Mobos get a Life (or sense)


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19 Apr 2004
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What Plane

Davy - I can't get the damn thing on the plane in the River, never mind the Marina. Mind you I would probably get a round of aplause from Smithy if I did!

<hr width=100% size=1>Tomsk -

What the hell... it's only money!


The basic problem is :

the human character to show off ........

to laugh at others

to make an arse of others .....

RYA / Courses - what real difference will that make ?????

Motorbikes are sold with the thing of going on a course etc. Cars are NOT sold that way - so why ???? Let us change the scenario to MOBO and RAGGIES ...... maybe the answer is to give a short course voucher to buyers of MOBO's ?

Accidents etc. can happen with Raggies .... but imagine some twat with a cheque book buying a high-power MOBO and then failing to trim his boat and planes properly - he hits that wave at full chat ...... its A over T and end of boating fun for him and boat.

Let us get back to basic behaviour on boats and reasonable care for others. We all know that boats make wash, so we accept it in reasonable manner - what is not accepted and gets peoples back's up MOBO and RAG is the b....d who sets his throttle at the worst wash setting and loves watching the boats pitch / roll etc. at anchor / moorings and the poor sods who are trying to enjoy a sit-out in cockpit spilling drinks etc.

I have with my RAGGIE boat ...... grossly overpowered and of course a full displacement hull made life a right B for a particular MOBO at Folly that did it to me .... trouble is he probably didn't realise or recognise why HE was spilling his drink .... and I deservedly got a rollicking from the HM in his tender .....

Cmon guys fairs fair and we all accept a certain amount of play and games ...... but arsehol behaviouR ??????

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ... and of course Yahoo groups :


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13 Dec 2002
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Unfortunately, I don't think there can ever be a definative guide; it all depends on the type of boat.

The least effect is when the wash is going in the same direction as we are - i.e. you pass behind. If we're running with the wind, a few waves can actually be beneficial - something to surf on.

Unfortunately, from there, the options become less clear. As I've said, as a racer, I don't mind wash from the side, but hate it from ahead. However, a cruising boat where the helm has a mug of tea on the go, and someone below making sandwiches might well hate the cockscrew effect from a parallel wash, but not mind a few seconds pounding into a wash with some resulting pitching.

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12 Nov 2002
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Re: Mobos get a Life (or sense) Part 2

I should explain in more detail.
1. I was on the River Medway in a 23' mobo not the Solent.
2. I was anchored.
3. It was very clear from the racing marks and the amount of boats about that a race was in progress.
4. If the mobo's in question had listened to vhf ch 74 (port operations) they would have know this fact.
5. That because it is a river the main channel tends to run with the tidal stream therefore any boat anchored would be laying beam on to any wash.
6. Mobo's are capable of a reasonable speed without causing a wash, because you have 500 hp doesn't mean you have to use it all? Most Mobo's will happily travel along at 8 knts without causing a wash.
7. I'm not for one minute suggesting that all mobos go around on tickover, only reduce their wash/wake when passing vunerable vessels, almost capsizing vessels with kids in is IMHO irresponsible of the skipper and shows serious inconcideration to other water users.
8. With these guys only ever looking forward they will never see that they have capsized a dinghy and could put someones life at risk.
9. And yes before anyone starts to shout we have recorded incidents of mobo's capsizing dinghies.
10. Yes I have contacted the ports authorities but to get a new speed limit on the river would require a new by-law and as the harbourmaster pointed out he has had requested new laws in with the DTI for 4 years and as yet not heard anything, so he doesn't see this as a viable option.

Guys, don't get all het up over this post as I stronly believe in education. If I can get one mobo to realise what damage can be caused by his wash I would have succeeded in my post.

Disgruntled, but still hanging in there!

<hr width=100% size=1> Medway Radio (port operations ch 74) informed all commercial vessels of our opertating area and asked for concideration, this was adered to by all commercial vessels. Unfortunately mobo's don't seem to monitor this channel?<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by TheBoatman on 02/06/2004 14:08 (server time).</FONT></P>


29 Nov 2002
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I can understand your post in the heat of the moment and I can also understand your irritation at the tossers causing all the problems. I do sympathise - I was anchored in Osbourne bay a month ago and there were MoBo's cruising through the anchorage at twelveish kts causing all kinds of havoc. They are either ignorant or inconsiderate or perhaps, dare I say, both!

What I find strange is that we all seem to think we are perfectly considerate people here on this forum and nobody recognises themselves in these "tosser" descriptions - so where are the "tossers" surfing? That's where we need to post some "observations" of poor seamanship.

What's really amusing is me cruising the Solent in my boat at 7kts (which I often do because I enjoy being on the water) because I've a 40' Fairline Targa, a proper "Tart Trap hooligans boat" if ever there was one. I've actually had a helpfull yachtie ask if I need assistance because I was travelling so slowly. I do get the strangest looks! But then we also enjoy cross channel passages at a steady 25kts.


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16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
To be honest with you TheBoatman, I was intent on getting stuck into your generalisations - that was until I read about the yacht in Pwllheli that got de-masted by a powerboat driving over the top of it. Less said the better I think.

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4 Jul 2001
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Re: Mobos get a Life (or sense) Part 2

"Unfortunately mobo's don't seem to monitor this channel?"

Why should they? Not sure if there is anywhere in the Solent where you are expected to monitor a channel, except 16 of course. Does anyone out there monitor port channels. I tune to marina channels when coming or going or to QHM but that's all. Am I missing something?

