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    • Roberto
      An added advantage of this method is badly cast anodes break. Better break them now and have time to fit proper ones before launching. :)
    • Roberto
      Price is not always determined by supply/demand, here (south Brittany) many marinas are publicly owned and prices must be set in...
    • Roberto
      Roberto reacted to Refueler's post in the thread Cutting coaxial cable with Like Like.
      Of course it would work - but reduced ... and liable to pick up - radiate interference. Its always better to remove plug ... run cable...
    • Roberto
      If you tighten it well, the nut/bolt head will sit in the zinc and do not move. If you have it handy you might add a drop of...
    • Roberto
      Roberto reacted to jlavery's post in the thread RIP Arpeggio with Sad Sad.
      Been hanging back on putting anything on here regarding what happened to Arpeggio in Storm Eowyn - but now that we've reached a...
    • Roberto
      Roberto replied to the thread Wind forecast apps.
      They will write off all these stone age VHF, safetynet, gmdss stuff and replace it by PAYG forecasts and maritime safety information...
    • Roberto
      Roberto reacted to mjcoon's post in the thread Anchor 🍿 with Like Like.
      And once your tea is brewed the dish can give you satellite TV to watch while you drink it!
    • Roberto
      Roberto replied to the thread Anchor 🍿.
      Another trick from that Archimedes chap :)
    • Roberto
      Roberto replied to the thread Anchor 🍿.
      Also useful for that final hair combing before walking ashore :)
    • Roberto
      Roberto replied to the thread AIS Em-trak 2W or 5W?.
      Yes I wrote that in message #2 of this thread, plus #5 in the same 2022 thread. I should stop stammering :) AIS via Satellite
    • Roberto
      Another aspect probably less relevant to English mothertongue speakers than others (both on the distress and rescue sides), is...
    • Roberto
      Something I found in Valpo which you may find interesting - see the pic below - its in the port at Valpo. Worth doing a bit of...
    • Roberto
      OT - personal I have never been to Chile but it brings past memories. In the early '70s the chilean music band Inti Illimani went on...
    • Roberto
      Roberto replied to the thread Rigging Cutters.
      That should give inspiration for multiple purpose machines: adaptable jaws to cut rigging wires, crimp electrical cables, crimp talurit...
    • Roberto
      Roberto replied to the thread AIS Em-trak 2W or 5W?.
      Also consider antenna installation: if you choose the masthead, better take a low loss coax cable/connectors otherwise once at the...
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