For Newbies and Lurkers Only




Just a little message to all the loads of you who have a look at this BB, but don't type anything. We (well, I anyway) would love you to post something. Anything.

We know you're there, cos there's a button which shows who's on line. At any one time half the viewers are registered but half of them don't post. The other half are unregistered so can't post anything. That means er 75% of viwers don't post.

To post you have to register. You don't need a boat. You don't even need to be thinkng of buyong a boat. You can use any name you like, a pseudonym. Praps don't call yourself Princess Diana if that's the name of your boat tho. You only have to have an email for getting the original password to log on, you probly know the drill.

If you have a boat, rattle about that, just with a Hi! as the title. If no boat, feel free to ask questions or (what you think might be daft) questions about them. V interesting to hear all about powerboaty things and views, specially for nosey parkers like me - and like you to else why wd you read this stuff?

So why haven't Our Great Leaders posted this? Well, see, firstly it'll look like they're laying down rules, and secondly it'll look like they are desperate! All golf clubs/accociations, for example have application forms, and seconds and all that stuff, just so it look like a nice exclusive club - even when they are desperate. By contrast, you can have a nice e-chair here and all comfy, with a free e-drink too!

Oh and you don't have to give out all the personal stuff, name etc if you don't want to.

Oh, and one final thing apologies if you know all this, and find this post a bit patronising, not intended. This is just an advert. I am only a lowly poster. And nosey about all the lurkers.

Go on then.


New member
10 Sep 2001
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That should do it Matts, reel them in make them think it's nice here and then hit them with a cover charge.

Seriously lurkers, don't lurk - contribute. I'd hazard that there is no one out there more likley to get it wrong or ask a stupider question than myself. Besides we need the posting to get ahead of the PBO forum...

Barry D.


New member
14 Jun 2001
almost but not quite Fleet, Hampshire
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don\'t belittle yourself Barry

some of your questions have verged on the intelligent of late unlike Matts who verges on the unitelligible!

I enjoy any postings on any of the forums as it makes me think about my boating and how I go about things and sometimes provokes me to ask questions as when are you getting a diesel boat? ;-)


New member
10 Sep 2001
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Diesel or Petrol

Well it's only cost about £330 to get from Bradwell to Eastbourne. I'm not going to factor in what it cost in bacon 'n eggs and booze <G>. However the conversion to diesel may happen sooner than I orginally thought, but you must remember that I have a £5 side bet with Dave S. that I will not chop MVII in before 1st November 2002.

AND moneys money, but as your a rich boat owner we'll charge double ;-)

Barry D.


21 Aug 2001
South East England
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smee the mad person............... go for it fill y boots.

post and be damned, you too will feel the daily pull towards THE FORUM. More essential than the first cuppa of the day. Advise freely given on all subjects from " what shoes should I wear today" right through to "what's this slippy thing do".

Watch out for the Kim person though he goes round eating young posts and turning then into politically correct ones. You've been warned. But fear ye not big Matt and Pauline B will see you safe to the other side. So go have a post, you know it makes sense. Which is more than I ever have.


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9 Mar 2000
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Re: A personal welcome

I would like to take this opportunity to especially welcome those of you in yellow shirts. Other colours are of course just as welcome, but like most girls i've got my preferences.

Suzanne xXx


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Finely tuned calcs

Cor blimey Barry you must be running a spreadsheet to the nearest farthing. Like you compute it's worth it to convert from petrol to diesel, then dang you have to add in that extra £5 fee to DaveS and now aaaaaargh that's tipped the whole balance the other way and now cheaper to stay petrol!


Re: petrol for surfing

i quite like it in petrol. Yes! the petrol seems more responsive to teeny changes on throttle just to get it surfing on the front of a wave. Excellent fun. Spose s atlantic needed for 40+ footer to surf. And are there any powered surfboardboats? I had a go at surfing but it's blimmin half an hour to get out and 1 minute to get in, like skiing before they invented trains or lifts


.............. and the advice is given by a person who hasn't filled in a profile. Is "Matt" short for "Matilda"?

:eek:)) Ian D


Active member
18 Nov 2001
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Re: petrol for surfing

Ye've nay tried coal? Jus' purrfect control. Takes a wee bit longer than haf an oor tae get warmed up but maybe ye and me, Jimmy, cd invent a big microwave to get her heated a bit quick, ken? Gie a job for the hottentot on yer stinkpot - swmbo's er name? - stoking the biler. She'll be warm and hae something to do. Mind, ye'll no hae ony bither getting a berth wi a they sparks oot the funnel, ken? Ye winna be populair wi a the raggies but ye'll be warming them when their sails catch light. An jus' think orra benefeets; fer one wi a that ash ye can cover the deck an stop the crew slipping an faaing ower the side. For anither, she'll no ken wi all that fug when I'm haing a sly fag.

Ah'm pickturing it noo, you steaming majestically doon the water.........

Jus sublime


Re: hah!

lots of newbies and lurkers turned up today! well, a few anyway.

Note to self/others: do not ever turn up to H parties late, or he will have locked the door and scoff all food himself.