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21 Feb 2002
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Re: Genuine question

Wish we had a throttle to increase the wind speed when having to take wash on the bow... or is that what you think raggies can do?

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21 Feb 2002
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Then perhaps there is something wrong with the design of motor boats people are buying? i.e. from what you are saying speed is more important than manoeuvrability in the design so perhaps you shouldn't be using such boats in crowded waters?

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21 Feb 2002
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Re: Genuine question

Training, really? Surely people have enough commonsense? No amount of training will make a lot of people turn on their brains if they are not accostomed to using them in the first place.

I think this whole post is about consideration for others and in my opinion that means keeping your brain switched on and thinking about everything you are doing, both in respect to your own vessel and everything else around you. Does that need training? Not if you meet the definition of homo sapiens I hope.

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21 Feb 2002
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There are a lot of comments about the difficulty of steering motor boats in waves at low speed in this post but not one mentions that sailing vessels are also difficult to steer in straight lines in such conditions. Yachts have a habit of "roll-steering" as a result of the assymetric underwater profile when heeled. However, the latter usually have rudders large enough to cope but it doesn't mean to say such conditions are easy for raggies either, especailly when not carrying sail in a breeze.

Perhps due to the very nature of sailing raggies are used to concentartaing on steering in difficult conditions whereas perhaps the motor boater resents having to steer at all rather than using the autopilot! No, I fully realise the modern planing power boat is not designed for low speed manoeuvring in waves. However, if such situations are to arise (Portsmouth & Chichester entrances for example) in their use then surely the vessels concerned are not suitable for the waters they ar being used in? I thus suggest those who are compalining about the low speed handling of their motor boats in waves should change their boat rather than use it as an excuse for employing speed which results in unacceptable close quarters wake.

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Well-known member
19 Feb 2002
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Sorry Guys, but as a 'mobo' man turned raggie, I really do not buy all this hype around the so called wash problem. When I owned motor cruisers, I took a great deal of care to ensure I did not pass in front of, or too close to, any sailing boats (though I rarely got any gesture of appreciation for doing so), though as others have pointed out, that is not always easy in the busier "junctions" of Southampton Water and the Solent. However, having now been the owner of a 37' sailing boat for a bit over a year, and expecting to be hammered by wash caused by mobos, I can honestly say we do not find it a problem, even if they do come a bit closer at times than is perhaps necessary.

For sure, we are sometimes knocked about a bit, but with all the highspeed ferries and other fast moving commercial traffic in the Solent (Harbourmasters and Pilots launches etc) causing the same, or worse wash than even the larger motor boats, it is surely unfair to single out just one set of "guilty" parties for criticism? If you wish to sail in one of the most populated boating areas in the UK, you simply have to accept you will encounter such "problems"

If you anchor in the Solent area, Osborne Bay for example, you can be sure you will suffer the effects of wash, even if the boat causing it, is passing half a mile away - it will reach you eventually.

Now in fairness, we are not out there in something very small, but in our experience, wash has not caused us any problems, or even moderate discomfort.

This is an old, and in my view, an over hyped "problem", which will never go away, just in the same way as some arrogant raggies will continue to tack in front of fast moving mobos, so why get so het up about it?? It seems you are only upsetting yourselves, and I really don't think, as might be suggested by some, that mobo owners set out to deliberatley piss off raggies. No doubt many are ignorant of the amount of wash they can throw up, and just how sensitive a subject it is with the "other side"

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23 Aug 2003
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<<Certainly at the schools I work with the effects of wash are constantly reminded>> I am delighted to hear it, however, I believe you may be a solitary voice of sanity in the wilderness /forums/images/icons/smile.gif - I have just completed the shore yachtmaster, and it was not even mentioned, so cannot actually be an "essential" part of the syllabus yet!

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New member
28 Mar 2002
Agree, and really can't see what the fuss is all about. As for MoBos doing it deliberately, I think that's just plain nonsense.

If you are in the Solent or any other busy waterway, expect wash and live with it. Worse things happen at sea...

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11 Oct 2002
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Re: Duh!

Channel 14 or sometimes 12 is VTS Southampton. They tell you useful stuff like what ships with exclusion zones are about, any prohibitions, which can be wash related, in force. Whether the tide is as predicted, you'd be surprised how often it varies by .5m or so. They'll also tell you if a big floaty thing, like a tre trunk, is spotted which, if I was flying around at 30 knots I'd like to know.

It's what VHF duel watch is made for.

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3 Apr 2002
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It's not just raggies that get it. I'm a poor old displacement speed mobo and I get chucked around by this lot as well and then get tarred with the same brush as them by the raggies.
Both ends of my stick are shi**y.
To be fair, there are inconciderate people in all fraternaties. With mobo's it's wash, with raggies it's tacking right in front of people. With PWC's it's something else etc. It's not the kind of boating that they do that makes them like they are, it's just the kind of people they are, and would be like that whatever they were doing.
I would happily muck in if a raggie had a problem, same with any other kind of water user, it does not bother me. What bothers me is the lack of manners whoever it is.
I would like to think that this is how the rest of the boating fraternaty see it cos it would be such a shame for the hobbie if they don't.

Brothers unite.......against bad manners, not each other.

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10 Sep 2003
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Re: Hog-WASH !!!

Thank you, Nigel. I'm not suggesting questionable manoeuvres inside anchorages or marinas, if you read the post. I'm asking how you would prefer me to pass you in the Solent, or other open but busy areas.

As far as anchorages are concerned, mobos are, if anything, more susceptible to wash than ragboats, as they lack keels. We tend to turn beam on to any swell and roll our guts out...

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