Dogs on pontoons


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17 Nov 2006
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I don't dislike dogs, but when they lick me, my skin falls off, when they wander into my house or boat to investigate an interesting smell, I get asthma until I've cleaned it all down, and when I get dog shit on the carpet at home from my shoes, it sucks.

Thanks to the dog owners who train their dogs, keep them on a lead less than 30 foot, and clean up after them.

Bring back dog licences. As others have said, it's a big responsibility, both to the dog, and others who may be affected. Not everyone is cut out for such duty, and some should be barred.
Exactly, a realistic licence to cover collecting all those shitty plastic bags hanging everywhere and dog wardens etc etc Increased rates if you decide you need more than one mutt! Usual exemptions for guide dogs etc

Dan Tribe

Well-known member
3 Jun 2017
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I love dogs but usually think they are not compatible with the sort of sailing we do.
However, we once invited a Dutch harbourmaster aboard for a drink.
Before he could get aboard, his border terrier jumped aboard, did a quick tour of the deck, had a good look and sniff down both hatches, then went back to his human.
His whole demenour said "it's OK, I've had a look, seems safe".
That's the sort of dog I would like for a boat.


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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You are making the outlandish claim. Prove it.
My daughter, a Cambridge Veterinary post graduate, told me that when she was doing her studies.

Mr Google quickly finds these;

Decoding the Canine Mind | Dana Foundation.

Dogs and Humans Have Similar Social and Emotional Brains

How is the human brain similar to a dog's?

Dogs' Intelligence On Par With Two-year-old Human, Canine Researcher Says

have a go yourself, just type google at the top, then when the search box appears type in something like "dog v human brain" . Its quite a useful skill to learn.


Well-known member
13 Oct 2010
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Far from it

au contraire the structure of a dogs brain and yours is almost exactly the same. The basic difference is the amount of it .. to put it in very simple terms

You need to write a book. The world needs to know (in simple terms).

After the neuroscience text you can then write a legal text on giving dogs human rights.


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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You need to write a book. The world needs to know (in simple terms).

After the neuroscience text you can then write a legal text on giving dogs human rights.
That’s a bit of a stretch. I simply gave you some scientific fact and you don’t like it. Stop behaving like a toddler woof woof!

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