Hello everyone and another which boat post


21 Oct 2023
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First off hello everyone and thanks for all the help and information I have gleaned so far from the few years i have been following the forum. After lurking for a few years I have finally decided to get involved, ask my own questions and hopefully, over time, contribute myself.

A brief history of my short boating life - please skip forward to my question in the last paragraph below if this bit is too boring but thought it polite to introduce myself properly. I am 39 years old with wife, 2 young kids and resent addition of a dog, for some reason I have always been fascinated by motor boats and marinas since I was a kid and have always lived close to the sea in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. I suffered terribly from travel sickness as a kid and dreaded the annual ferry to Scotland at Easter so never did any actual boating. Around 6 years ago I travelled to Scotland on the ferry in torrid conditions to collect a van and realised i had outgrown the dreaded sea sickness. In 2021 on holiday to Majorca I chartered a crewed boat for the day, an older wooden motorboat around 30ft and absolutely fell in love with it. On my return I developed somewhat of an obsession with all things motorboats and decided to take the plunge.

My first purchase was an Aquador 21wa, I completed the Powerboat 2 and VHF courses then hit the water. As nice as the Aquador was, I just didn’t get on well with it and was probably a poor choice for a novice. My inexperience made it terrifying to manoeuvre in the marina, I found the covers a pain due to the low head height and small size of the boat meaning I kept getting tangled in them while trying to get off and tie up at the critical moment, I found the ride quite slammy and scary in any type of sea other than flat calm and generally I thought the boat was a bad compromise ie it didn’t have any facilities such as toilet, cooking, water, shore power like a lot of hard boats but wasn’t as easy to manoeuvre or handle chop like the Redbay rib I did the powerboat 2 course in.

So I took a bit of a hit on the Aquador and bought a lovely used Highfield Patrol 600 rib with Honda outboard which i still own and put 60 hours on this season despite the poor weather. The rib has been an absolute game changer and has given me the confidence and experience I lacked in terms of close quarters, handling different sea states, travelling further afield and just general fun. The dry mouth and dread when entering and leaving the marina are no longer and I actually enjoy manoeuvring around the marina now. The Highfield is a great sea boat and has taken me from NI to Isle of Man and Scotland in speed and comfort, it is also very cheap to run at around 25l per min for 30 knots on a calm day, I do tend to pick calm, dry days to head out but I have been caught out a few times and while the conditions these few times have been disconcerting, I have no doubt the rib could deal with much,
much more, the family have also really enjoyed it and really if I never sold the Rib I would have a decent and enjoyable boating season every year at minimal cost however I want more. What I also have realised is that i just like being around the marina and find it a very relaxing and calming place to be, especially on a nice still day today. The issue with the rib is that, enjoyable as it is, it is really a case of going from A to B without actually relaxing on the boat in the marina, I think I would get a lot more enjoyment and spend a lot more time at the marina if I had a motor boat with more facilities.

So to my question - what boat?
Like many others I presume I have studied everything motor boat for the last three years and my choice of next boat has gone full circle many times from twin outdrive sports cruiser to flybridge, pilot house, quicksilver 855, axopar, merry fisher canvas, hardtop and everything in between, I really loved the Sargo/Botnia type boats for a long time but really they don’t look great for relaxing/entertaining. Reading the forum and listening to others I had convinced myself until very recently that an Antares 8 or merry fisher 925 on single shaft were the boats for me but having seen both up close in the marina, had a go on a Sealine S28 and also now that selling the rib and upgrading might be a reality, I have gone full circle again after having an honest think about my priorities.

- Budget will likely be around £70k give or take
- I am thinking around 30ft for ease of use singlehanded and berthing fees
- I think after the fast cruise of the rib I would struggle with 15-20 knots of the single shaft so want something capable of around 25 knots cruise
- very occasional fishing but nothing serious - I have only fished from the rib a few times as I don’t like the mess on the boat and prefer to actually go to another marina and get off then home again
- open air feel of the rib but shelter from the elements when required.
- accommodation for 2 adults and 2 5-9 year old kids to spend 3-4 nights max away in Scotland or iom.
- nice place to entertain 6-8 people max in marina
- good sea going boat, cruising area will be out of Belfast lough to Irish Sea or north channel, only heading out in nice conditions but able to provide comfort if caught out.
- I do prefer modern rather than classic aesthetics
- reasonable fuel consumption and maintenance costs (I know this can be contradictory with stern drives)
- I don’t yet know many people with boating interests and we don’t have any sort of sea start service so ability to be as self sufficient as possible is essential, i fitted a 6hp aux outboard to my rib which thankfully i haven’t needed

Taking all of the above into account and being honest about what I like and don’t like, I just can’t see past a twin stern drive sportscruiser at present, in particular the SC29 or S29. Although twin outdrives which I appreciate could be disastrous in cost if they go wrong and probably looking at an almost 20 year old boat, I think they will tick the most boxes for me and the design and aesthetics appear modern to my eye even after all this time. I also swore after the Aquador that I would never have canvass again but to me the S29 looks a totally different proposition with the increased head height/feeling of space and ability to roll the covers up into the radar arch.

