fed up


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18 Nov 2003
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Fed up

Sounding off. I’ve had it. After ten years of working in a job I hate (education) I can stand no more. I cannot get out – age 34, degree in physics, represented uk in the London International Youth Science Fortnight (very few get chosen) I am still told that I am too old etc etc to do anything else. To see a gp in this country you are better off paying. Even if you can get an NHS gp, they are so fed up aswell, that they are as grumpy as hell. ANYWAY, my philosophy is don’t moan, do something. I want to try to sail away. I have only been sailing for 6 or seven years. Just sold my monohull cruiser because I want to get into multihulls. My experience is limited – most I’ve done is deliver a 65 monohull (as crew) in a force 8, but it was a run all the way and a lot under motor, so easy going. Have a family, so feel I need a lot more experience and confidence before I can take them out safely. THE QUESTION: Where do I go to get it? Will obviously have to pay. I am looking at this long term. I need experience, time to buy a small cat (Heavenly twins maybe as first boat – to test the live aboard life first). I am well educated and can fix just about anything. Some money saved, plus the house of course. Probably too safety conscious in so far as I think everything through and worry about it all so much that I don’t get to enjoy the sailing (that’s something I just have to work out and moderate and learn to balance) With 70 % of the world as sea, there has to be a better life than putting up with the cr_p on land. It has to be tried anyway, I can’t just sit here and moan. I am losing my soul in this drudgery.
Please, any advice welcome, even the ones who will tell me I’ve got it all wrong – perhaps you can put me on a different path.

Deleted member 478

The sooner you go, the better. My 15 months of cruising has been incredible.

Couldn't agree more about buying a cat, but I wouldn't touch a heavenly twins if you're gonna cross the big pond (or even Biscay). Don't know how much money you have but there are some incredible deals on cats in the USA.


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9 Jan 2005
Bristol Channel
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Oh yes - I can appreciate your prediciment - I'm 40 have 3 degrees (Chemistry, Psychology and Computing) + a MSc in IT management. I also work in education (FE/ HE + for a major inspection institution) -boy I am utterly fed up! My new timetable would make a mill owner from the Victorian era blush with shame.

Am now seriously concidering the same (but motorsailor or simerlar) just wondering what do you do with all the 'stuff' from the house that you don't want to sell?


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001

I think he's a poor person . . .

Just because you can afford a fat cat doesn't mean everyone can, and the HT has a very good rep as a poor man's multihull for serious cruising.

- Nick

Deleted member 478

I think he's a poor person . . .

Just because you can afford a fat cat doesn't mean everyone can, and the HT has a very good rep as a poor man's multihull for serious cruising.

- Nick

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't think that US$ 20k was expensive for a cat.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: stuff

chuck it in a skip. or if you must, a longterm storage facility. You can test how much stuff you need by putting lots of ornamenty things and pictures in carboard boxes and stashing them in the garage, especially easy if you ever move house. Swmbo never noticed, so i chucked the lot. Walls are a bit empty i'll grant yer...


10 Oct 2003
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My new timetable would make a mill owner from the Victorian era blush with shame.
scuse my ignorance but what do you mean by thois comment?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Update from stingo- sneak preview

" Sometimes the world only makes sense when we stop for a while. Or, in my case, stops for a while, and starts spinning in the opposite direction due to getting utterly ratarsed every night for several months, which has lead to some Very Bad Behaviour.

Amongst the very worst of my (printable) behaviour has been my ringing up tcm in the dead of night for no reason. I'm hoping that he's forgiven me, but in fact he hasn't, which means that at any time he might ring me - and the longer it goes on without him ringing the more agitated i become. Argh i can't stand it! I know, I'll sell the boat. More news soon. "


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9 Sep 2003
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I like the style of your protest, foreign areas still have problems though, and medical treatment is usually expensive abroad. However getting away for some years before it's too late is my ambition.

To get an idea of what I have been doing about it over the past decade or two have a look at my website and contact me if you feel like it.



Well-known member
27 Feb 2004
West London/Gosport
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One of the posters here has recently left. He finally could bear the rat race no more. He also had very little to show for his life except for 2 great sons and did not want to continue doing the 9 to 5 drudgery and paying a mortgage etc. At the age of 50+ he was very disallusioned, at a very deep low and in need of something drastic. it was now or never. He resigned from his job and booked a place on a yacht sailing out of Thailand bound for the med. The great thing is he finally did it. 2 years ago was his first introduction to sailing. However, when he flew a week ago he had to pay £170 in excess baggage. This as you can imagine raised a few eyebrows - where was he going to put that stuff on the boat he was joining but more significantly - was he ready to give up the old life style for his new 'back packing' type. I dare say that when I see him next he will say he can't believe he took all that stuff but the message is it is very difficult to let go.
For me - I love the idea of sailing off into the sunset but I suspect it can be a very lonely place. Stingo very rapidly decided that he wanted company (preferably female.) Finding the boat is easy, finding the right partner is not so.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I think that 34 is a bit on the young side for retirement. Change yer job, become a plumber or whatever. Every industy or profesion goes out of fashion, then it becomes drugery, then poorly paid and overworked. Been there many times.
Fruit and potato merchant. Tesco and AsDA did away with that. Drove trucks to Saudi, Kuwait, Baghdad. Roll on Roll Of ferrys did that in. Plastics business. Made loads out of that, but after 20 years, that became drugery and if carried on seriously, low pay and long hours. So rent property. So now I have income and little work. Mind the property thing is also knackered now, so think of some thing else!!


Hi Stingo,
Can you recommend a cat for crossing the pond, and where in US you mention they are available, a site would be fine.
Many thanks