STUDLAND - How much do they want???

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I hadn't seen that before but it is a biased poll IMO or at best an ill thought out one.

I'm quite happy to support (as long as it is proper long term scientific) research into the effects of anchoring on seahorse habitat but I also oppose strongly any proposed restriction on anchoring in Studland. So how can I answer yes to both questions, the poll suggests it is one choice directly opposing the other.

I'm afraid this shows the casual disinterested approach of YBW to this very serious matter with very little if any coverage of it in their magazines.

I think it's more frightening than that. OK, it is a small poll, and probably not representative, but there does seem to be a marked difference of opinion between the 'governing bodies' attached to this issue and the actual people who do the boating. Certainly if this forum is anything to go by.


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9 Mar 2010
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RYA Support at last !

Bonjour Bateauxers,
Good News about the RYA supporting Studland Bay , I know they would'nt have taken this stance without considering all the available evidence .
It must give those local boat owners and village residents a real boost to know they've now got some BIG GUNS on their side.

Major Catastrophe

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31 May 2005
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Studland is only headlined because it is such a popular anchorage, and has had so much publicity. There ARE other sites under study, but apart from Helford River, they are largely unknown to the boating community as they are not an issue to us. Yet.

Sea Horse Trust Website has information on the locations in which Seahorses have been recorded round the UK coast. They have confirmed sitings of over 600 animals including the 40 or so reported at Studland. Interesting reading if you are interested to learn more.

Just been watching this Welsh TV programme. It appears we have seahorses up here as well.

You can see English subtitles by clicking the owl picture bottom right.


Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Just been watching this Welsh TV programme. It appears we have seahorses up here as well.

You can see English subtitles by clicking the owl picture bottom right.

Oo-er; you're for it, Major.

Is this in the Menai Straits? I can just imagine impassioned pleas for an anchoring ban, because of all the damage caused by yotties dropping the hook to prevent themselves being swept aground by the current :).

Let's face it, Mrs Trellis was originally from North Wales, wasn't s/he?

You've had it ;)


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30 May 2001
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Just been watching this Welsh TV programme. It appears we have seahorses up here as well.

You can see English subtitles by clicking the owl picture bottom right.

Yes, Seahorses all the way up the west coast. Looking at it you wonder why there is such a fuss about Studland. Dont think you Irish Sea types are escaping the argument though. At present as far as I can tell there are no inshore sites being investigated in the western and northern coastal sectors except the western end of the Lleyn peninsular and Bardsey. ISCZ are less forthcoming about their enquiries at present, and their main pMCZs appear to be offshore (pMCZ = potential Marine Conservation Zone). They do however insist that the earmarked areas are 'tentative' and 'will change'.

However, having sailed in Cardigan Bay for many years I would be astonished if inshore MPAs of some kind do not appear in the coming months in your area. Get in to your area site at, and keep a close watch for developements. They have to make firm recommendations for MPAs in your area by June 2011

ISCZ have the same function for you as Finding Sanctuary has for the south west UK, Balanced Seas for the SE, and Net Gain for the east and NE coast.


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24 Jun 2007
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Julian Clegg - Radio Solent

Interview with Balanced Seas & BBC Radio Solent shortly.The fishermen are up in arms!
Check it out.

Listen again at until 21/12; first interview from 0:42 for about 5 mins, second interview at 1:43 again about 5 mins. First interview is with a Solent stakeholder representative who has resigned from the process as he believes the top down guidance to be biased. Second interview with the Balanced Seas project manager.
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22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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Thanks for that littlenutshell.What struck me was the talk of spending hundreds of thousands surveying the rock ledges off the Isle of Wight.Just about says it all for my money......The previous interview was about cutting back the Police just could'nt invent it!


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9 Jan 2005
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I notice she said they want to work out how to divide the Solent up so that everyone carry doing what they want to. Apparently that's already been decided in her mind. Just about sums up the mentality - never occurred to her that they already are all using the Solent as they want to and have been for the past few hundred years. Talk about a solution looking for a problem.


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31 May 2001
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Looked at the Finding Sanctuary www last night, the about us section. Not recommended for those of a sensitive disposition. Just one thing noted...

"Tom Hooper joined Finding Sanctuary in 2005, when the project was first being planned and set up. Tom has a background in tropical marine ecology and has spent time in fisheries research in Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Madagascar and as a teacher in the UK. He has led research projects into reef fisheries and has a particular interest in marine education. Through this work he ultimately became involved in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and stakeholder involvement in decision making."

So, someone has been taking public money since 2005 and what has been achieved in 5 years, apart from a complete b*gger's muddle?


"Eelgrass, a rare and sensitive habitat which harbours a wealth of wildlife, has increased in area and density. It is protected in the MNR by marker buoys and by providing moorings for visiting boats - eelgrass is easily damaged if anchors are dragged through it."

We've had one of these no anchoring zones for years. Not sure if there are seahorses on skomer, though. Never heard talk of them.


Why are the RYA seemingly so out of step with the feelings of boaters on this forum when it comes to this subject?

I'm aware that the Seahorse trust has joined the debate on this board, but has anyone tried to get someone from the RYA to debate the issue here?


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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has anyone tried to get someone from the RYA to debate the issue here?

Yes !

Welcome to the BORG;the Boat Owners Response Group, you may find a few recent posts by Old Harry, Sailbob,Galadriel, Nohoh, Searush and even yours truly, of interest...
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