So really what I am asking is if I am on the right track with my thoughts above and if anyone can suggest a suitable boat for me/offer any wisdom, even if taking a chance with older twin stern drives/possible d3 engines, would the s29 or sc29 give me close to the good points of the rib but also give me the accommodation and facilities I crave? What is a canvass sports cruiser like with diesel heating on - is it actually cosy or like being in a tent with condensation dripping over you?

Apologies again for the very long first post, I suppose it’s three years of lurking in one post but grateful and looking forward to all and any responses.


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6 Nov 2001
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Most of us have an idea of the perfect boat which will meet all our demands and in rare cases our budget, any internet broker site search usually ends in some impressive price bracket inflation, before you realise it the boats you are looking at have all suddenly amounted to twice your budget.
After owning one or two boats some uncomfortable (literally) real world problems start to surface and after owning and running enough boats to make up a small fleet you do tend to discover what you are not prepared to put up with, a couple appear in you post :)
While of course taking into account all the helpful and totally unbiased suggestions of this forum, would be very inclined to get in the car and go and look at everything and anything that takes your fancy, even some oddball stuff, something out there that you have not considered might grab your attention.
You will need to pile all your nearest and dearest aboard to discover if you can spend an entire day/week or not even a couple of hours on rainy cold wet day bouncing around , in their company and what about the odd guest or two every now and then. ?
As for the drive system you may not get much choice, just make sure you are not buying somebody elses problems.
On the long boating journey to squander money , pace and style initially tends to be a priority, experience proves that space trumps all.

Those who able to afford both tend to keep their boats in the sun kissed Mediterranean. :)

OGs first test.
How long does it take for the boat to stop wobbling from side to side after you clamber aboard .
The second, can you or your crew go safely to the front of the boat while underway. !
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17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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You don’t say if you have any berthing length restrictions but you might look at wat you get on say a 34 foot boat in terms of space etc compared to 29ft . If away for a few days are you looking for certain space requirements and don’t forget children grow etc. my only thought would be to find a boat with 2 separate sleeping cabins so you don’t have to convert salon area which has heating, diesel engine(s) . I assume you are not interested in semi displacemt vessels and want to speed along etc but as a brand Windy have a strong reputation. I think nothing better than getting to a new boat show to look at models even if out of your budget with the family to get an idea of their likes etc. you can then use this knowledge to look at older models.


21 Oct 2023
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Many thanks for the detailed replies both, some great points! I don’t have a length restriction as such other than increased berthing costs and more availability for 10m berths but for some reason I picture myself in a 30 footer, being honest it’s probably due to the fact I am moving up from a 6m rib so can’t picture myself managing anything bigger single-handedly but if I do trade up here I would like to stop looking at the next boat after that for a while and just enjoy it (if that’s even possible?) so will also look slightly larger as suggested with the fixed accommodation in mind, thanks again


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27 May 2008
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Every boat is a compromise - accommodation, galley, cabin space, aesthetics etc.

How long do you plan to keep the boat for?

Write down a list of priorities, must have vs nice to have then take it from there.

Keep us updated👍


21 Oct 2023
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I understand semi displacement will tick a lot of boxes in terms of sea handling, potential issues and maintenance costs, without doubt the sensible option but coming from the rib where I can blast to iom in under two hours on a calm day, my worry is that the slower speed will just disappoint


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13 Mar 2004
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‘What is a canvass sports cruiser like with diesel heating on - is it actually cosy or like being in a tent with condensation dripping over you?’

with heating on condensation not too bad as the canvas tent will let a fair amount of air in / out

hard top with canvas aft good combo imo

outboards likely to be less trouble / cost than inboard with outdrive - search this forum ;)


21 Oct 2023
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‘What is a canvass sports cruiser like with diesel heating on - is it actually cosy or like being in a tent with condensation dripping over you?’

with heating on condensation not too bad as the canvas tent will let a fair amount of air in / out

hard top with canvas aft good combo imo

outboards likely to be less trouble / cost than inboard with outdrive - search this forum ;)
Thanks Simon - I’m a big fan of outboards but there is only one marina with petrol nearby so I think it needs to be diesel


21 Oct 2023
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Every boat is a compromise - accommodation, galley, cabin space, aesthetics etc.

How long do you plan to keep the boat for?

Write down a list of priorities, must have vs nice to have then take it from there.

Keep us updated👍
Thanks Harvey, I am hoping to keep the next boat for a good while, until something in life prompts a sale or change (family losing interest, funds to trade up etc)


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6 Nov 2001
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Dull boring things to consider.
Choice might depend on wether the actual trip out and back at 25 knots , you hanging onto the wheel a wide grin on face but the "crew" grimacing and clinging on to something for dear life or what happens when you stop, which is 90% of the time on any boat. Which is more important ?
If the boat is kept any distance away could you spend the night aboard on arrival when the weather turns out to be c*** and the kids have eagerly been looking forward to the boat trip for a whole eternity of a week ?

