The Forum Burgee.


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20 Feb 2004
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Grateful to Haydn for supplying my first forum burgee, now looking a bit woebegone, need a replacement, should be basically the same design and colour, and maybe constructed like a tradional burgee so that it streams properly, Oooh look, Ensign flags will do one, at allowing for inflation, at not a lot more than the original.

Oh just had a thought, the Ensign version was put together by a long standing forumite after numerous forum posts and HLB not being able to supply.

All the talk of hurdles and ethos is a load of...seen through rose tinted specs...cobblers.
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Well-known member
12 Aug 2004
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If it ain't broke ? Decca didn't break. People just stopped using it because they found GPS better as the technology became more readily available and eventually it was switched off.

Henry :)

They switched it off? OMG, how will my charts work now?


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16 Dec 2005
Still....very close to the Solent
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It's a friggin flippin flappy flag not the holy grail ;)... if if looks nice on the boat, I'll be buying one off Henry as I'll be happy to continue to be associated with the forum and quite fancy having the option to adorn the boat with the old burgee or when fancy takes me, the newest burgee. Referencing the Union Jack is silly nonsense, stop it :) , better to think in terms of us lot as say, a club.. football clubs regularly issue news strips, scarfs etc to keep things fresh looking.. so long as folk can still identify with the club they're proud of, what's the problem?

If it's ONLY a friggin' flippin' flappy flag, then prey tell why all the gusto about changing it? reference the Union flag, tell it to the people north of the wall who vote yes to independence, you never know it might have the cross of Andrew removed, also this ain't a football club, it's YBW forums, motorboat, scuttlebut, thames,liveaboard,classic,ship,and PBO. the lounge don't count.


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28 Nov 2008
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the lounge don't count.

nail head hit... a few of the lounge lizards have found their way onto the mobo section of the forum within this thread :) mark my words, they'll all be voting no in the poll so that section of the poll is null and void as lounge votes wont count :) Hacktually, I was going to put an option in there along the lines of "who gives a.... " or " what's a burgee? " but thought that unfair as it'd have made all the other votes look rather minuscule :) :)

Wandering Star

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8 Feb 2009
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Why not a compromise, if HenryF can come up with a predominantly red burgee we can then choose whether to fly the common garden red as a given right, or whether to apply for a permit from Haydn in order to fly his blue burgee. Naturally those of us who chose to go the blue route would need to have a thorough knowledge of the colregs and be able to demonstrate how to set an anchor correctly and with minimum fuss.


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16 Dec 2005
Still....very close to the Solent
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Why not a compromise, if HenryF can come up with a predominantly red burgee we can then choose whether to fly the common garden red as a given right, or whether to apply for a permit from Haydn in order to fly his blue burgee. Naturally those of us who chose to go the blue route would need to have a thorough knowledge of the colregs and be able to demonstrate how to set an anchor correctly and with minimum fuss.

and tie a left handed bowline on the bight;)


Active member
20 Apr 2004
I think a burgee should be a rite of passage for forum members. To qualify you have to:

1. Have an arguments about anchors, another about outdrives, and one about colregs
2. Get a bit tipsy, write something aggressive, then apologise the next day
3. Be quite forthright about something boaty, realise you got it completely wrong, then try to twist the meaning of what you said so that no-one realises.
4. Get Lakesailored
5. Lakesailor someone else
6. Answer "what boat" to the weekly spot the boat competition.

Only then should you be allowed to put a little flag on your boat that no-one ever comments on.


Well-known member
31 May 2007
I like the idea of people being able to purchase the existing burgee or any revised alternative alongside each other. I don't want to force my views on people, free choice is a good thing.

I'm still struggling to accept the need for qualification before you can obtain a burgee. This isn't the Freemasons we just want to know who's a forum member when out and about. A seed to grow conversations from.

In terms of all this "what the forum stands for" malarkey I think you have to think about this if you are trying to design a symbol to reflect it. Form follows function is something you hear a lot in design. The current design doesn't reflect my idea of the forum and so probably that's what drives me to seek an alternative.

The outside world sees motor boat owners as elitist cocktail drinkers who don't give as much thought to others as they might. The current design does little to dispel these myths. My experience of forum members has been incredibly positive and in the main we seem to be well balanced individuals though there are some exceptions :)

I am also thinking more along the lines of something to reflect the forum as a whole rather than just the motorboat section. We have Yachtists amongst our number on here some of whom are very active, they attend get togethers and contribute a good deal.

To have a poll along the lines of who wants to see change would serve little purpose. I'm still going to offer an alternative regardless. I'll post it up in a separate thread so those that don't want to see it won't have to. Don't worry, the "original" burgee will always be available for those who want it.

It will take a little while to get the design sorted out so you'll have to bear with me.

Finally with regard to a business selling the burgee if I got involved it would be me, not a business otherwise it would attract VAT.

Henry :)
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Well-known member
12 Aug 2004
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Thats no way to talk about henryf;)

Always thought this was the performance of the ultimate song for moboers.

It's got the lot: middle-aged rich guys singing about drugdealers and reliving past glories, coupla girls jigging in the background.

So, did you feel like Jesus?



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16 May 2001
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Well I've never felt a need to fly a YBW burgee - there's a limit to how many burgees you should have at the end of the day- and I have always enjoyed a degree of anoninimity; knowing who others are but them not necessarily knowing me is one of my ways. But I shall be buying a mouse burgee to display discreetly as a sign of support for the "tradition" of the forum. Sometimes it may be that the original product can be improved but it is usually a mistake to head back to the drawing board...


Well-known member
12 Aug 2004
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Always thought this was the performance of the ultimate song for moboers.

It's got the lot: middle-aged rich guys singing about drugdealers and reliving past glories, coupla girls jigging in the background.

So, did you feel like Jesus?

Outstanding: I post a clip about drugs and youtube offers me a link to statins.



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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But I shall be buying a mouse burgee to display discreetly as a sign of support for the "tradition" of the forum. Sometimes it may be that the original product can be improved but it is usually a mistake to head back to the drawing board...

I suppose the RR Spirit OF Ecstasy badge, is looking a bit naff now, how about renaming it momobile.


Active member
23 Nov 2010
The Tropics of the English Riviera!
Sad to see bickering about this and yet I'm somehow not surprised. I tend to avoid the lounge now for similar reasons and as we all have prejudices to a greater or lesser degree about something, I see little point in antagonising one another! For my part, I'm quite happy with the existing burgee and if anyone believes I'm an elitist cocktail drinker then they are seriously deluded! :D (Besides the fact that I couldn't give a figs pip what others think anyway) I fly mine with pride and I'm always on the lookout for others. Whilst I can see Henry's point about a refresh, I don't particularly see the need to reinvent as the existing one is available. I do agree that they should be available for forum members easily, but with the intent of membership identification rather than as a status symbol which I agree is entirely misguided. Would I buy a new one? Doubtful as I don't have room for two and have become quite attached to the mouse... Re-branding is fine if subtle and in the spirit of the original, but a new design is rarely better in my experience and usually something companies do just before they hit the wall or after a major PR disaster to break from the old image.