New member
As our boat is currently on the Severn and we are looking to head down to the Bristol channel via sharpness lock in a couple of weeks, I have spoken to a few other boaters who to say the least have not really enjoyed the experience but is it really as bad as some boaters make out? in only 3 weeks of boating from scratch we have already covered the whole of the severn and now think its time to tackle some tidal waters (well they do say ignorance is bliss)! From experience when is the ideal time to enter the channel and is there any need for a GPS system?
How bad can this stretch of water get? is it difficult to plot your way through the channel or is it mainly down to alot of common sense? ps any ideas of the cost of a Sharpness canal license?
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How bad can this stretch of water get? is it difficult to plot your way through the channel or is it mainly down to alot of common sense? ps any ideas of the cost of a Sharpness canal license?
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