Mobos get a Life (or sense)


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24 Mar 2004
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I realise I've missed most of this debate, but a friend read it over my shoulder and told me a tale of bitterest woe.
My friend is a very good sailor, and he was racing his 49er one sunny afternoon in a force 3/4. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the 49er it fully powers up in just 8 knots of wind, so in a 3/4 it will be travelling very quickly.

Anyway, they were lying in about 4th or 5th on a downwind leg when a "very large" MOBO decided to cross about 20 feet in front of the leading boat at a very high speed. The closing speed between the small dingy and the wake was probably in the order of 30+ knots. The leader hits the wake and takes off, he clears the rest of the wake and lands very nose first, both crew go flying forwards on their wires, the mast snaps, the pole snaps, the leeward wing breaks off, the main rips, the spinnaker is shreaded and the crew are very lucky indeed not to recieve serious injury. The boat is a complete writeoff. The MOBO does nothing. An attendant rib attempts to catch the MOBO but cannot close the gap, such is the speed.
The rest of the fleet saw the result of tangling with the wake and scattered. This one MOBO basically wrecked not only the guy's boat, but his race, weekend, bank balance and season.

As far as I see it (and I sail anything from dingys to 50 footers) a larger raggie has little issues with wash, but if you come across something that looks like a suitable size of tender for your boat, for Pete's sake slow down, your wash could cause serious harm.

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9 Jun 2002
Savannah 32 00.50N - 80 59.90W
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KIM....this post is..........

a horse that has died from a good flogging.

For goodness sake..........every time someone mentions a mobo wash on Scuttlebutt, it always turns out like this.
Why is that?????
Only very occasionally are there moans on mobo chat about raggies tacking heedless of others, or people being annoyed at their goosewinging up the Hamble against all the rules. Even so, it never degenerates into something like this. Some of the nicest people I have ever met have come from these forums, mobos and raggies alike. Others I was just dying to come face to face with at Mercury and the like, and I haven't been disappointed. Sure there are plenty of idiots out there, on both sides but hopefully not too many on these forums, since we all appear to agree about unnecesarry behaviour.
We all NEED to try to co-exist or the whole thing just degenerates into a hopeless wrangle. Like the fuel arguments......disgusting, reeking of jealousy etc.
We all need to understand each other, so raggies, as much as it may sting, invite a mobo out, and mobos vice versa. It matters not that one may have a 25ft sailboat and the onther a 40 ft Princess or whatever, each ones situation is different and only through some kind of co-operation, will understanding come about. Sure there are loads of idiots out there, and I have to say on both sides, but I would sincerely hope not from these forums, which are regarded as the best there is.
I have a small displacement mobo on the Broads, but I am more than happy to come to the Solent and mingle on friends big mobo's and others yachts. I get equal pleasure from it all. Sometimes I am embarassed that my 40 yr old boat doesn't live up to theirs, but they are all welcome to visit any time they like. It's different. I am even starting sail training later in the year. SWMBO and I now have a dream of what we want to do in the not too distant future, and it's people on here who have spawned this.
I don't get it. What's the problem???

Passionate rant now over.
I just don't get it.


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9 Jan 2003
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Re: Getting their own back!

Nice to see you're happy now. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif/forums/images/icons/smile.gif/forums/images/icons/smile.gif. Mike.

<hr width=100% size=1>My Mum say's I'm not a fat b@st@rd, just heavy boned.


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6 Jul 2002
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Re: Genuine question

Your right , point taken/forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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4 Jul 2001
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Re: KIM....this post is..........

Personally I think everyone is quite chilled out and light hearted on this thread with good input from both sides.

I believe more often than not things are said "tongue in cheek" to provoke a reaction and hopefully everyone sees this.

I am on a committee of a very large yacht club (over 1200 members) and have never found or seen hostilities between members because of their method of propulsion.

Some people in life are ignorant, others are not. Sometimes both these types take up boating - sail and motor.

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6 Oct 2001
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Re: KIM....this post is..........

Was anchored just outside Herm Harbour this evening and most people were behaving themselves until one ragie decided to come in at 8-10 knots in between boats and as he was dragging his dinghy behind him he was causing even more wash than normal.

See its not just Motorboaters that can upset people at anchor.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

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12 Nov 2002
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Re: 100 not out

Fame at last<s>

It was never my intention to get a "heated" debate going but I should have realised what would happen with this post (I should know better).
Never mind I've calmed down conciderably now so its back to live and let live mode.

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