Friend of mine had got hold of a new & unused Glomex VHF antenna, still in original packagaing, that he wanted me to help install on his boat. It's of the fibreglass tube variety, 1.5 m long, I think the model is RA112. Upon removing it from the packaging, we discovered that it had at some point been bent, approximately 1/5 of the way from the top, which had caused a small crack in the fibreglass. Considering the cost of these things, I opted to repair the crack with epoxy and once covered with a little paint it looks perfectly fine. The damage was really quite minor, a couple of parallel cracks about 4 cm in length on one side only. No moisture could have entered since it's never been outdoors, or even out of the (plastic) packaging. But once installed my friend says it does not work. He tried transmitting to the local marina (I was unfortunately not present for this) and told me all they heard was static bursts as he keyed the transmitter (he spoke to them via his handheld). Reception was unfortunately not tested. Now it's my understanding that an antenna of this size (half wave?) will have a tuned coil at the base, connected to a simple metal rod, and that the fibreglass tube is merely there to support the metal rod. If this is correct, then I cannot understand how it could possibly have been broken by minor damage to the fibreglass tube. It measures a short at DC, which I understand is normal for an antenna of this type (with the coil looking like a short at DC). I have it with me here now, and was thinking I'd try it on my own radio, but got a little paranoid; what if there really is a short, also at 160-ish MHz, might this damage my radio - even if I don't transmit? I am loath to simply throw it away without figuring out what (if anything) is wrong with it. Has anyone taken one of these things apart?