Reptile Smile
Hi all,
Your thoughts on this would be gratefully received.
After going through 4 cheap boats in 3 seasons, I've slowly come to realise over time that the kind that over winter, I have a propensity for visualising the cruising I will be doing in the following year, including sailing to Ireland, France, sleeping on board lots with my wife, and other long-distance and residential type things.
This never happens.
What I actually need is to simplify and downsize. Something trailerable, and also workable on at home, would be far more use to me than something large. Almost all of my sailing is single-handed anyway. I'm thinking very much about a Wayfarer. I would rather like to return to a wooden boat, and I know that it's a faff launching and recovering, but I think for me it's the best compromise. A bit of Summertime camp-on-the-beach or in the cockpit is stil available, and I preserve the docile stability as much as poss. I'm no racer - I'm a single-handed resilient potterer. Over April-Oct it would be on my mooring, and over Winter it would be on a trailer to be worked on.
Some thoughts/questions:
1) Are electrics too much of a pain? I would rather like them for nav lights and electric pump. The problem is, if it stays on a mooring, it needs to have a cover, and then where would a solar panel go anyway?
2) I am no Frank Dye, and for me an outboard is essential - particularly in the Bristol Channel where I sail. What size? I have a 4hp two stroke - is that too big (and more importantly, heavy?)
3) Pie in the sky time - do such things as IP67 screens exist, such that I could connect one to a Raspberry Pi for OpenCPN? Don't know if anyone's used such a thing in an open day boat, and I accept it would be a lot easier to put my iPad in a plastic bag. Just wondering...
4) I'd really like to gaff-rig it, but it's largely an aesthetic thing. I've never sailed anything gaff-rigged. I just like trad lookng boats, and I like wooden sparss. Pointless expense, or fun to do for a thing of beauty?
Any thoughts would be gratefully received.
Your thoughts on this would be gratefully received.
After going through 4 cheap boats in 3 seasons, I've slowly come to realise over time that the kind that over winter, I have a propensity for visualising the cruising I will be doing in the following year, including sailing to Ireland, France, sleeping on board lots with my wife, and other long-distance and residential type things.
This never happens.
What I actually need is to simplify and downsize. Something trailerable, and also workable on at home, would be far more use to me than something large. Almost all of my sailing is single-handed anyway. I'm thinking very much about a Wayfarer. I would rather like to return to a wooden boat, and I know that it's a faff launching and recovering, but I think for me it's the best compromise. A bit of Summertime camp-on-the-beach or in the cockpit is stil available, and I preserve the docile stability as much as poss. I'm no racer - I'm a single-handed resilient potterer. Over April-Oct it would be on my mooring, and over Winter it would be on a trailer to be worked on.
Some thoughts/questions:
1) Are electrics too much of a pain? I would rather like them for nav lights and electric pump. The problem is, if it stays on a mooring, it needs to have a cover, and then where would a solar panel go anyway?
2) I am no Frank Dye, and for me an outboard is essential - particularly in the Bristol Channel where I sail. What size? I have a 4hp two stroke - is that too big (and more importantly, heavy?)
3) Pie in the sky time - do such things as IP67 screens exist, such that I could connect one to a Raspberry Pi for OpenCPN? Don't know if anyone's used such a thing in an open day boat, and I accept it would be a lot easier to put my iPad in a plastic bag. Just wondering...
4) I'd really like to gaff-rig it, but it's largely an aesthetic thing. I've never sailed anything gaff-rigged. I just like trad lookng boats, and I like wooden sparss. Pointless expense, or fun to do for a thing of beauty?
Any thoughts would be gratefully received.