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28 Mar 2018
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Re: The "Fleet"


Sorry I could not resist. This could be turned into a Carry On Film titled "Carry On Oddity". Unless someone has a better title in mind. ;)

Hehe you're not the first one saying that. I myself may have complained and threatened the heavens a couple of times already. But some detours are to be expected of course.
Worry not, we're well on course to be off course.


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3 Apr 2009
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Re: The "Fleet"

Plan B has not worked so far (Lotto) ...

Maybe the book sales and film rights will cover it.

I have to admit to joking about writing a book called The Magic Boatyard where an owner lifts for a quick anti-foul and is still there twenty years later having got divorced, sold the house and kids and become a boatyard liveaboard. The boat would have to be a wooden Windfall yacht called the Hans Castorp but I haven't worked out the rest of the details yet.


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28 Mar 2018
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Re: The "Fleet"

Maybe the book sales and film rights will cover it.

I have to admit to joking about writing a book called The Magic Boatyard where an owner lifts for a quick anti-foul and is still there twenty years later having got divorced, sold the house and kids and become a boatyard liveaboard. The boat would have to be a wooden Windfall yacht called the Hans Castorp but I haven't worked out the rest of the details yet.

LOL you got me laughing my head off, I know a couple that could fit right into that script and I’m hoping NOT to join that number. But hey we lifted for inspecting and now were already mast down and overhauling almost the whole boat.
I did make that joke saying that it would be a great script, I know one that really fits that description except on the number of years he’s been a liveaboard. I think 4 so far. He was telling me he was finally getting the boat in the water 2 months ago. Still there
The thing with selkie was that we bought her cheap with a good interior so we could use her as a wet caravan, what we did not realise at the time we bought her and was in how good a condition she is overall, it ended up being a good buy. After doing this “minor” refit she will be a Sailboat as opposed to a wet caravan. Were kind a liking that and its worth the extra delay just to get her not to her best but to a very good sailable condition. And that means a bit of sailing for us as opposed to just sail with others.
Besides that, I would never sail a boat that has been on the mud for 3 years abandoned without having her lifted and inspected. You know a “quick “ inspection of a couple of days that turned into a second week already going on 3.


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Re: The "Fleet"

Oddity - The Movie. Wow. Will it be a box office success? If the number of pages this thread has created and hits, it ought to be.

You do not need Lenny Henry as you can play yourself. Oh, you are already doing that. You may need to recreate the scene of the anchor locker, it should get a few extra laughs. No doubt there will plenty more like that, so keep the video rolling.


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28 Mar 2018
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Re: The "Fleet"

Oddity - The Movie. Wow. Will it be a box office success? If the number of pages this thread has created and hits, it ought to be.

You do not need Lenny Henry as you can play yourself. Oh, you are already doing that. You may need to recreate the scene of the anchor locker, it should get a few extra laughs. No doubt there will plenty more like that, so keep the video rolling.

To be honest we let the videos slip a bit as were flying like a bee from one place to the other and searching for stuff. Amazingly we had so many people come talk to us and ask to keep on making videos that I was surprised. I’m Odd to say the least, definably not OP and my Mom even said with a very serious look in her eyes and her hands on my shoulders “Son, you’re VERY special !” which at the time I took as a good thing. To say that I am surprised by all the attention is the understatement of the year.
Nevertheless, tomorrow we go sailing on a J95 delivery then we finish the videos, were working on 3 at the moment well post one either tomorrow or the day after. Ill post here.


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28 Mar 2018
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"Sweet Water Sailors"

Meanwhile in the real world, we get once more confronted by the weird ideas of people of all walks of life.

When we can, we escape our terrestrial shackles and enjoy the hospitality of the Kingdom of Neptune and its aquatic beauty and peace. That is until we get confronted by the never ending terrestrial invasion of creatures not prepared to be on the water.

As we’re coming into Chichester, I spot a large blue object in the water that I cannot identify, then a sailboat heading for it with crew holding a dan buoy and a horse shoe while showing a great deal of activity on deck, VHF and portable radios on channel 16 and no distress call made. Yet no M.O.B exercise on the water actually throws a dan buoy or holds a horse shoe in readiness when approaching a fender tied to a bucket. The “object” seems to be as large as a person and a bright light blue colour made of a material that the wind can cause rippling in its surface and as large as the torso of a man. We divert and monitor as they were indeed very close by that time, so if a real emergency we would be prepared to assist if required. Then the radio starts. Solent coast guard receiving calls from other boats in the area reporting a M.O.B. with a sailboat on course to assist. We reduce sails and look for first aids aboard etc. Next Solent Coast guard with an active EPIRB signal calls the boat by name and asks to confirm emergency.

