Some more stupid questions! Long post.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Re: I think you\'ve lost the plot somewhere!

Sinbad, you are so right. I kept out of this one until now, having been told I was talking nonsense in the previous long thread.

Difficult to understand the thinking of a person who, on being advised that he is not yet sufficiently experienced to contemplate fitting out a yacht for Transatlantic cruising, responds by telling us all what a supremely successful businessman he is. When the time comes that this over-equipped and underskilled vessel sets off, I shall be thinking of the crew whose lives depend upon the abilities of this self-made man.

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
Eastern Med ish
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What a nice post

Good on you Steve . Ive come from a two up two down out side shit house backround too .Now Ive got the RR silver spur . Merc 500 SEC so dont let the bastards grind you down . get on with what you want to do. If you fall flat on your face so what . You only get one chance at life All the best to everyone .Cheers bob t

Bob T

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
Eastern Med ish
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Re: MacGregor as a tender

When I was in Patmos the other week there was a English owned Wally it tender was about 40ft completly open . I asked the Skipper what did they do with it he said that they just sent it ahead to the next stop to make sure there was space on the quay for the Wally THATS STYLE ! cheers bob t

Bob T


Re: hehe

Sure does, when I had to take the new one off the commisioning berth at Moody's the old knees were knocking...Not sure if that was due to the tide or wind or simply the oh sh*t factor of taking a new boat out. Nice marina to visit though.


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13 Jul 2001
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Re: MacGregor as a tender

Nice one, Bob

For some reason it reminds me of the definition of truly wealthy; if you can live off the interest on your interest.

<font color=blue>Jeremy Flynn/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
Dawn Chorus</font color=blue>


New member
13 Jul 2001
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Re: What a nice post

Absolutely agree old chap!!

Its funny how Steve manages to cause such a diversity of reaction from the yottie community here. The stinkies must be laughing big time.

The normal divide is the Ben/Bav/Jen vs heavy displacement brigade. For Steve's postings it seems to be those like me who admire his in-your-face get-up-and-go, vs those who think he should start with some smelly old Centaur, and maybe, eventually, spend big money (but very discretely)

Long may Steve's postings continue /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

<font color=blue>Jeremy Flynn/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
Dawn Chorus</font color=blue>


Active member
16 May 2001
I no longer live in Hope
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Re: I think you\'ve lost the plot somewhere!

I think you haven't read Steve's original post fully. He is not buying until next September. He has a small sail boat with he is currently using for practice, he's in the middle of his Dayskipper course and will be hiring a Moody next summer just to make sure it's the boat for him and his family.

Give the guy a break !!!!!!!



Other stands to look at...
Raymarine - electronics
Greenham Marine - electronics
Hood Sails - Different mains for the Moody, I have a VERTEC Fully battened in Mast system and is excellant
Ebespacher - heating (Krueger will be on their stand)
Fox's spices - irrestable!!!!
Jimmy Green - ropes fenders etc
Adverc - Battery Control systems
Princess - to see how the other half live!!!
All the general chandlery stores...
Propellor stands to see the folding props, I want a Gori but have yet to be given permission, something about changing the kitchen
Guiness Stand
Cruising Association
Bavaria & HR to compare the quality

etc etc

me I am going sailing.



Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Re: Why am I wasting my breath!?

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion that I have missed your point. As I understand it, you have asked the assistance of experienced yachtsmen regarding your proposed purchase (previous post) and now the specification of your proposed purchase. Several experienced people gave the opinion that your plans were somewhat ambitious for your level of expertise. You didn't like these opinions and countered them with meaningless arguments about your financial achievements.

Fair enough, you carry on. "The tide of public opinion" doesn't count for a lot at sea.


ah well there goes a lost sail to Moodys bloody great Sunseeker with sailing fact your GP14 would do the job nicely. Enjoy it really is fun buying a new boat, getting the spec the way you want it, we afterall do customise our boats from choice of fabric to electronics etc etc.

have a good one but do not come back here and say you have bought a sunseeker, they do have loads of space!!!!



Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: Why am I wasting my breath!?

this is a forum & you will get a lot of different opinions expressed, some of the one's you'll some you won't, that's the value of places like this. I've had some extremely helpful advice fron Vyv in the past, and with postings like that he might take umbrage and never grace us with his company again! That would be a real shame.



Re: Why am I wasting my breath!?

Vyv is an highly experienced yachtsman whose posts are always worth a read even if at times I disagree with some of them...

reset reset reset off line reset
Steve is a complete novice who in previous posts has said as much and has sought the views of this august community.
Steve in previous threads has been advised not to run before he can crawl, he has accepted this by delaying his purchase by at least a year, he will not take delivery until 2004 at the earliest if he sticks to his game plan.
Steve has also stated how he is going to get ready in training and experiance terms, again sensible stuff, he has listened.
What seems to be causing the miscomunication is is talk of the West Indies but reading his posts and that is some way off. Hell he will probably open another dozen stores and delay it anyway. So today he is dreaming but thinking the art of the possible , what if i bought the Moody and what if I liked it and what if I then... He is sharing that process with us and asking advice. Nothing wrong with that and it would be a pity if Vyv and others did not continue to contribute. So guys lets stop the personal stuff no need, if Steve you don't like what you hear ignore it... We are after all all learning are we not?

My Final words on this matter.

Jimi, I respect and appreciate what you have said. However if Vyv cannot be arsed to read what I have clearly said then I would suggest she doesn't read one of my posts again!

I am clearly at disagreement with people over the personal slights which have been directed at me NOT regarding sailing matter. I repeat "Matters which do not have relevance to sailing!"

You can say what you like about my experience, boat I've chosen, extras I'm thinking of having. You're probably right and that is why I'm on here. I'll listen and either agree or disagree. Either will be graciously (If not I'm in the wrong!)

But one thing I will not stand idly by and allow is the questioning of my integrity, honesty and alike with out defence. If I have offended anyone who hasn't done this then here and now "I apologise."

I'm not on here to make waves (Pardon the punn.) Nor to be a whipping boy.

I hope I have made my point clear. If you can find one criticism by myself of another's advice regarding sailing I will make a seperate post apologising to all concerned.

Thank-you for taking the time to read this. I hope it straightens a few things out.