Canopy Locked

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5 Dec 2006
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I understand semi displacement will tick a lot of boxes in terms of sea handling, potential issues and maintenance costs, without doubt the sensible option but coming from the rib where I can blast to iom in under two hours on a calm day, my worry is that the slower speed will just disappoint
Slower sped has lots of advantages and joys - for example in my old Mitchel 31 I could plod along at 15kts in a reasonable sea (auto helm on), walk around, make tea, carry said tea to helm seat, sit in comfort and drink. You can't do that in a planning boat at 25kts if you're having to hang on for grim death.

Having a rib and being able to blast about is great fun but the comments made by oldgit above are very true.

Don't discount a semi displacement type boat on shafts from the off!


9 May 2005
Another Planet
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A boat that ticks all your boxes apart from speed would be a Viki 32 if you can find one, cruising speed would be 13/14 kts
but, previously having had an aquador which would do 25, the slower speed and infinitely better seakeeping and comfort are better for the comfort and confidence of the crew.


21 Oct 2023
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Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply and for sound advice, I think as advised the best course is to get the family on a plane to England soon and set foot on some boats, including some more sensible, less sporty options.

Not sure if I can upload photos yet but have attached some of a blast out on the rib today, out to the maidens and back. It’s awesome being out in the open and close to the water on stunning days like this but they are sadly few and far between!

I will definitely update you in due course


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6 Nov 2001
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There has been some helpful debate on other forums with the conclusion that there should be no problems importing a boat from UK to NI as a result of Brexit.


21 Oct 2023
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There has been some helpful debate on other forums with the conclusion that there should be no problems importing a boat from UK to NI as a result of Brexit.
Yes no implications from UK to NI other than transport costs which I’m guessing could be up to £10k depending on boat size and location.

I also believe that, being based in NI, I am in the unique position of also being able to buy a VAT paid boat from Republic of Ireland or Europe without any VAT implications however boats in the Republic tend to be grossly overpriced, transport from Europe would be expensive and most of all I would worry about resale if UK buyers would need to pay VAT later


21 Oct 2023
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PHOTO-2024-07-14-14-48-18.jpgHello everyone, hope all is well. I am still boatless as expected funds haven’t arrived yet but hopefully will be in a position to buy soon, my Rib sold at the start of the year, it seems not having funds available was maybe a blessing as there seems to be much more choice and value available as time goes on, Covid fades away and cost of living crisis bites.

Just thought I would pop on to share some photos of an amazing 5 nights spent on the river Shannon with the family and pup.

We hired a ‘Horizon 1’ from Emerald Star/Le Boat in Portumna which is a more modern 11m flybridge with single engine, bow & stern thruster. We made our way up to Athlone and back, while the weather wasn’t perfect for much of the trip, the service and experience was outstanding. A truly beautiful part of the world with the friendliest people.

The trip reaffirmed my desire for a boat but also importantly was great to see the family and dog enjoyed the cruising lifestyle having only previously known short blasts out on the rib.

There were lots of hire boats on the river and even more privately owned cruisers, mostly Brooms, Haines and Birchwoods. I was surprised at how large most boats were with 40-50ft seeming most common.

Some observations:

- I was shocked at the lack of manoeuvrability compared to the rib, especially in reverse but we managed all docking and locks without any dramas, aided by my crew who did a great job.

- I was also shocked at how well some of the private owners could handle their boats in tight harbours, swinging a 50ft boat into a space which didn’t even look like a space with ease, definitely encouraging to see.

- we had originally considered something like a Sealine s28 or sc29 but I now believe these would be far too small for a family of 4 and a dog and I now think 10-11m is where I need to look.

- visibility was zero from inside due to windscreen shape and non-functioning demisters so I had to drive from the flybridge in all weathers, joined by the family when the rain stopped. I didn’t enjoy the rain and wind but did enjoy the peace when driving alone.

- I enjoyed the views out from large windows in the saloon, I know this is mentioned on the forum a lot and can agree however I didn’t find the saloon seating great for relaxing, it was the usual L shaped around a table, I did wonder would the chaise long and L shape seating of a sports cruiser be better in this regard with additional seating down below but I think I would be happy with the flybridge setup.

- I definitely like some speed and think i would prefer to cruise at 15-20 knots on the sea, while the scenery was breathtaking I did find the 5kmph monotonous at times, especially when the weather turned.

With all this in mind, I am currently leaning away from sportscruisers and outdrives towards an Antares 30 or Merry Fisher 10 as the next boat, while I don’t want to go viewing until I have funds in hand I can’t wait to get aboard a few and see if these are for us.


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