Lost, stolen or strayed?

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Well-known member
12 Nov 2016
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You need to 'get some time in' before you start chiding me. And keep your 'hands wringing' for another place.
I've been in exactly that situation. In other words - "Been there, done that, got the T-shirt"
There are lots of reasons why the deeply-experienced Duncan is incommunicado until he arrives - and one of them is personal choice.


3 Mar 2011
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You need to 'get some time in' before you start chiding me. And keep your 'hands wringing' for another place.
I've been in exactly that situation. In other words - "Been there, done that, got the T-shirt"
There are lots of reasons why the deeply-experienced Duncan is incommunicado until he arrives - and one of them is personal choice.
I can only assume that your reference to my getting time in refers to my meagre post rate on this forum. This is unlikely to improve because I prefer to spend my time sailing.
I notice you have a magnificent 5843 tally. Well done you.
I have no wish to aid you in further inflating this and will not respond to any more of your uninformed posts.
This should not be about you or me. As far as we know Duncan is still missing and this surely is a concern to all who follow the Jester.
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