Well-known member
When you buy a product, the seller ( or manufacturer) must guarantee her against hidden defects .
The implied warranty applies regardless of the property purchased irrespective of the vendor (professional or private individual ).
You have the choice between two solutions or keep the product and ask for a price reduction , or return the product and request a refund of the price paid and the costs arising from the sale.
If the seller knew the defect of the product you bought (or in the case of a professional ), it must , in addition to refund the price you pay damages.
Not sure what law you are attempting to quote there, but that is not the law in the UK. If the seller is private there is no warranty unless it is specific to the contract. In the case of your boat the supplier has to be given the opportunity to make good the defect. Further, it is unclear in your case (from what you have told us) whether the defect was there from the beginning or whether the damage was caused by some event after the boat left the factory.
Perhaps you can enlighten us further on these points?