burgee, similar to those used for parking permits for use in car and cabin windows, to show the boat or car is a forum boat, even though the burgee is not in use.

I think the forum needs to reconcile the two issues of tradition and change. We commend this suggestion to the house for reasoned debate to try and achieve a consensus.
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29 Jan 2008
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The problem is that the burgee belongs to the forum as a whole as H keeps reiterating, therefore the forum should have a say over its future.
Some people have put considerable time and effort in designing, getting the design ratified, producing and distributing the flappy flag and this effort should not be trampled aside by a unilateral decision. It MUST be the forum's decision in my book, anything less stamps mucky boots all over the efforts of the previous producers. :)

I don't want to force my views on people, free choice is a good thing.
To have a poll along the lines of who wants to see change would serve little purpose. I'm still going to offer an alternative regardless.

Sorry Henryf, I'm with tinkicker0 here, please do this by consensus or not at all.


Well-known member
31 May 2007
Sorry Henryf, I'm with tinkicker0 here, please do this by consensus or not at all.

See the latest suggestion which I think is a superb idea.

The original design gets produced in as high quality as possible as per the original design. A new design (the same 18 inch size, I wouldn't go bigger) possibly a printed burgee at a lower price to represent the ybw forum. Fly one or both (the current burgee could have been custom designed for use as a gin pennant).

Readily available from stock and ordered on-line.

I also like the window sticker idea.

Henry :)


29 Jan 2008
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We would also like to see a forum windscreen burgee, similar to those used for parking permits for use in car and cabin windows, to show the boat or car is a forum boat, even though the burgee is not in use.
We commend this suggestion to the house for reasoned debate to try and achieve a consensus.

How about doing a deal with one of the hull wrap companys? A full hull length wrap, with the mouse design on one side of the boat, and henryf's design on the other?

Port or starboard for the mouse? Starboard for the senior side, right?