The Forum Burgee.


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6 Mar 2008
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Indeed. Unilateralism is against the ethos of the burgee and was not intended to be a money spinner. Haydn did a stirling job supplying the flag over the years and it was never too difficult to get hold of, just put a cheque in an envelope addressed to HLB Hall along with an A4 SAE to send the flag back in.

As for seeing the burgee, I look at each boat carefully to see if one is flying and if I see a blue one I look a little more carefully.
At least the owner knows then that should I choose to stop and comment, it is as a result of conscious scrutiny and not a vague inclination to pass the time during a period of boredom.
I agree with big H over this, the flag should never be popular or god forbid a fashion accessory to those not passionate about the forum.


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28 Nov 2008
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Personalised Burgees is the way to go. What do you reckon Lisa :) :) :)



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19 Nov 2003
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Hi all,
I have just come to this thread.
Although all the comments are valid, there is and always will be only one Forum burgee. You can sod around with it all you like, even have LEDs sewn into the periphery (this is MoBo after all), but the imperfect flawed original, which wears out after a mere 5000 miles, and fades badly, and is a bit naff design wise, which makes it kitsch and cool, is what I can spot and wave at from a distance. Why? Because it is the only mid blue thing with a slodge of gold in the middle.
There are loads of them on the East Coast, flown at all of our many events. I think Phoenix of Hamble still has the 4ft high one.

The last one I bought was not an HLB original, and made by another supplier, not quite as good, but an effective rally/battle flag.

I can offer one solution: Eastcoastbernie has her own embroidery company and has made some very fab crew gear for me over the years. I think she would be delighted to host the stock and despatch, and has the kit to make them boat personalised as well.

The wooden toggle is a great idea, I modified mine with a second bolt rope.


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19 Jan 2009
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Haydn, as an aside, what was the thinking behind the design?

Gary, I'm answering for H here, but I think the mouse indicates that we communicate via t'internet, and in them days, using computers, and the glass indicates forumites gathering for a glass of summat. If others know different I am happy to be corrected :)


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Gary, I'm answering for H here, but I think the mouse indicates that we communicate via t'internet, and in them days, using computers, and the glass indicates forumites gathering for a glass of summat. If others know different I am happy to be corrected :)

That's right, but it also indicates friendship to all boat owners, be them power or sail. It took years to get the raggies to accept it but now they have.

There were a number of reasons why it was slightly difficult to get and not advertised much.

1/ Who ever at the beginning was going to be the provider, needed as little work as possible, hence the SAE.

2/ By providing an SAE meant that you had at least some commitment, not just a fly by night.

3/ you would have to be a regular, or you would not know it was available.

It was never meant to be a business and the object was never to sell as many as possible. A bloke with a big swanky boat was never the target, but a nice bloke with a big boat was quite acceptable. This was the only way we could try to avoid some dick head having the flag.

Would you really want to turn up at a boat and meet some one really unfriendly??

Henrys idea takes no account of the meaning behind the flag, or it's ethics. He seems to just want some thing that will look flash on a big boat.

I see trouble ahead.


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16 Dec 2005
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Have to say reading this elongated thread, it will come as no surprise to some,that the old adage, "If it ain't broken, don't try to fix it" comes to mind. the burgee is what it is, if you don't like it you don't have to buy one, simple.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Have to say reading this elongated thread, it will come as no surprise to some,that the old adage, "If it ain't broken, don't try to fix it" comes to mind. the burgee is what it is, if you don't like it you don't have to buy one, simple.

I may even reinstate the original flag, but not easy from my wheel chair, still if needs be, there is always a way.
11 Jul 2005
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Never having got my boat in the water since coming to the forum I have never had a burgee, even though I know Haydn well and also Deborah. But as I see the burgee should not be over large, it is a small discrete indication of who you know, not a loud shout saying 'I am a forumite, come here' also as has been said the burgee has been around for over a decade, so if you change it now who will know ?
Haydn does get his knickers in a twist about things, but I have to say in this case I think he is correct, change for the sake of change is the methodology of the corporate bodies such as Microsoft et al. It is not meant to be big and bold and who cares if you cannot see it when out at sea, it is when you are moored up that the burgee comes into it own, if you are walking down to your boat and you see someone moored up wearing the burgee you know that they are a kindred soul, and that if you call and say hello that you will be made welcome, so why not just keep things as the are, and we will all know who we are, and if people wonder about the burgee, that means they do not know and that is the way it should be.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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It is also The Mouse That Roared, it is impossible to defeat, after all you can not start a war on a mouse.
There is a film about it some where.

Which ever way, the mouse will continue as it always has, If you feel flash, just buy the new one from Henry,

Or with a heart buy the mouse.


1 Mar 2010
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I am very happy with the burgee as it is, and can't believe the aggro that seems to have erupted on this forum.

It is distinctive, and recognisable to other members, so as it is not broke it doesn't need fixing from a design point of view.

The cord is a bit weak, and I have done a repair as recommended by Pinnacle (I think) and put a toggle on the top end. Also, in line with burgee etiquette, I only fly it when aboard.

Perhaps there are not too many members in Torquay who are around when I am!


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26 Feb 2006
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I think the flag is a curse! Last time I flew it some long haired Welshman came on board and nearly drank my fun-box dry!!!!!!!


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30 Nov 2005
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It is also The Mouse That Roared, it is impossible to defeat, after all you can not start a war on a mouse.
There is a film about it some where.

Which ever way, the mouse will continue as it always has, If you feel flash, just buy the new one from Henry,

Or with a heart buy the mouse.

Hi Haydn, nice to see you're around again.

I too like the old burgee, I had two from you in the past and sadly they have worn out now. I currently have a glass on a burgee that was kindly donated by a friend but it is nice to moor up and have the old mouse noticed. :encouragement:



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Hi Haydn, nice to see you're around again.

I too like the old burgee, I had two from you in the past and sadly they have worn out now. I currently have a glass on a burgee that was kindly donated by a friend but it is nice to moor up and have the old mouse noticed. :encouragement:


Hi Roger, I am always around, but don't post much any more. I have no boat now, mainly because I cannot walk anymore.

The other reason I don't post much, is because these days most posts seem to be about mending stuff, which does not interest me much.

Anyway I was only asking how the mouse was going on, I was not expecting a unilateral take over bid.

The mouse is the mouse, nothing would have suited every one, but it seemed to suit most folk. The better string and toggle is a good idea, but no one commented on that, or it could have been changed.

As I used to say, it is your flag, not mine or MBY's. Do with it what you will. But collectively. It is not Henrys prerogative to change it..


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6 Mar 2008
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Hi Roger, I am always around, but don't post much any more. I have no boat now, mainly because I cannot walk anymore.

The other reason I don't post much, is because these days most posts seem to be about mending stuff, which does not interest me much.

Anyway I was only asking how the mouse was going on, I was not expecting a unilateral take over bid.

The mouse is the mouse, nothing would have suited every one, but it seemed to suit most folk. The better string and toggle is a good idea, but no one commented on that, or it could have been changed.

As I used to say, it is your flag, not mine or MBY's. Do with it what you will. But collectively. It is not Henrys prerogative to change it..

I think Henry has got that loud and clear. :D