What follows next.. I no not how to describe in proper words so bear with me.
First, they did not have the EPIRB activated since it was in its cradle still.
Second it was just a M.O.B. exercise they decided to make. And to make it more realistic they dressed something with an old jacket by the looks of it.
Third the Solent Coast Guard had to explain that the EPIRB call was received in Falmouth Coast Guard and the EPIRB was still active.

At this point we were “slightly “ peeved and not amused and decided to head to course and on home.
Not knowing how the Jack M.O.B. came out of the water (and no longer caring for the circus) we still heard the Solent Coast Guard (different male and not amused voice) ask them to advise how long they intended to “practice” the M.O.B. in the area.
I can see it all happen “ you press the EPIRB” and “CLICK” and without a thought of advising the Coast guard they were intending to throw something that actually looked like a M.O.B. in a real distress situation with boats all around them as far as the eye can see.
We were having fun sailing a J95 in good winds and nice seas, making some pics and video. We stopped to assist. As we do not partake in the view of filming or making pictures instead of concentrating in rendering assistance to a distress situation. All hands-on deck WILL be on the task.
So, I present you with our not so amused faces instead as we were leaving.

PS.- I “may” have referred to said sailors by something other then the word sailor. ( a “few” times probably)
PPS.- I may even have mumbled for a while ( something involving a head and toilet paper)




Happier moments of a beautiful day in the Solent
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28 Mar 2018
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Re: "Sweet Water Sailors"

My so-far very limited experience of Chi harbour is that just about every scenario imaginable is going on somewhere at any given moment... !

Yeah, it seems a very accurate statement. I’m guessing it has a bit to do with people not having any formal training and thinking that a bit here and there is enough to safely take a boat out in busy waters.


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SV Selkie fitout

VHF. – Both me and Phil have handheld ICOM IC-M71 and IC-M73 sets which we use for short range coms mostly with the dinghy or when we’re sailing on someone’s boat. But for Selkie we decided to go with an ICOM IC-M506 with GPS and AIS receiver.
It is a basic AIS, but the thinking behind it is that as we don’t have power generation on board we need to tone down on power usage and try to keep it as simple as possible. Before any other comments NO I would not take a boat out without a fixed VHF and mast antenna. MY opinion! I rather have tatty pillows and Tupperware and spend the money where it IS needed.
Selkie was a bit of a find, she is in overall very good shape hull and interior and the sails and mast in usable condition without a tear or anything else then a stich here and there needed. So, we ARE going to sail her.
I DO have some weird thoughts that I’m trying to contain at the moment involving those keels under her and inboard propulsion. BUT that’s not for now and. But I AM going to do some “small” alterations and other strange things to them. She’s the PERFECT testbed and subject for something I have been working on for some time.



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15 Jun 2015
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Re: "Sweet Water Sailors"

Where would you suggest that people go to practice Mob drills then? I happen to think that making it realistic with a dummy is a good idea. What isn't a good idea is to use a fender - I chucked one over the side and told my Son it was a MoB and he should go fetch, but a blimmin fishing boat picked it up brought it back to us. That was outside Fowey, so you wouldn't have seen us.

I do agree that they shouldn't have been playing with radio stuff though, unless CG were forewarned.


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28 Mar 2018
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Re: "Sweet Water Sailors"

Where would you suggest that people go to practice Mob drills then? I happen to think that making it realistic with a dummy is a good idea. What isn't a good idea is to use a fender - I chucked one over the side and told my Son it was a MoB and he should go fetch, but a blimmin fishing boat picked it up brought it back to us. That was outside Fowey, so you wouldn't have seen us.

I do agree that they shouldn't have been playing with radio stuff though, unless CG were forewarned.

