If you can run to them the Kef 5.1 satellite speaker system would look okay in your Fleming and much better sound quality than Bose equivalents fitted to many boats. Just seen some in a new silver finish; as long as they'd stand up to sea atmosphere could be fun.
Check out the Panasonic LCD range; best screen quality I have seen so far from LCD and better than Sharp equivalent in my view...unless of course you'd like me to recommend a projector?!
In terms of what to drive it with are you trying to get 12V or can it be 240V units? If latter Pioneer DV-656A top draw multi-everything format DVD player for a reasonable (under 400ish?) price. That just leaves the amp, of which there are quite a lot of good buys at the mo.
Just spent about £3k-£4k for you on the spot but heh, what's that on a Fleming anyway /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
...the 98 seats with fold-up squabs and convenient pop corn holders just in case you happen to be weather bound in a harbour this year with an MBM Club fleet /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
We have Bose and Sharp, in the ceiling and a very good racket it makes too. I started investigating engine noises but it turns oout it was a film being played by the kids. If possible, I'd have the seat rattlers too for the helicopter landing scenes. Don't forget to have decent control of the noise from the TV itself for voice. The Phillips 40" seems ok. Loewe is secretly sharp I belive, and we have some of those, all ok.
...in Reading also although staff in there a bit secondhand car lot when relatives visited before Christmas so they fetched up in Sevenoaks HiFi next door.
Will Stirling is your man. He did a home-cinema-on-boats article about a year ago for another (non-boaty) mag. Oops, have I just grassed him up for moonlighting?
We went for a Sony DVD and home cinema kit, sounds incredible. 5 speakers and a sub. I've hidden the four speakers in all four corners (will mount them when I recover the walls) and a speaker by the TV, the sub is under the sofa which is fun when you get explosions etc. (I wonder what the fish think when we come booming through the water)
TV: We are running a cheap and chearful portable from tesco for now but when I refit the saloon a panasonic plasma is in order. (15in)
We bought a 42" Panasonic Plasma, Yamaha amp, Mordaunt Short speakers, and a Toshiba 220 multi region dvd, it's great but the bass frightens one of the dogs so we don't get the full effect at the moment. The only problem is the cables, not the speaker cables but all the scart and component ones.
We went to "Richer Sounds" in Reading because they had the best price on the Yamaha amp recomended by "What HiFi", I happened to have prices on the other kit from web sources, "Bargain HiFi" and "Go someting or other", and they matched those and supplied the whole nine yards at a very good price. Ask for Toby!
Don't know that any of that has a relevance for marine use...
Funny thing was we thought 42" would look too big, but actually it's right back against the wall and doesn't look intrusive at all, we should have gone for 50"!!!
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.allgadgets.co.uk>http://www.allgadgets.co.uk</A>
go away, guilforth is my patch and the panasonic guy sneezed in my face before Christmas when I asked him for a multitype lcd tv - he said panasonic don't make them. I told him he was a daft bugger and went to boots to get some disinfectant
The alyooshon comes with Bose speakers and a sub normal woofer under the seating, which vibrates and stimulates. I can't fault the Bose system, the sound is great. I bought a 21inch Sharp LCD tv for the saloon and now that I have worked out the controls the sound is good but with hindsight I should have chosen a different/bigger tv.
First question is do you want plasma (big flat screen jobs), LCD (little flat screen) or CRT (normal telly)? If mounting on a flat surface then Plasma/LCD obvious choice. If in a corner then CRT OK.
Loewe (prounced Luurve) sell awesome 42 inch Speros Plasma @ £10k plus or much cheaper 38cm FL38 LCD. CRT you have to go for 32inch Aconda or Vitros.
Phillips also highly respected but must be Pixel Plus (28 or 32 inch widescreen).
Lots of other LCD's and Plasmas which have fallen in price dramatically over the past two years.
Sony also good allrounder, particularly the Home Cinema in a box, that may make sense on the boat.
I'd also go for the same manufacturer for the TV, DVD and surround sound. That way you can operate each from the others remote control. This is very important if the components are houses behind solid doors, for example on my Loewe you can operate the video through the TV.
Where to buy? Get a price off the net and try and get John Lewis or Audio T to match it. Alternatively pay by Barclaycard who will also price match.
For real expert advice go to the very active forum WWW.AVFORUMS.COM.
Boat Cinema??? Bl**dy hell what ever next? Boat bowling alley? Boat Pool or Billard table? how about a croquet lawn? or Boat tennis court?
Does anyone know of a good supplier of 'One upmanship' tablets??
Get yourself down to Comet or Dixons and buy a 52 inch or 57 inch Sony TV &
DVD ,have it delivered because they are bloody heavy. Mount it in front of the aft patio doors and then you all sit in the tender about 4 or 5 metres astern to watch it as you don't get the benefit of the max wraparound sound or the full effect of the large screen if you watch it close up, works a treat. Jaws II on DVD is well recommended viewing by this method.
I have Mirage speakers which are quite small and far, far better than Bose. I believe they are from Canada and were reviewed by the mags: