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    • webcraft
      Santa Maria is a good landfall from Madeira, less than 500nm. It's a very pretty island with a fantastic marina.
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Orca attack.
      Your toy is plastic? Sorry, I thought it was steel. ~ We have as much right to be at sea as the orcas. ~ We have co-existed peacefully...
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Orca attack.
      Sailing between Lagos and Gib in the shallows is pretty straightforward, and we regularly cruise from Lagos to Ayamonte without crossing...
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Orca attack.
      The Orcas are certainly filling the bill of Devil quite nicely.
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Orca attack.
      No-one is ever going to be prosecuted for chucking a firecracker at an orca that is attacking their yacht. There would have to be a...
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Orca attack.
      Another yacht sunk last night. UK flagged boat. Un velero se hunde cerca de Barbate tras el 'ataque' de unas orcas
      • sunk.jpg
    • webcraft
      I would say that the only thing you can do is make it quite clear that if this is the only offer on the table you will make your own...
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Orca attack.
      Nothing so aggressive is necessary. Dozens of yachts have successfully repelled orca attacks using underwater firecrackers that can be...
    • webcraft
      webcraft reacted to capnsensible's post in the thread Friend overdue with Like Like.
      Good news! Must have been an adventure. Had unexpected things go wrong on longer passages a few times. It needs patience and...
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Friend overdue.
      That rag went out of existence in 2011, have you just emerged from a time capsule?
    • webcraft
      webcraft reacted to chrishscorp's post in the thread Friend overdue with Like Like.
      A friend who is doing a circumnav of the UK saw them come in and has photos of the alongside tow as they berthed him in the marina...
    • webcraft
      webcraft reacted to Tranona's post in the thread Friend overdue with Like Like.
      Good to here, and I hope a wee dram to settle him after his ordeal,
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Friend overdue.
      Any chance of a copy of those photos? I can pm you my email address.
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Friend overdue.
      And that's a wrap . . . the coastguard sent the lifeboat out to have a look and Bill was towed in the last few miles, now berthed safe...
    • webcraft
      webcraft replied to the thread Friend overdue.
      I don't know how you can say anything about his 'attitude' from anything I have posted. All I see is someone making their way to port...
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