I train everywhere as well, but actually only with a fender / bucket combination so the wind does not take it across to Canada. The problem was that doing it in a realistic way in the middle of a flotilla of other vessels without so much as advising the Coast Guard is not a bright Idea. I see something that looks like a real MOB and I head for it, no ifs no buts and all hands-on deck and ready to assist. If it is a real MOB time IS of the essence. They even triggered an EPIRB call and had no idea. I do see your point, a fender in the water and someone brings it over, but the alternative is being VERY unpopular for a while. The Coast Guard was really not amused. We were not amused and other boats I bet were also not amused.
Given a call to the coast guard to advise would have solved the all thing. That and NOT playing with an EPIRB. I bet all those that had the radio on and were not paying attention the moment they heard “Solent Coast Guard” and “ ACTIVE EPIRB CALL” immediately started paying attention and got the radio to max vol.

I also think that doing it realistically is the way to go to learn how to deal with hauling someone onboard that may not be conscious. But I do think that doing that needs the CG to be informed.
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Progress at last.

The FUN of a small sailboat refits no matter how small is a never ending procession of small phyric victories only to be where you started a moment later. But we keep calm and drink more tea and get on with it. After all Sailing is serious business and requires a cool head or a full pocket both of which I am in very short supply.
Today we finally got the keels ready for a base layer and undercoat. To be honest I have not yet decided which we are going to use. Had a bit of an epiphany while looking for a solution for the outboard bracket that due to the angle on the transom is off course unusable without some form of adaptation and most seem to go for the wedge approach and I am not very partial to such.
Been thinking about it for some time trying to figure out a solution that does not involve a wedge or fabricating another to correct the damned angle and while I was cleaning the seat (after I sat on it full of grit and dust from grinding) it occurred to me that the bracket need not be complicated at all, just needs two new Aluminium L bars with new holes drilled and a new offset hole to compensate the angle. I even allowed myself 15m on the shade that my wife cut short by calling me and asking If it was finished…
On the rudder.. (slightly getting peeved with the thing) the bronze casting will need repairs as it is looking .. very green and eaten ( by water rats I’m assuming) so its either welding the thing or getting a new one. Thought one. I should have some Helium rich Argon but the one I have is mostly empty and having to buy a bottle just for a small repair, well not really, so it’s either stainless or buying a new one. I’m thinking stainless.
But we’ll see.



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Re: Progress at last.

Greg, love your posts, please keep them coming.
Please don't take this as a criticism but you do remind me of a friend who lacked focus. Nothing wrong with that, he really enjoys himself in the moment and he is very good at starting things but has more problems finishing them
I understand you bought the new boat to use as a caravan so as to save commuting time and be able to spend more time working on the original boat. Do you think that is going to happen?
Having said that I can understand wanting to go out and sail and enjoy yourself, keep the posts coming


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28 Mar 2018
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Re: Progress at last.

Greg, love your posts, please keep them coming.
Please don't take this as a criticism but you do remind me of a friend who lacked focus. Nothing wrong with that, he really enjoys himself in the moment and he is very good at starting things but has more problems finishing them
I understand you bought the new boat to use as a caravan so as to save commuting time and be able to spend more time working on the original boat. Do you think that is going to happen?
Having said that I can understand wanting to go out and sail and enjoy yourself, keep the posts coming

Thanks, the other boat, Selkie, is going to be used as a caravan so we can advance faster with Oddity. What at the time we did not realize was in how good a condition she is. There’s also the fact that Phil can use her to gain more experience and confidence in his skills and that is worth the time we are taking to get her to a good condition overall.

Besides that. the Navy Commodore at my “palace” and kingdom (aka the wife) wants her ready to sail for a week around the Solent as it is something she always wished. To that effect I was summary summoned and cautioned of extreme displeasure episodes should the boat fail to be launched on the 13th at 12 o’clock high tide.
I sadly suffer from the opposite of your friend. Too much focus and tend to forget the world. But as in any project I’m at ease with the fact that there are always inevitable delays and detours. I just take it in stride… No worries I like criticism. And I’m not particularly touchy. Sometimes it helps to have clarity from the outside.


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Re: Progress at last.

Besides that. the Navy Commodore at my “palace” and kingdom (aka the wife) wants her ready to sail for a week around the Solent as it is something she always wished. To that effect I was summary summoned and cautioned of extreme displeasure episodes should the boat fail to be launched on the 13th at 12 o’clock high tide.
You've got a good one there if she manages a week on a 22ft boat. Is it just you and her or is Phil going too?

Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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Re: Progress at last.

Just think if you had invested what you have and what you think you will spend you could be sailing now without the need for a 22' caravan to tide you over.